

On the third day of my abduction, I fear that I might be losing my mind. I know I'm all about solitude and all but the quiet has become too much. If anything, it has become pure torture to me.

Fear of the unknown.

I don't know what to expect and the silence has been killing me.

On the night of my abduction, I was tied up because I wouldn't stop struggling and then they dumped me in the back seat of an SUV as we drove off. I was seated in between two big men and the if-you-move-we'll-strangle-you look they gave me was enough to make me sit still. It didn't mean I stopped panicking though. I was a mess inside.

I thought they would lock me up in an underground room, all alone during the day and then take turns abusing and raping me at night.

Instead, we pulled up into the grandest mansion I have ever seen. The huge black gates opened to let the cars in on our arrival and closed behind us as soon as we had driven in.

The grand mansion stood at the end of a long, winding driveway, surrounded by lush gardens I know would burst with colors during day time. Tall oak trees stood sentinel, casting dappled shadows over the manicured lawns.

It was beautiful.

When the car stopped in front, I spotted Javier saying something to Carlos and then he headed inside while Carlos instructed the men to take me to the back.

That was how I ended ended up in this cottage like room. They didn't even blind fold me like I would usually see in the movies. Probably because they didn't see me as a threat.

I've been panicking day and night, expecting the worst but nothing has happened since they locked me in here. Infact, I've been fed three times daily for the past three days. It's something I've been suspicious about.

Are they trying to feed me enough so I can be healthy enough for trafficking? You can't blame me. My mind really has been wandering far and wide.

It's night time now and I'm not hungry at all. I can't tell if I'm still very much full from the lunch I had earlier or its just from nerves. I'd like to go with the latter.

The room is super cozy and neat, there are clean sheets and Javier's men we're even kind enough to bring my flannel bag containing some of my dresses and personal items. I should be happy that I haven't been whipped for a while now for doing nothing and they aren't chores to do, but maybe that's what has been making me feel restless.

I've been too idle all this while. Back home, I would usually be cleaning, cooking, doing the laundries or running errands. I need something to keep me busy and because of that, I don't have an appetite.

I get up from the bed to walk to the window but I mistakenly pour half of my plates contents on the floor from it's position on the stool.


Looking around for something to pack the food with, I spot one of the pieces of cloth I used earlier today in wrapping my breasts. I pick it up and use it to gather the food before dumping it in the trash.

But just as I've cleaned my hand and I'm resting against the window while staring out into the dark night, I hear the door creak open. My head instantly snaps up to the sound of the noise and I see the man who usually brings my food to me everyday.

I'm surprised that he's here to take my plate tonight since it's usually during the next meal he takes it and replaces it with a filled one.

Before I can ask what he's doing here, an odd grin spreads across his face. My blood immediately runs cold. Something isn't right.

“What are you doing here?’ I ask carefully, but he ignores my question as his gaze flicks to my half filled plate of food.

“You didn't finish your food.” I back away into the corner as he walks up to me. “How do you feel?” He stops right in front of me and sizes me up before he lifts some strands of my hair in his fingers. “You're a pretty little thing.”

Just as he brings his face down for what I assume is a kiss, I knee him on his crotch and use the distraction of his pain filled grunts to get away from here.

I don't get far at all when he seizes a fist full of my hair in his grip and pulls at it until I scream in pain. He picks me up and throws me on the bed . Next he rips the front of my gown and frowns when he sees my wrapped chest.

I don't give him time to take off my chest wrap, my hand reaches for my abandoned plate of food and with all the strength I can muster, I land a heavy blow to the side of his head. When he sways from the impact, I push him off of me and run to the door, successfully this time around.

“You bitch!” He growls and gets up clutching the side of his head. My heart is thundering rapidly from fright, I fear I might have a heart attack.

When I open the door with shaky hands, I run face first into a hard chest.

No! Don't tell me he came with back up.

I step back when I realize I'm sandwiched between the two men but when I look at the face of the man I ran into, I see that it's Javier. He's looking at me as if I've run mad.

Then his gaze goes to my frightened face and to my shaky hands clutching my dress to my chest tightly. Realization dawn on him and he pulls me behind him just as my attacker reaches the door.

Peeking over Javier's tall frame, I watch the color drain from my attacker's face and just like I did, he takes a step back in fright.

I shriek when someone appears behind me and slightly relax when I see it's Carlos. There's another man with him.

“Take him to the basement.” Javier says to Carlos. Carlos lands a blow on my attacker's face twice and he instantly goes limp.

I watch as the men carry him to ‘the basement’ until they disappear from my line of sight. While I'm still panicking, I'm now calm knowing I wasn't hurt tonight.

At least not yet. What brought Javier here and at such a good time?

As if he can read my thoughts, he says, “Take your bag, you'll be staying inside from now on.”

“From now on?” Will I not be leaving anymore? I know living with my family is hell but I'd rather be there than to live here forever. The devil I know Is better than the devil I don't know. It doesn't matter that Javier saved me. He might be the one to hurt me next.

He must hear the panic in my voice. “Until your father pays his debt. Get your bag.” He repeats. Seems like he doesn't like repeating himself. I skim past him, into the room to get my bag before joining him back outside.

Still clutching the front of my dress, I walk behind him as we walk into the house through a side door.

“Nana Guadalupe will show you to your room. Do anything she says you should do.” I follow the direction of his right hand as he gestures down the hallway to my right. Then he turns and disappears into the left hallway.

Following his instruction, I walk to where Nana Guadalupe is waiting for me down the hall. She's an elderly woman likely in her sixties with jet black short hair.

She's beaming with a smile and I'm wondering what exactly is making her happy.

“Hello, my dear. Come with me. You must be exhausted.” I follow her down a different hallway, and then another before she stops in front of a white door. “This will be your room. Keep your bags so I can show you my room and then the kitchen where you'll be helping me out.” Her tone doesn't sound commanding at all and it eases me to be talked to in such a manner.

I nod and twist the door handle to let myself into my new bedroom and I almost trip over my feet when I see the vast space. I look back at Nana Guadalupe in shock.

“I get to stay here alone?”

“Yes my dear. Now, come on. Hurry, so you can go to bed.” She stands at the door and waits for me to put down my bag so I can come with her.

Javier called her ‘Nana’ so she must be his grandmother. There's a very huge contrast in their character. Where Javier seems a lot more rigid, Nana Guadalupe is a home full of bubbles. I instantly like her already.

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