
A sex dream?


My eyes fluttered open, and I found myself staring into the eyes of a very amused Aaron.

Hey !

Why the hell was he watching me sleep?

I discovered that my hands were around my vag and I quickly pulled it out in surprise wondering what they were doing there.


Was I touching myself while I was asleep?

Oh dammit! I was actually dreaming about Aaron now that I remember. What the hell?

His lips twitched in a knowing smile, and I could feel my cheeks flush with embarrassment even before I fully grasped what had just transpired. My heart raced as I sat up in bed, struggling to form coherent thoughts. "Uh, good morning."

Aaron's laughter was warm and infectious, his eyes dancing with mirth. "Good morning, indeed."

It was then that realization hit me like a ton of bricks. And by the amused glint in Aaron's eyes, I could tell that he had somehow gleaned what had transpired in my sleep.

Clearing my throat awkwardly, I stammered, "I-I... What were you...?"

Aaron leaned in
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