
Chapter 3

Isabelle Campbell

I am heating the remaining food I made to give to Mr. Charles after I destroyed the first meal by letting shattered glasses and the floor mix with the food.

I am an idiot. I wanted to bang my head so hard on the wall for my stupidity.

“Why didn’t I do my findings before accepting the job?” I slapped my forehead and hissed when the assaulted part stung.

I was humiliated and lost my job because of that prick, only to come here and work for him. No, I work for his grandfather, the old sickly man I prepare food for. I felt some kind of relief when I realized that arrogant fool wasn’t the one I would be cooking for.

I might sound dramatic, but that man is bad-behaved, and spoilt and thinks everything can be handed to him because it’s true. He’s born to this wealth but that didn’t give him the right to downgrade me the way he did yesterday.

“I hope you’re not dim” his words from earlier as he helped me carry the tray from the floor bounced in my head.

If I wasn’t at fault, I would retort but I had to keep quiet. I was in the wrong.

I thought my day would play out right and okay but this just made everything sour and now I am reconsidering leaving because I can’t stand this idiot.

“Why GOD? Why? Why didn’t you give me a sign to let me know I was getting into a trap?” I almost cried.

‘A very attractive and enticing trap’ my mind teased as I remembered the benefits I would get from this job.

I switched off the stove and packed the food properly then composed myself so I don’t freak out and leave before I serve this man. Even if I leave now, I just want to make sure to serve him because it’s not his fault and he shouldn’t be left hungry for the sake of his grandson.

I took in deep breaths, held it in for a moment then let it out slowly. I’m leaving after this.

I carried the tray with shaking hands. I am not anticipating going inside the room.

“What if he says something absurd and I hit him on the head with the tray combined with the food and juice in a combo?” I muttered to myself but pushed that thought away.

I will do my job, get a good recommendation if possible, and leave for another job even if I will have to struggle to make ends meet.

I stood in front of the door for the second time today and looked down at the sparkling floor. I was impressed with how fast the maids cleaned the mess up. I raised my fist and knocked on the door, no answer. I knocked again and still no answer.

I opened the door a little to peep. I saw the older man, reading a book with the large bedside lamp shining on the book. I made my entrance inside and stood by the door for his command.

The man’s kind eyes found mine and they shone in excitement. “Come on in, don’t be shy, dear” he gestured for me to come and I walked towards him.

“I am sorry for earlier” I apologized as I helped set up the bed table he’ll use to eat. “I sometimes get jelly hands” I confessed. ‘Especially when you’re shocked or angry’ my subconscious added.

He waved his hand and chuckled lightly.

“It’s okay” his voice sounded friendly and welcoming. “Everyone makes mistakes dear” he smiled at me and I couldn’t resist not returning the smile.

He had an infectious smile. How he looked. Even when you’re in a bloody mood, the smile in his eyes can change all that.

‘Why can’t his grandson be like him?’ I asked myself and heard him chuckle. It was followed by a little cough and I gave him the water by his bedside table for him to drink. He smiled.

“Sandro is a good kid” I frowned when he said, “You thought out loud” he mentioned and my mouth went wide.

Shit, I messed up again. He’ll probably not think good of me, now.

“I didn’t…”

“It’s okay, I wouldn’t tell” he winked and I chuckled. “My grandson is a good kid, he just…” he stopped to think for a while then he started eating the food. “I know he’s a good kid. He just doesn’t like to show himself to people that much” he smiled and then looked at the door as if in thought. “They hurt him, really bad but my Sandro is strong and wouldn’t let them win” he looked proud of him.

I now understand this Nigerian song I heard some weeks ago. It was interpreted to me as ‘Another man’s food is another man’s poison. A monkey isn’t attractive but his mum still loves him’.

His behavior is very dislikable but his grandfather takes pride in him. I don’t like his grandson but I like him. He’s the one I am working for, maybe I might just stay and be happy with having a good and nice boss.

But I would have to rethink my decisions if I would be seeing this Sandro guy often.

I stayed with him till he was okay and done eating. We talked in between and shared stories from how we grew up then I helped him lay down after some time.

I smiled as I washed the dishes and cleaned up the kitchen.

Maybe this job would turn out to be good for me. I’ll just keep that douche aside and avoid him at all costs.

After I was done with the last of the dishes, I placed the spoon in the drawer and then hung the towel on its rack. I look at the clean kitchen in satisfaction then turn around to get my bag so I can get going.

I jumped when I saw Mr. Arrogant leaning on the counter with his muscly arms crossed. My heart rate picked up a pace because I was startled by his presence. ‘How long has he been there?’

He didn’t say anything, just stared at me which was making me uncomfortable. He is handsome, no doubt but I don’t want to have another unfortunate encounter with him. The last thing I want now is to get kicked out of the job I planned to leave at the very sight of him.

“I see my grandfather likes you” he comments.

“He’s a nice and accommodating man” I smiled.

‘Unlike you’ I wanted to add but stopped myself.

He stood straight and let his hand fall to his side. He moved closer to me by a step then stopped.

“I have a proposal for you,” he didn’t have any emotions on his face when he spoke. “Be my girlfriend” he said.

No emotions, nothing. He said it as if he was asking a friend to cover up his shift. He didn’t ask, he told me, like he was commanding me. How he said it and what he said irritated me.

My face scrunched up in disgust for him and his bad manners. This guy needs to be taught how to talk to people.

“Uh, what?” I’m sure my face displayed the confusion I’m experiencing currently.

“Be my girlfriend, easy. Just pretend we’re in love or that nonsense, appear with me to some events and after three months, we break it off. I tell my family you’re just after my money just like my ex and they can leave me alone since I would be heartbroken” he explained and shrugged at the end of the sentence.

‘Is he seriously asking me this question?’

“I am after your money?” I said the first word that entered my head after trying to process his ridiculous request. He tried to hush me because my voice rose an octave “Don’t hush me” I slapped his hand from my face “Who the hell did you think you are?”

It was a rhetorical question.

“The owner of a very successful business who’s giving you an offer that’s going to change your life for good, right?” he answered, no emotions on his face.

That irked me. My left eye twitched, my lips quivered, my palms formed a tight fist and my left leg had the urge to kick his shin.

He didn’t stop there, he kept talking and my anger just rose as every nasty word left his lips.

“Look, I know you took this job because you’re in dire need of money. I don’t know exactly what you need it for but I know the money is important to you and this pay wouldn’t be enough to source out what you want. I am giving you this chance because my grandfather seems to like you,” he looked from my face and down to my body like he was assessing me “You seem okay to look at, just need a better wardrobe change which I will take care of and your hair could be let down. It looks better that way” he shrugged.

He freaking shrugged. Like he was talking about the weather or a friendly soccer match between two clubs.

I was too speechless to say anything and he continued “It’s an easy job, I mentioned all you need to do earlier but if there’s more, I’ll let you know. You’ll be heavily compensated for the job, and if you do it well enough, you’ll get your rightful bonus” he grinned, showing his perfect white teeth. But his eyes held no emotions.

“Okay, to look at?” the words that registered in my head came out of my mouth. “Do I look like an escort to you?”

He tilts his head to the side. “Well, I don’t need any sexual service from you. You’re not my type”

And that was it. He didn’t need to say anything else and I didn’t have the power to stop my palm from connecting with his cheeks. The slap was resounding, I think the security at the gate would hear it.

I didn’t care if I lost the job I have come to like and would have to start over again, I don’t care. I need to be where I am respected and not treated as trash because the billionaire’s son wants something from me.

I hate this and I hate him for talking to me like I am trash.

My eyes were clouded with tears and his figure was blurred because of the tears that filled my eyes, I wanted to scream hateful words at him but my throat was closed and no words could escape, so I turned around and scurried out of the kitchen, out of the house and out of that mansion.

Isabelle, you’re doomed.

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