
Chapter 12

An incessant beeping threatened to send Ella into a rage. Her head pounded and her throat ached. She must be sick... but what was that beeping? She tried to shift, to move, but her body ached too much. Something pulled at the inside of her elbow. Struggling to force her eyes open, the light in the room making it nearly impossible. Finally, an eye peeped open. She forced it to stay open and look around. The other eye followed suit soon enough. She was in a stark white room with bright, blue tinged lights over head. She began to panic as she realized it was a hospital. She was in a hospital bed. She tried to sit up, but she couldn't. Everything hurt and she was so weak. She tried to swallow, but she realized a tube was shoved down her throat. A strangled sound came out of her. The door opened and a couple of nurses came in. They rushed to her and assured she was in good hands. They removed the tube from her throat and gave her water. Her head swam, but she pushed through to take some wa
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