

Bella felt a sense of unease and a growing sense of danger as Avery left the room to make a call. Her curiosity and unease led her to do some digging of her own and she started going through Avery's files in search of any clue that could shed light on what was happening. As she sifted through the papers, she came across a file labeled "Project X". Her heart raced as she realized that this could be the key to unlocking the mystery. She quickly made a copy of the file and slipped it into her bag, determined to uncover the truth.

Bella delved further into Avery's files and came across something more alarming. She discovered a name that caught her attention - Henry. Bella recalled Avery mentioning his brother earlier, but she knew little about him. As she continued to search, she found information on Henry's past involvement in shady dealings. Bella couldn't shake off the feeling that Henry might be behind recent incidents at their company. She decided to confront Avery about her findings
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