
Author's note

Hey guys! We have finally reached the end of the book! To be honest, when I started writing this, I didn't think I would go as far as I did. But thanks to the encouragement I received from you guys, I was able to push on.

I want to thank those who always made sure to comment under every Chapter. You have no idea how much it meant to me. I was always looking forward to reading them. And also those who voted for my story, Thank you so much. To those who liked my Chapters, thank you so much again. It really means a lot for a writer to see her readers active in her book.

This is my first book on this platform, and thanks to you guys, it wouldn't be my last. (I already have an outline for my next book.)

I plan on writing a few extra chapters on Elion and Aaron. Their story would be very short, but it would expand on some aspects in the story. The catch is, it can only be viewed by those who support me on my Buy Me A Coffee page.

*Check out the comments section for more information.

P.S It is absolutely not necessary to read this story. It would by no way affect the original one.

In conclusion, please do not forget to rate my book (5 stars would be nicešŸ˜Š) and leave your reviews on my book page.

Thanks so much again for reading my book. It means a lot!


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