
Chapter 9

Isabelle Campbell

We got to the mansion under thirty minutes and he parked outside the garage in the compound.

Alessandro helped me with the door and we walked hand-in-hand towards the main entrance.

“Remember, don’t freak out when I wrap my arms around your waist” he whispered. I nodded and tried to calm my senses.

I still have to get used to this whole arrangement of a thing. It’s just too new and too soon. I thought we would have to wait for some days, a week or two before we do the proper introduction but he wanted it to happen quickly so that everyone could mind their business. His words.

“I am nervous about this.” I voiced my fears, and he stopped when we got to the front door. He turned to look at me and I did the same. “I know I have seen your grandfather so many times, but it’s different this time”

He shrugged. “I don’t see a difference”

“We are going in there as a couple” I widened my eyes.

“He already has a clue of what’s between us, I am sure you know already, except you’re an insensitive kind of pe-” he stopped himself when he noticed me glaring at him “he knows, and it’s just like acting. Just let it play out and don’t freak out. I don’t want him thinking I forced you into this” he mumbled the last part under his breath.

He opened the door and waited for me to enter first. I told him he didn’t have to be a gentleman since no one was around. He confirmed that his mum was definitely watching us and could tell if we were faking it.

“You’re scared of your mum?” I asked when he walked me to the kitchen first and helped me sit on the counter while he went for a glass of water.

“I am not scared of her.” He replied after handing me the water. “I just don’t want her to give me a girl I don’t want to marry” he placed each hand beside me, while he watched me sip from the cup.

I was suddenly conscious of myself and how I was drinking the water. ‘Is there an etiquette to drinking water also?’ I asked myself and tried to drink the water in little sips and not gulp it like I got lost in the desert.

I wanted to ask a question but I mistakenly swallowed a painful gulp of water and I think it entered the wrong pipe because I started coughing profusely.

I held my neck and bent when he moved away from my front as I coughed. He helped me to my feet and kept patting my back till I was able to cough out the water that was stuck.

I couldn’t look at him because my cheeks now burn in embarrassment. I think I coughed on his face. He must be really irritated by that.

“Are you okay?” he asked. I nodded and walked away from him, obviously still embarrassed. “You’re sure?” I nodded again and took out my phone to check the meal I should prepare for his grandfather.

I took the apron from its hanger and wore it. I took a glance at him and he was frowning at me. I ignored him and went to the fridge to bring out the ingredients.

He held my wrist when I reached to take the knife to start cutting the onions.

“What are you doing?”

I frowned this time and raised an eyebrow. “Working?” I asked the obviously “I have work, remember?” I wriggled his hold off my wrist and grabbed the knife. I started peeling off the onion skin and then putting it in the sink.

“Don’t you think it’s weird you’re dating me and working for me?” he asked.

I turned to look at him, the knife pointed at him. “I don’t work for you” my tone stern as I said those words. He was going to say something but stopped himself. I shook my head and went back to what I was doing “I work for your grandfather” I completed.

“Still same. You’re under our paycheck. don’t you think it’s best you don’t wor-”

“And you pay me again to be your bimbo?” I asked in annoyance. I was facing him now, my eyes held anger. “You are already making me feel useless, like I don’t have something to do”

“I didn’t say that”

“Your words are” my voice rose above his.

We stared at each other, the tension rising in the air. I sighed and looked away from him. I put the knife down and let out another sigh.

“I don’t want to be subjected to your beck and call, just because you’re paying me for a job and because I need the money badly.” I side-looked at him. I couldn’t see any emotions on his face, he was just staring at me.

“I am not trying to take your independence from you. I said that when we went over our contract. I know you’re a strong-willed woman and this is only a phase, I am just more like a helping hand to you in your most difficult situation. I only asked because I didn’t want my mum thinking low of you when she realize you’re still working for us and dating her son” he explained.

I suddenly felt stupid for blowing at him. He was only trying to be nice. Ugh! I want to smack my head right now.

“And you have your bakery to focus on too. No one will suspect a thing and this will go as planned” he shrugged.

“I am sorry. I just didn’t want anyone looking down at me and…” I sighed not having anything to say.

“It’s fine and I don’t mind you cooking for grandfather, he loves you already. You’re just not going to be our cook”

I smiled. “I am your girlfriend who loves cooking for your grandfather” I turn to him with a smile.  He returned it.

He looks really handsome when he smiles and that keeps my heart beating really fast.

I looked away and decided to change the subject.

“Why are you bothered about the lady your mum will push you to marry?”

“I don’t want to get married. I see the idea as stupid and unnecessary. My parents’ marriage taught me well” he rolled his eyes “I don’t want that kind of madness if that’s the whole idea of marriage” he shuddered.

I could see how much he detests the idea of marriage. I love the idea of marriage and true love and all things involving falling in love with the right man. I just didn’t have the chance to do any of that.

“I don’t believe your parents’ marriage is the only reason, maybe a past relationship contributed to it and you swore off marriage?” I asked.

He didn’t answer but was just plucking the kale leaf I put on the counter. I was going to say something but the doorbell interrupted. He stood to check but I went ahead of him. I needed to clear my head with the short walk from the kitchen to the door.

When I opened the door, I saw a well-dressed, elegant-looking young lady who was wearing a baby pink mini gown, covered with a long pink kimono, a handbag and coat on her hand with a huge glass covering half of her face and a small smile on her lips which vanished when she looked at me from my head down to my feet and back up to my face.

She pushed past me before I could ask who she was and pushed her bag and coat to me and hissed between her teeth mumbling something about ‘helps not being helpful’

That annoyed me and I was going to tell her to watch her words when Alessandro came to view and his eyes lit up when he saw her. The biggest grin I have ever seen on a person’s lips, sat on his as he opened his hands wide for the jumping lady to enter in his embrace.

Frankly, I was jealous that a woman could bring out that breathtaking side of him when all he does around me is brood like he could be anywhere.

“I missed you so much” the lady said then kissed him on the cheeks. ‘Now who the hell is this lady?’

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