
The Billionaire’s Captive
The Billionaire’s Captive
Author: Sophia Bendel

Prologue: Nemesis

_Twenty-four hours earlier_

Rose Lancaster revved up the engine of the mini Cadillac Escalade she stole from the club's parking lot as she sped down the busy highway, her heart pounding against her chest and her hands shaking as she clutched the steering wheel for dear life.

Her eyes darted between the rearview mirror and the road ahead, fear written across her face, with the dark lines of her tears that had mixed with her mascara running down her cheeks. Her dark brown hair was a mess, as were her clothes. Her crop-top was reaped in the middle and she'd managed to tie it up enough to hide her nipples, but much of her cleavage was exposed. Her jeans had lost their button and it was only the zipper that was holding them in place. Her bare feet tapped relentlessly on the floor of the car as she maneuvered through the heavy traffic, doing her best to avoid hitting any cars in a bid to get away from the SUV that was in hot pursuit of her. But the harder she pressed the gas pedal, the closer her predators seemed to be getting, and the fear of what may happen when they finally catch up made her heart rate spike, nearly cutting off her airflow. A stray tear rolled down her left cheek as the events of the night that had led to this point invaded her head, threatening to throw her off track, along with the anxiety twisting her guts painfully.

Another look in the rearview mirror made her heart drop to the pit of her stomach. The SUV was only a car away from her. They were catching up with her but she couldn't let them. She knew that letting them capture her would be the sad and miserable end of her life but she wasn't ready to die. She'd fight to survive.

Fueled by the adrenaline rushing through her veins and the need to survive, she looked ahead and saw the traffic lights, signaling her to stop because she was nearing crossroads, but she didn't have the time. Throwing caution to the wind, she sped past, but that was her mistake because the last thing she felt was crashing into another car...


Rose suddenly jerked awake and the first thing that greeted her was the coppery smell of dried blood, along with the hot air attacking her nostrils. The smell of sweat followed, causing her to scrunch up her nose. Along with the pounding headache threatening to split her head, the temperature of her surroundings was enough to take her out. She slowly opened her eyes but was met with darkness. But as she gradually regained full consciousness, she began to realize that her limbs were bound and her mouth was gagged. Her heart began to race, and thoughts of where she was and how she landed in this position assailed her.

She blinked in the darkness and tried to move but her arm scraped against a cold metal barrier that made her inhale sharply. She struggled to breathe, while mentally racking her brain in a bid to recall how she ended up here. Yet, the only thing that came to mind was the depressing memory of the crime she’s committed and the man she was running from. With this jarring revelation came the reality that she was in a moving vehicle as she suddenly registered the sound of the tires scraping against the tarred road. It was then it finally dawned on her;

She’s been caught.

Her already palpitating heart went into overdrive with panic setting in. Despite the searing heat of the confined space, a cold sweat broke out on her skin as her life flashed before her eyes. They were going to kill her. She couldn't let them take her to him. He had no mercy. It’ll be the end of her life. Tears stung her eyes at the fearful reality that had become her life.

Without thought, she managed to move her bound legs, hoping to hit something to call the attention of whoever was driving but her legs made contact with an empty space. She tried again and again but it seemed there was nothing before her. Hence, she ended up shouting through the gag in her mouth. Her pleas for mercy sounded incoherent, even to her own ears, but she didn't give up until she suddenly felt a large gloved palm tap her neck, thick fingers curling around it and squeezing tightly until she could hardly breathe, or even swallow.

"One more sound from you and I'd fuck you like the slut you are before delivering you to the Don,"  Gritted a deep masculine voice, squeezing her neck firmly before releasing her and shoving her to the ground.

Rose whimpered and coughed from the impact of the man's grip as she curled into a ball, tears streaming down her cheeks. It didn't take her long to know that she really had been caught.

Her nemesis was finally onto her.

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