
Chapter 71: Revelations Part 1

Chapter 71: Revelations Part 1

Brandon’s P.O.V

My knuckles turned white as my fists tightened on the steering wheel, my eyes narrow with the intensity of my thoughts. I found myself grappling with a whirlwind of emotions, struggling to make sense of the chaos that just descended upon my life.

“How the hell could this have happened?” I muttered to myself, my words heavy with confusion and frustration.

I drove aimlessly, one seemingly unfamiliar street after another, as I navigated through my mind, consumed by thoughts of the past I so desperately wanted nothing to do with. I felt anger course through me, something that burned away at any reason and logic. A bitter laugh escaped my lips as I remembered the woman who had become both the source of my affection and the catalyst for this catastrophe.

Her family had shattered my own, and they left behind scars that continued to haunt me to this day.

“What kind of sick fucking karma is this?”

A bitter kind of anger consumed me, its intensity
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