
Chapter six

Aubrey's POV

(Three years later)


“Nooodroppingey yelled simultaneously with him their eyes still stuck on the TV, “Oh mummy just one hour more”.

I chuckled at Shannon sharp wits, I had earlier on told her that daycare was starting in an hour’s time so she was throwing my words back at me.

“Common, it's breakfast guys…you asked for pancakes”.

“Pancakes and eggs mummy!” Rory yelled and upon raising my head I could see that there were still stuck on the TV with no plans of joining me at the dining.

“Shannon, Rory, Jayden!” I drawled as I flipped the pancakes into their respective plates.

I checked the time and frowned, there was no way I was going to make it to the office in time, this kids won't even let if happen.

“But baby shark…” Shannon cooed trying to patronize me but it definitely wasn't going to work now.

“Baby shark can wait Shannon, mummy has to go and so do you” I pleaded before moving next to the TV.

“Uh oh” Rory said tugging Shannon, as though he was urging her sharp mouth to say something.

“Mummy..” my meek son called as he tapped on my legs softly, “yes Jayden”

He raised his arms urging me to lift him up but this just wasn't the time, despite how cool the weather was, I was damn hot and sweaty with all the running around.

“Can we do this later baby? When I'm taking you to daycare” I cooed causing him to whimper in response and just as I moved to catch Shannon who thought it best to climb on the table.

Thinking it's a game, Rory and Shannon immediately started running around the house squealing, “You can't catch me mummy”

“These kids would be the death of me!” I yelled as I chased Shannon alongside Rory.

They were both squealing while Jayden sat down at the corner of the room crying that I give her a piggy back ride.

“Uhhh mummy you are just too slow!” I heard Rory tease as ge stood at the other end catching his breath.

“Yes mummy, you don't catch me”.

“How many times does mummy have to tell Shannon that it's ‘you can't catch me’ and not 'you don't catch me'”

She laughed in ignorance before saying, “You can't catch me mummy”.

She was right, damn this children were as fast as flash.d no mummy is just warming up” I said while trying to catch my breath.

If only Hayden was here then maybe having to deal with them wouldn't have been this difficult.

It's been three years since the incident and I had found out that I had been pregnant as at when I had escaped from my pack. 

We dared for a while and I think I had accepted him because I owed him for his hospitality.

He didn't leave though, he was with my through my pregnancy because damn was it hard carrying these three and funny how we didn't know until the day I borthed them.

“If you don't stop running, I'll tell Aunty Layla not to come you won't be coming over after school to play with Jamie”.

“Aww mummy, that's so mean” Shannon and Rory said simultaneously while Jayden quieted down while I picked him up.

I met in Layla in school, after I had just found out j was pregnant, she was there for me admist my pregnancy stages especially when Hayden had to travel out for business.

“Will we see Auntie Layla if we be good?” Rory asked meekly and when I nodded, they excitedly ran to the dining and sat down.

“What about Uncle Hay?” Alex meekly asked as I sat him down.

“What about him?”

“Well he's been done for so longgggg!”

“Eat now and maybe uncle Hayden would stop by and say hello tomorrow” I whispered and they squealed before digging in.

Fun fact was that we leaves together but not together, I had initiated moving out after our break up and the triplets birth but he pleased that the wanted in their lives.

He agreed that if living for free didn't go well with me then I could start paying rent which I wasted no time in agreeing with.

It brought a smile to my lips whenever theie eyes shone in delight at the mention of Hayden, they all adored him and sometimes called him dada.

While spending time with him, I had found out that he had a fiance that had died by suicide with was quite sad but it made me understand why he was so protective of me.

He had helped me complete school where I became a doctor in his hospital, he even made me the managing director whilst he moved over to the pharmaceuticals.

Thankfully, does to the act that I had studied medicals back at the pack, the knowledge here had made me complete university in three years than six.

I owed him more than I could tell, who would believe that the girl who was once a maid back at the pack , betrayed by her people was now a doctor and managing direvtir if the one of teh biggest hospitals in tge world to too tahg the motger of these three naughty kuds

My phone rang and I picked upon seeing the caller I, “I'm guessing mg munchkins are responsible for making you run late today”.

“Yes Auntie Layla, indeed Shannon, Jayden and Rory had been naughty and refused breakfast”

“Oh mummy I'm almost done with meline” Rory yelled while Shannon struggled to protest with food in her mouth.

“You won't be coming in?” She asked with a chuckle.

“Just a little bit late and I'm guessing you don't want to see my babies anymore neither does Jamie?” 

“Stop toying with my babies” she warned before agreeing to cover for me.

“Mummy that was so mean” Jayden said softly as he continued eariung seemingly untouched.

“Yeah mummy, you are a rat!”.

With a chuckle, I packed up my bags and theirs alongside their lunch boxes before we noisily left the house with em trying to control my kids and then trying to prove stubborn.

After tucking them in, I finally said “Auntie Layla would pick you up today and you would be sleeping over if you are in your best behavior”

Ignoring their whoops, I drove to school and after dropping them off, I went to the office.

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