
Chapter 2

Alessandro Moretti

“Do you feel okay sir?” I adjusted the pillow for my grandfather, Charles Moretti again.

“Yes, I do” he answered, followed by fits of coughs. I helped him sit up so he could drink water. “Thank you, Sandro” he whispered. I smiled with a nod.

“You’re welcome, sir” I looked at my frail-looking grandfather and sighed.

He is getting as weak as he looks as the days go by. I didn’t realize I said it out loud.

“Sandro my boy, I am not a weak old man. I am strong” he tried to joke but he coughed again and waved me off when I stood to help him.

“The pneumonia really shook you, old man” I laughed, trying to lighten the mood. My mood mostly.

I don’t want to lose my grandfather. He’s the closest to a father I have. My dad is never here and mum just makes matters worse for herself and everyone she comes across.

He side-looked me and then chuckled lightly. “Wait, till I am strong enough to kick your butt”

I laughed and it sounded genuine then held his hand. “I will be waiting for that day, grandfather”

A knock came to the door. I told the person to enter and the maid came in.

“The chef, Lady Vic hired is here and ready to work,” she said like she was a robot who had those words programmed in her.

“Tell him to get the first meal ready and bring it here” I dismissed her.

“I would inform ‘her’, sir” she emphasized on ‘her’ and then left the room.

I sighed.

“Scared of having another lady in the house?” Grandfather inquired. A hint of playfulness in his tone. I shook my head.

“I would prefer if Mum got a guy instead” I cleared my throat. “They are more efficient and wouldn’t mess things up,” I told him.

My grandfather hissed and adjusted himself on the bed. He looked at me expectantly.

“When are you getting married?” the question caught me off guard and I was wishing his he wouldn’t ask me this again since that was the argument, we had which strained him and led him to the hospital.

Doctor’s word.

I stood up, knowing the best way to change the topic and get out of this question. I adjusted the blanket on him properly and then stood tall on my feet.

“You need your rest grandfather, I will come back to check on you when the chef comes to bring your food,” I told him “Take rest, sir” I kissed his forehead and turned to leave but he grabbed my hand.

“Do you want me to die before I know who my grandson would get married to? I want to know my great-grandchildren too. I want to see them. I want to know the fine, respectable lady you would end up with. I want to be assured my grandson is in good hands” Sadness was evident in his eyes as he spoke those words.

I didn’t like the idea of marriage. Mum and Dad’s marriage is a template of how bad an idea marriage is.

I am a focused businessman and I don’t need all those marriage, relationship, or women problems in my life.

“Grandfather let’s talk about this later” I tried to dodge it but he didn’t want to let it go.

“Will you be ready after I die?” he sounded sad when he asked.

My heart clenched at the thought of losing him.

“You will not die grandfather,” I told him.

He chuckled and it was followed by fits of coughs. “Look at me,” he smiled “I am weak and frail. It was a miracle I survived pneumonia” he pointed to himself “I am a strong man from a great descendant in Italy but there’s a little this old man can take” he coughed.

“You’re stressing yourself grandfather and you will not die. We will get through this together” I held his hand and squeezed it comfortingly.

He didn’t say anything and just closed his eyes. I watched him for a moment and thankfully he was breathing. I wanted to ask if I should lay him down so he could rest for a moment, then he spoke.

“Give this to me as a birthday gift” he whispered, still closing his eyes. “Introduce me to your wife and let me be at peace that you’re in safe hands.”

I shook my head. “I can’t lose you, grandfather. You’re too precious to me for me to let go” I placed my other hand on the back of his palm. “I will bring you a wife and we all will be happy and live long together” I kissed his palm and held his hand as I watched him rest.


Isabelle Campbell

I am happy. Elated even.

I checked the meal I was making again then opened the two-door fridge to get the frozen chicken out.

I got the job and I wouldn’t lie, this is the fastest job I got hours after applying. When I received an email from the Lady who refers to herself as Lady Vic, I thought it was the usual rejections I got from other listings.

I was also surprised that I got the job when I didn’t meet the majority of the qualifications stated there.

“It’s GOD’s favor” the soft voice of my mum echoed in my ear and I smiled.

Mum might not be devout to a religion but she taught me and brought me to believe in GOD because he’s the maker of all things good and he brought this great job to me.

“I can finally pay the bakery money or instead buy it” The latter idea made the grin on my lips broaden and I danced as I cooked the food. I was in a superb mood and there was nothing in this world that could change my mood or take this smile off my face.

I served the food on the plate on the counter, took the orange juice which was squeezed with the help of one of the maids, and a glass cup all on the tray I would serve the master of this house.

“I hope he’s nice” I prayed then carried the tray to his room. “Down the hall and the large brown door to your left,” I repeated in the same direction the maid told me earlier when I asked.

I stood by the door, closed my eyes, took deep breaths in, and let it out slowly to calm my nerves.

“Let him be nice please, let him be nice” I muttered then knocked on the door. “No pervert also, no perverts,” I said remembering my former employer. Disgusting.

I raised my hand to knock again but stopped when the door opened to a face, I wish I wouldn’t have to meet again.

As if the blood in my veins froze, I stood there, shocked with my heart beating fast and hard. My hands felt like jelly and I didn’t know when the tray fell from my hold.

My only focus was on the arrogant prick who cost me my job yesterday, and who is now standing in front of me.

When realization kicked in, my eyes went wide like saucers and my heart dropped.

He’s the master of the house.

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