

I've come to realize that the more time I spend around Javier, whether alone or in the midst of company, my little brain gets fogged up and sends the wrong signal to… my heart. It even feels off saying it and I know why. It's because I shouldn't feel this way towards my captor. Yes he's impossibly attractive and what I think a man should be like but that's just about it. I don't even know him well enough like that.

I might not have been the one to offend him to be taken as collateral but it doesn't change the fact that I'm still his captive either way. I'm not about to admit that I might be having Stockholm Syndrome but if I'm checked well, that's the exact name to call what I've been feeling no matter how much I don't want to. How else do I explain the weird thudding in my chest each time I hear Javier's voice even from afar? There's no mistaking that feeling for fear, because it's not.

But It isn't right. By all ramifications, the man is possibly even betrothed to Sofia. Why else w
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