
Chapter forty four: through the eyes of Kaden

"I'm sorry Mr Leighton But I have to terminate the contract too, this company seems like it's crumbling to dust and I don't want to incur a loss," Mr Templeton said and just like their other three investors, he too got up from his seat and without giving the Leightons a chance to speak, walked out of the conference room.

Eric Leighton sighed in frustration while Lord Leighton just gave Kaden a  murderous look saying,

"My company is crumbling to dust all because you were more focused on saving your wife rather than making sure that everything is running smoothly!"

"Grandfather it's nothing like---"

" Don't you dare talk back at me!" Lord leighton commanded and Kaden lowered his head, going completely mute, " investors have withdrawn all because of you! We are facing many losses, our finances have decreased by 30 percent all because you didn't focus on what's important!

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