
Chapter 3

Ella had fully dove into the fundraiser, working long hours getting it going on short notice. She already had over 200 people commit to going with donation pledges. She'd booked a venue, hired caterers and live music performances. It would be held in a historic building with a fantastic ballroom and outdoor courtyard. There would be dancing. She was especially excited for that. It had been so long since she'd danced with Nathaniel.

When the day arrived, she put on an off the shoulder, corset top dress with a flowing, glitteirng skirt. She chose deep red, a color that seemed to compliment her dark hair and vivid blue eyes. She kept her hair down, but pulled back one side above her ear with a diamond studded hair comb. She went downstairs in search of Nathaniel. "Honey?" she called. "Are you ready?" She entered his home office just in time to see him slap his laptop shut and stand up.

"Why are you in here?" he asked sharply.

"Just looking for you. I'm sorry if I startled you. We need to leave in about ten minutes."

"Oh. Right. I'll change and be right down."

Honestly, he could go as is. He looked devine. His hair slightly disheveled, white button down with the top button undone, dress slacks that fit just right and a suit jacket slung over his arm. It was a little too casual, but oh did he look handsome.

"What are you thinking about?" he asked as he paused at the bottom of the stairs.

"You look so good, that's all. You're just such a handsome man."

He looked down, almost uncomfortably. "Thank you." He disappeared up the grand staircase.

He reappeared in record time. "Somehow, you look even better," she said.

"Thank you," he said and opened the door.

They got into his car and drove to the fundraiser venue. It looked amazing set up for the event. Ella's eyes glowed with delight. She grabbed Nathaniel's hand. "Look at it," she said. "Isn't it beautiful?"

"Hmmm," he grunted in response. He seemed to be scanning the crowd. Many guests had already arrived.

They moved through the crowd greeting people and thanking them for being there. Nathaniel seemed distracted, it bothered Ella, but she didn't let it get to her.

Suddenly, it seemed he had found what he'd been scanning the crowd for. Or rather, who he had been looking for. Vera had arrived. He left Ella's side like she had burned him, yanking his hand from hers. He weaved through the crowd toward Vera. She put her hands up, like she was about to embrace him, but stopped herself. Ella saw it all. Her suspicions about them came roaring back. She had to push it down for now, she had an event to run. She turned on her heel, ignoring them, and set off to give orders to the band and catering.

Dinner went smoothly. She didn't see Nathaniel the entire meal. She was aware that people were looking at her with questions. The lovely billionaire couple that people envied, that always looked so in love, sitting separate? But she had no answers for them, nor would she give them any if she did. She just made pleasant talk and kept the event running smoothly.

As the evening wound down and she was seeing people out the door, thanking them again, she finally saw Nathaniel. He came out from some side room. Had he been hiding away the entire time? Then Vera came out after... Ella steeled herself and continued her work. She knew she wasn't the only one who saw. Looks of pity began to come her way. She ignored it.

Finally, the social aspect was over. She made sure everything was squared away with the various hired groups and set the cleaning crew to work. Once done, she looked for Nathaniel. After half an hour she became irritated. She wanted to go home. She shouldn't have to search for her own husband. She went outside to see if his car was still there. White hot anger grew in her when she saw it was gone. He'd left her there? "That son of a..." she muttered under her breath. She whipped her phone out and called him. No answer. "Fine, have it your way," she said out loud. She wouldn't beg him to come get her. Instead, she called a cab and saw herself home.

She burst in the door and quickly realized he wasn't home. She went straight to the security system and armed it. She locked out every code but hers. She'd know when he got home and he'd have to explain himself before she let him in. She changed and went to bed.

In the early hours of the morning she woke to poundingat the door. At first, she was afraid of a break in, but then remembered her husband's actions. She put a robe on and went down to greet him.

"Ella, open this damn door now! You can't keep me out of my own house!"

She looked through the window in the door, fully aware that he could see her. "Tell me why you left me at the fundraiser and I'll consider it."

"What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean."

"I went for drinks. We decided that was okay. You had your own ride home."

"We never decided that," she said. Shocked that he would just lie like that.

"No, we did. You must've been drinking."

"I barely saw you all night. How could we have decided anything?"

"Vera was out of her element. I had to keep her company."

"That's probably why she wasn't invited, Nathaniel."

"I invited her. She deserved to be there. She's worked so hard for my business."

Ella scoffed. Vera was a secretary, and not the best one at that. She didn't do anything for the company that couldn't be done by someone else. That aside, she wasn't going to let him lie to her like this. "Look, you can come clean and apologize or find somewhere else to sleep."

He gave the door one more solid kick before cussing her out and walking away.

Ella sat on the floor and let the tears flow down her face.

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