
Chapter 9

Marie held Lucy's hands and shook her consequently. "What's going on, Lucy, say something," Marie asked, her voice soft but filled with genuine concern.

Lucy blinked, as if snapping out of a daze, and offered a weak smile.

"No, no, you don't look good… Your face, they look pale," Marie muttered, placing her hand on Lucy's arm while her other hand was behind her back.

"I'm just feeling a bit lightheaded," Lucy mumbled, her words tinged with uncertainty. 

Before Marie could question her and respond, Lucy's eyelids fluttered and her body slumped to the side, unconscious.

Marie's heart raced as panic surged through her veins. She knelt beside Lucy, gently shaking her and calling her name, hoping for a response. She had nostalgic recollections of what might have caused her unconsciousness. 

She took a brief look at her face when she could not think of something and could see her face was already pale. 

"She must have passed out after stressing her wolf… since she forced it to show up, the unleashing of her wolf came at a cost," She suggested after which she remembered an incident from her past.

"This is not good… I have to do something," She wagged her head sideways. When there was none, she swiftly made a decision, her focus unwavering.

She dragged her and placed her around a corner where no one could see her. She sighed and scrambled to her feet and sprinted across the narrow hallway of the Royal residence in search of one who could help her.


As Lucy's body lay still, his mind descended into a world of vivid hallucinations and dreams. In her dreams, Lucy found herself running through the forest, her senses heightened and her movements faster than usual. 

The moon cast an ethereal glow upon the landscape, guiding her as she navigated through the thick underbrush. In the distance, a figure emerged. It was a spectral wolf with eyes that gleamed like gold.

The wolf presence was calming, and was known as a beacon of wisdom and guidance. As Lucy approached the figure, the wolf spoke, its voice was like a melodic whisper that resonated deep within her being.

"Lucy, you are part of a lineage that is very powerful… Your lineage embraces both the human and the wolf. Your wolf is unique and one of a kind, for it is not meant to be locked away. The balance lies in your hands,"

Lucy wandered around with her eyes and in no time, her dreams shifted, carrying her through a montage of memories and emotions. She relieved moments of fear and pain, but also moments of joy and love. 

The dreams unveiled the heartache she had carried and the regret for locking away a part of herself that was meant to be embraced.

Amidst the dreamscape, Lucy's subconscious mind painted scenes of her loved ones. She could see Mason, her Father, including Katherine. Her friend Marie was also there while Leo's back was turned against her.

She noticed a face that seemed to hold a special place in her heart. She reached out to touch the face that looked blurry, her fingers brushed the image. At that moment, a sensation of warmth and longing swept over her.

"Why do I feel this way… who is this," She questioned, pondering what might have incited such a feeling. 

"You will get to know… You have to find out the answers yourself,"

She turned and took a brief look around her surroundings when she heard the voice that seemed to know what she was thinking about but could see no one.

She soon noticed it was her thought speaking to her.

"Could it be my wolf," She shrugged.

As the dreamscape shifted again, Lucy's unconscious mind conjured up a realm of shadows and turmoil. She faced her fears head on, battling manifestation of her inner doubts and insecurities. The struggle was fierce as it was a reflection of the internal conflict she had been suppressing for so long. 

"You're scared of what will become of you if you know the truth… you have no idea what is going on, you want to know but you don't look ready," A voice said with a trembling tone.

"You won't be able to control your wolf… you'll need your mate, find him first," 

Lucy inhaled deeply after listening to the voice that was speaking to her. Eventually, the dream began to fade and Lucy's consciousness started to return. Still in the dream, she awoke on the forest floor, her body weak and trembling. As she blinked in the dim light of dawn, she felt confused as to what the words she heard meant.

"Katharine would be the only one to know the truth… I can only get that from her," She muttered, faintly.

"Leo rejected me and he's the only one I'll ever have something for… I guess I'm without a mate, it will be a difficult task to get him back… and without him, my wolf, it would be difficult to control," She lamented.

She looked up with a swift movement when she heard her name being called. She recognized the voice too well to ignore it.

"Leo, Leo, I'm here… I'm right here," She screamed, throwing her hands into the air.

"Start walking, follow my voice… I'll be here, waiting for you," Leo responded.

She walked hurriedly, following the sound she heard which was Leo's. She started running and soon got to spot. Right in front of her was a thick fog. She was scared at first as she was unsure of what might be on the other side, not until she heard Leo's voice a third time.

Without hesitation, she rushed, passing through the fog and opened her eyes.

She grunted as she strived to sit up but Maire stopped her and made her lay back, reclining her back against the wooden chair that was in their room.

"Where's Leo, I heard his voice… sounded real," She questioned, her sight fixed on Marie.

"You must be dreaming, Lucy… why would Leo come here, remember what happened," Marie smirked and rubbed her hair.

Lucy nodded her head in support of what Marie said. 

"You need to rest… I did a lot of work to get you back," She winked her eyes and got up to take her leave.

"Where are you going?"

"I have to get the work done, since you need to rest… I'll be doing the whole job," Marie replied.

"No, I can't allow that," She strived to get up but seemed difficult as her eyes looked blurry.

"Don't stress yourself, Lucy, relax… I'll get it done," Marie turned and was about to take her leave when they both heard a sound. 

It sounded like someone hit their leg against a hard object.

"Who's there," Lucy got up immediately and stood behind Marie.

Marie grunted as she stared at her.

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