
Chapter 3: The Engagement Party

Sydney McCarthney's Point of View

I don't know what to do. Today is our engagement party and I still don't have the courage to face him. He thinks that I like this fixed marraige. He blamed me for the death of her love once.

After that confrontation I could hardly sleep. My conscience torments me because of what he said.

"Tsk. Stop acting like you don't know anything. Is that why you talked to me last night because you wanted to be close to me? Desperate!"

I couldn't stop myself to slap him really hard on his face. I am raging with madness while looking at him.

Does he really thinks I liked to marry him? Then he's foolish.

"Are you done insulting me?" I asked him angrily.

"Do you really think I want to marry you? Then wake up! I don't want to marry you but I have no choice."

I shook my head and wiped the tears that were about to fall from my eyes.

Why am I weak when it comes to this? Why do I cry every time I am overwhelmed with anger?

"If you had asked  her marry you, this wouldn't have happened—I shouldn't have to marry you," I told him. "But the damage has already been done. She's gone and I will be tied up to the person who hated me."

I shook my head gently as I remembered that incident again.

When will he disappear from my mind?

"Can I back out to this engagement, Dad?" I asked my father the moment we enter the venue.

My whole body was shaking with fear as if I wanted to go home and withdraw from this engagement.

I don't want to see him because seeing him make me more anxious.

"There's no turning back, Hija. You and Mr. Mufasa will get married and this engagement party will make everything officials. Remember this is for the expansion of our business, nothing more," father said while having no regrets on his tone.

"Don't fall for his game or else you will be lost at the end," he added before he go to his friends and business partners.

I was left here in the entrance and all eyes are on me. But I didn't care about them. I roamed around and to see if he was there, but I was greatful that I didn't saw him in the party.

"You must me, Sydney?" I looked at the woman who mentioned my name.

"Yes, I am," I said while having a smile on my lips.

"You look gorgeous in your dress," she said.

"Thank you so much, Madame. Likewise, you are gorgeous in—"

Before I could finish my words, I saw him coming to my direction. He was holding a boquet of flowers. My mouth agape when he call the woman as mother.

"Mom, what are you doing here? Are you harassing my fiance?" He asked while stressing the word fiance, he was still smiling at me sarcastically.

"Son, I'm not harassing your fiance. I was just greeting her and honestly she's beautiful, and she has a very nice attitude," his mother replied.

"Yes, mom, she is very kind. You know me," he said and grabbed me by the waist. "I know how to choose a wife material. Although grandpa chose her for me."

He brought his face close to my ear and whispered.

"Just go with the flow if you want our marriage to go through. I know you want to marry me."

"You still assume that I really wanted to marry you?" I asked him with a soft tone. "Wake up, Zyko. This marriage is for the sake of our business."

I smiled at him then at his mother who was smiling at us. I can see in the lady's face that she is excited about her son's wedding.

"I'll just go to your daddy, Zyk. Take care of your fiance," his mother told him.

Zyko's mother left us where we were standing. And when the lady finally left, I immediately untied Zyko's hand from my waist.

I rolled my eyes as I distanced myself from him. I don't want to get near to him.

"Don't do anything stupid," I told him as I shoot him a sharp look. But he just gave me an evil smile.

"Relax, Syd, I'm just having fun. Just don't let me get bored in this party," he said while chuckling that made me annoy even more.

"I am warning you, Zyko Maurice."

He just laugh while shaking his head continously. I was just looking at him until he's done laughing.

"Are you done?" I asked him, bored.

"If yes, can we go now on the stage because everyone is waiting for us," I added as I turned my back on him.

I started to walked through the stage. I know Zyko is following me. I was about to hold the emcee's hand as support when Zyko held my hand and support me to be in the stage.

"You don't have to held that emcee's hand. You know me, I'm a teritorial person," he whispered.

I just rolled my eyes and ignore what he said.

Teritorial his face! Damn his fucking game!

"So again let's have a message from our couple."

I was about to get the microphone from the emcee's when Zyko get it from the emcee's hand.

"Uhmm I just want to say that, thank you for coming to our  engagement party. I know all of you is waiting for the official announcement. And here I am saying that I and Sydney McCarthney is officially engage," Zyko said while looking at me.

I feel cringed on what he was saying.

"Being a fiance of the lady beside me is an honor. She is a wife material, a very kind woman. I want to spend the rest of my life to her," he added that made me disgust even more.

The hell how could he say those fucking words. So disgusting!

I didn't listen to what he said next because I was losing the will to listen. I hate it because it's all just plastic.

He was just playing around.

When Zyko finished speaking, he immediately returned the microphone to the emcee. He did not let me speak my message.

It seems that the emcee understood what Zyko wanted to convey.

"I guess the soon to be groom is territorial."

It looks like those people are still enjoying the party while I'm very irritated by what Zyko is doing.

After the introduction and messages from both families to Zyko and me, we were getting off the stage.

The party continued. People were happy while I sat alone in the dark part of the occupied function hall.

I know that I will be in trouble if I marry that man. I feel that he will make me suffer and I will not let him.

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