
The Billionaire's Mistake
The Billionaire's Mistake
Author: Karina Parris

Chapter 1

Ella stood looking at herself in the mirror. She'd put on a long black, glittering dress. Her hair done up in an elaborate updo. She wore her wedding jewelry, the rings of course, but also a necklace studded with diamonds and emeralds with a bracelet to match. Spoils of her arranged marriage. Nathaniel Woods had needed a wife to access his trust fund. A rule set in stone by his grandfather when the will was written up. Nathaniel had been in no hurry to settle down, but he wanted to start his architecture firm. He needed money to do that. He didn't want to follow in his father's footsteps by starting another retail franchise. Ella and Nathaniel's families had been friends since before they were born, so when their parents suggested an arranged marriage for the sake of the trust fund they didn't need to think it over for long. Ella had always liked Nathaniel, even nursed a high school crush on him. Nathaniel didn't think Ella was his type, but she was pleasant, smart and pretty enough. After reassuring himself that she was okay with it, they were married. They'd vowed to make this marriage work, to remain loyal to each other. Ella had quit preparing to go to law school so she could fill the role of a billionaire's wife. Which is why she was dressed up tonight. They'd planned a dinner party so Nathaniel could sweet talk himself into a new job or two. One's that would really put him on the map. Already a billionaire, he was after prestige. He wanted to solidify his company for generations to come. Ella would help him get there.

"Wow, you look incredible," Nathaniel said from the doorway.

"Oh, you're home. I'm glad," she said as she turned to smile at him.

He walked across the room, took her in his arms and kissed her. "Too bad there's no time for a little fun," he said huskily.

She giggled and blushed as he pulled away and went to change.

Minutes later, he emerged dressed in a black suit with a deep purple shirt, a vest and tie. Ella took the cufflinks that he struggled to put on and did them for him. She put her hand on his cheek. "You look so handsome." He took her hand and kissed it before leading her out to the grand stairwell outside their room. Hand in hand, they walked downstairs to greet their guests.

Their guests were among the area's most prominent. Politicians, businessmen, etc. Each one of them had a building project they needed to hire a designer for. Nathaniel hoped to land at least a couple of them tonight.

They hosted in their home that Nathaniel had designed. It was his pride and joy. Ella didn't like many aspects of it, but she knew her husband needed to show off his skill so she didn't complain. She left no expense spared tonight. The meal was catered and exquisite. She had decorated with white roses in crystal vases with accents of darker colored ribbon and lace on the tables. Nathaniel served the best bourbon money could buy.

Ella played a delicate dance between entertaining the wives, but aloes bolstering Nathaniel's image with the men. After five years of marriage she'd learned how to play the game well. Nathaniel wouldn't be nearly as successful if it wasn't for her, although neither one of them knew it.

By the time the guests had left Nathaniel had three men promising to call him the next day to talk about hiring him.

Ella had slipped her heels off and begun cleaning up. They had a housekeeper who would be in tomorrow, but she liked to keep house as much as she could on her own.

"I need to call Vera to let her know how tonight went. I'll see you when you head to bed," Nathaniel said.

Ella looked at him, puzzled. "Why do you need to call your secretary at nearly midnight? You'll see her in seven hours."

He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "Why don't you let me handle business and you focus on what you're good at? Looking pretty and knowing when it's appropriate to speak."

She was taken aback by his harsh words. "I... I'm sorry," she stammered.

"Don't sweat it," he muttered under his breath as he went up the stairs.

Work must be extra stressful right now, she tried to assure herself. He never spoke to her that way. He was often cold, but never mean.

Finally, she was ready for bed. An hour had passed. She thought he'd be asleep by now. They could make amends in the morning. But when she walked up the stairs she heard him laughing. Was he still on the phone? She crept closer and listened.

", no, no, that was all you. You know how to land a client," he was saying. "Oh please, you're way better than..." he stopped talking. The door flung open. "I have to go," he said and ended the call. "What are you doing sneaking around and listening behind doors?" he growled.

"I wasn't... I was coming to bed. I didn't expect you to still be on the phone."

His nostrils flared, but he managed to calm himself quickly. "Let's just got to bed, okay?"

She nodded and walked past him. As she removed her makeup and let her hair down she couldn't stop her racing thoughts. Was Vera more than just a secretary? Was he starting to feel something for her? Her stomach turned at the thought that maybe they'd crossed a line. She forced herself to stop. She didn't have any proof of anything and wouldn't accuse him without evidence.

When she climbed into bed, he was already there waiting. He reached for her and pulled her close. "I'm sorry. Work has been overwhelming and I let it get the better of me."

"It's okay," she said. Besides, she wasn't what any man dreamed of when it came to wife material. She was lucky he loved her at all.

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