

Stepping into my home office, I breathe a sigh of relief. I don't know why I thought it was a good idea to let a male have access to the room I kept Richard's daughter in. Things would have gotten really messy if I hadn't gotten there in time.

I have Nana Guadalupe to thank for that. It took her two days to give me reasons why the poor girl shouldn't be treated poorly because of her father's sins. I assured her the poor girl wasn't being treated poorly, but she wasn't having it.

“It's dangerous to leave a woman out there by herself. Bring her in so she can help me around here.” She had said, and that was all it took to give in. They are very few people in my life that I usually take instructions from, Nana Guadalupe is one of them.

I've known her since I was 10 years old. She was our housekeeper and mum's best friend. Even after my parents died, she stood by me. In her words, I was too young to be by myself. And ever since then, she has refused to go anywhere else even when I took over and said she could leave this life and start afresh. That's not a privilege anyone associated with the cartel can have, but Nana Guadalupe has always deserved the good things of life even if she thinks she's not deserving of them.

The door opens, and without lifting my head up from the papers in front of me, I know it's Carlos who's just entered. He's the only one allowed in here. Not even Camila has access to my office.

He takes a seat in front of my desk. “I've gotten rid of him.” I know he's referring to John.

“Good. Make the men aware that they'll have the same fate should anyone go near her again.”

“Yes, boss.”

“Thank you, Carlos. You may leave for the day.” Carlos doesn't stay too far from the property, but I don't like keeping him more than I have too. He just got married a few months ago, and I can swear that he spends more time with me than he does with his wife.

“Alright.” He gets up to leave, but from his body language, I can tell he still has something to say.

“Yes?” I offer.

“We could take her to one of the warehouses until her father pays his debt. I know you hate having strangers in your home.” He's not lying. I despise it more than anything. But it's just three months, and I've kept her in the east part of the house. The west wing is where every other thing cartel related happens, so I doubt we'll be seeing much of each other.

“No, it's okay. Nana Guadalupe wants her in the house anyway.” I say.

“Okay boss. Have a good night.”

“You too.” With that, he leaves the office.

John had his death long coming. I only regret not putting a bullet to his head earlier. Everyone knows my number one rule; Don't harm the children and women especially. I believe they're punishments suited for everyone.

Abducting Richard's daughter wasn't so she could be killed or raped. It’s so he knows I mean business. But when I was just outside the cottage door and I heard her scream, I knew something was up before the door flew open and I saw her frightened look as she bumped into me.

Well, she's inside my property now. No one's stupid enough to hurt a hair on the head of anyone inside this property. Especially the women.

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