
Chapter 2

Ella had put the phone call out of her mind in the following weeks. She put her focus into her work. Nathaniel didn't want her to actually have a job, which is one reason she stopped pursuing law school. But she could volunteer all she wanted. She threw herself into volunteer work whenever she wasn't busy helping her husband advance his career. Today, she'd signed up to cook and serve at a local shelter. She was infuriated by all the elites that volunteered, but never showed up, or only showed long enough for a photo op.

"You've been here for almost 8 hours. You only signed up for the lunch rush," the head kitchen manager said.

"I know, but you're under staffed so I wanted to see you through dinner as well."

"You're a godsend. We've had more people than usual and less hands to keep things moving efficiently."

"Is there anything I an do to help?" Ella asked as she took off her apron and began to gather her things.

"Keep volunteering, but if you can get a fundraiser underway that would help. We need a lot of things, repairs on the building and if we could pay a small staff to be here consistently that would help so much."

Ella nodded. "That makes sense, not everyone can volunteer if they're not being paid. I'll see what I can do."

As she drove home she thought about how to talk to Nathaniel about a fundraiser. She could easily write a check without even asking him, but she wanted to get the shelter as much money as she could. She'd spin it so it would be a good idea for his business. He did anything for his business. Her interests didn't garner much enthusiasm from him.

He wasn't home yet when she arrived. She sighed. He had been working later and later these days. She walked in, put her purse and keys down and went to the kitchen. She began to pull out ingredients for shrimp alfredo. His favorite. She quickly texted him, asking him for an ETA, before starting dinner.

An hour later, she was done cooking but he hadn't responded. She paced, looking at her phone. She began to worry that he had gotten into an accident. She paced a little longer before calling him.

"What is it?" he answered.

"When will you be home? I made dinner. It's almost 8 oclock."

He sighed. "I'll be home in half an hour, okay?"

"Okay. See you soon. I love you."

He simply ended the call.

Ella's chest felt tight. She knew the marriage had been arranged, but she had thought they had fallen for each other. She knew she had fallen for him. It had been easy to do. He was handsome, strong, knew how to take charge, he had a charm that endeared him to her. He had become less cold over the years and their intimate moments seemed to be truly passionate now. They had begun to loosen up and get more comfortable with each other. Had she read him wrong? Maybe he really didn't feel the same way about her that she did about him. She didn't want to think about it anymore.

She busied herself setting the table and keeping the food warm. She lit some candles and put on light, background music. She glanced at the clock, she still had some time. She ran upstairs to change into a dress she knew he liked and touch up her hair and makeup.

An hour after their call he finally walked in the door. She rushed to greet him. He kissed her and stood back to look at her. "You look good, baby," he said.

She smiled. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," he responded. "Work in the real world is just stressful."

She decided to ignore his mood and led him to the dining room. "It's gotten a little cold... but I made your favorite."

He sat down. "It smells amazing. Thank you."

They began to eat. Silence stretching between them. When Ella couldn't handle it anymore she said his name.


"I have an idea..."

"Oh? Something for the house? You can buy whatever you want."

"No, no. You know that shelter downtown that I volunteer at?"

"I do..."

"What if we held a fundraiser for it? In your business' name. I think it could bring good publicity."

"Why do I need good publicity? I'm already extremely successful. I was in meetings all day with potential new clients."

"Yes, you are. But I think a charity cause would bring more success. It wouldhelp get your name in the right newpapers. It would take you from just a great architect company to a company with a heart for the needy. A heart for your city." She knew it was a cause she knew he would be on board with. He was a good man. He just had tunnel vision when it came to his business.

He looked thoughtful. After what seemed like forever, he broke the silence. "I'll think about it. i'll let you know what I decide."

Ella's face lit up. "Thank you!"

"Would it make you that happy?"

"It would."

"Then go ahead and do it. Knock yourself out. Just check with Vera to make sure scheduling lines up."

That didn't need to be said, she planned all their events. Vera should practically be checking with her when planning things, but she never did. She let the comment go and stood to go to her husband. she sat in his lap and kissed him. "Thank you so much."

He pulled her close, having finished his dinner, he picked her up and carried her to their bedroom.

When she woke in the morning tangled in his arms she felt at peace. Their marriage had to be okay. Last night proved it. She looked at her husband, the man she'd loved in her own way since childhood, feeling so grateful for him. She snuggled just a little bit closer.

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