


We made sure to convey Jordan to the hospital as fast as possible and now the doctors just had him rushed to the operation room while we wait. Both Lucan and I stared at each other wordlessly, the situation at hand not only heart breaking but scary.

I slumped down on the seat behind me, palming my hand together as I fumbled with my thoughts.

Tears are still streaking my eyes, my head lost in an endless wheels of emotions as I kept tapping my feet against the floorboard. This shouldn’t be happening, I don’t even know if he’s still breathing in there, darn it.

“Now what do we do?” Lucan asked from beside me as he let himself down next to me on the seat.

I shrugged, having littlest to no knowledge of what on earth we were to do in this situation.

I’m so scared right now. What if he dies?

“Whoever did this should be ready to die alongside if anything happens to him.” With my teeth gritted together, I fumed.

It’s now minutes into midnight, and I can’t just leave Jordan here alone
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