
The CEO'S Forbidden Secret
The CEO'S Forbidden Secret
Author: Lora

CEO's Secret


"Hey babe" I said, as I picked up the incoming call on my phone. 

"Please tell me you got the job?" Kora, my childhood best friend, asked, from the other end of the phone. 

I took a deep breath in and answer "No"

"F*ck, what are you going to do??" she asked, with concern. 

"Keep hunting for a job till I finally get one" I said, and she tried to encourage me. 

I continue walking dejectedly from the company that just rejected me, saying I'm not competent enough to work in their company. 

I boarded a taxi and throughout the ride to my place, my mind kept thinking about different scenarios and the doom that awaits me if I'm unable to get a job before the end of the month. 

I've applied to different companies, while waiting for some miracle to happen. Even though I was rejected to work in most companies, I knew I couldn't give up..there's still light at the end of the tunnel.

When I got home, I entered my shabby one bedroom as I pulled off my shoes and threw them in one corner of my room, stressed out from the day's activities. I can't believe I have to go job hunting tomorrow again after everything I've been through. This has been the routine for a few months since I graduated. 

Life after graduation was supposed to be the best experience, but a few months down the lane it's turning into the worst thing to have happened to me. 

All my life I have been the perfect example of a plain Jane. Trying to be the perfect daughter,  I wasn't the type to cause any trouble. I didn't fake an ID to get into adult clubs. I never got drunk, nor have I had sex. Well I haven't had sex because I don't have a boyfriend.

I shut my eyes for a few minutes as the elevator came to a halt,  I walked into the bathroom freshened up and decided to get something to eat.

"Oh" I groaned in frustration as I realised I had not stocked up the kitchen due to lack of funds.

I have to get a job before I lose my mind. I have no one to sort out my bills because I lost my dad after graduation, and all I've got is my step sister and my mother. 

That is a story for another day. 

The next morning, I woke up with an email from one of the biggest construction companies in the country, that I came across when hunting for a job online. They invited me for an interview. I  stood up from my bed happily, as I hummed my favourite song while getting ready for the interview. I stood in front of the big company with beaming excitement.

"If I can get this job, the first thing I am going to do after getting my salary is to move out of my old apartment." I thought, as I walked toward the receptionist asking for directions to the interviewing centre.

"Yes, your name," the lady who was to interview me asked.

"Laura Ben" I replied to her, as she went ahead to ask more questions before dismissing me. 

Before I got back home, I got an email on my phone.

''You have been offered the job as an office assistant at the Premium trust company. We hope you resume to work by 8:30 am tomorrow morning"

I screamed in excitement making, passers-by stared at me like I had gone nuts. The position wasn't big but it was better than nothing. I called my friend to share the good news to her, which we planned to celebrate.

The next day, I arrived at the office very early, as I stared at the towering skyscraper, the glass facade reflecting the early morning sun. I took a deep breath, and I walked through the doors into the lobby of the company where I was to work now. 

I had made my little research about the company before coming so as to make things easy for me 

The company which happens to be one of the most sought after, and the largest one in the country. They have succeeded in making big projects in and out of the country. The CEO, like I have heard from some of the workers, is a tall handsome young man in his late twenties  who has achieved quite a lot over the years. He was featured in Forbes list as the youngest billionaires.

He appears in the covers of daily magazines and looks like a runaway model with piercing blue eyes and gorgeous face.

I have never met him in person to know if what was written in the tabloids were true about the billionaire.

Mr Bryan Finch happens to be the most mysterious man to have ever graced the Business world with his presence. The hazel eyed Italian devil always has the attention of the media on him,  trying to find out his every move.

Days turned into weeks and I was used to working in the company. Premium trust  is a place where dreams were supposed to come true, but for me, it felt like a place of endless tasks and an overload of work.

I made her way to my tiny office, where I have been working for more than two weeks now.

This is the place I call my office. It is in the extreme corner of the floor, surrounded by the hustle and bustle of my senior colleagues. My desk is filled with stacks of papers, sticky notes, and an old coffee mug from yesterday's marathon of errands.

The ring telephone jolted me out of my thoughts. It is Ms. Thompson, the executive assistant.

"Laura darling, could you be a sweetheart and fetch Mr Finch a latte? Make it a double shot with extra foam. Oh, and grab something for yourself too," Ms. Thompson's voice chirped through the telephone.

"Sure thing, Ms. Thompson. I am on it," I said, trying to sound cheerful. I don't really want to see the CEO of the company, I heard people saying Mr Finch is strict and he doesn't smile, no one will want to get on his bad side. Not even now because I know how it was difficult for me to get this damn job. 

I waited in a long line, at the coffee shop till it was my turn.

Back at the office, I knocked on the boss's office, and I heard a cold voice asking me to come in. 

When I entered the office, I was lost staring at the surroundings of the office, because this was the first time I'm entering into his office. 

"Are you going to keep staring till my coffee gets cold?" I heard his voice, making me snap out of my thoughts, shaking a little which caused the hot coffee to spill on my skin. 

"Ouch" I moaned in pain, as I greeted him and placed the coffee on the table with a forced smile on my face. 

"Who are you?" he asked, in his usual cold voice.

"I'm the new office assistant, sir" I replied, lost staring into his ocean blue eyes, and I swear I could feel a little connection. 

He hummed and said in a cold voice

"You may leave" 

I returned back to my cubicle, as my mind raced with thoughts of what I felt that moment at Mr Finch's office. I hope it is not what I am thinking. I was about to settle into my chair when my phone buzzed. It was a text from my best friend, Kora.

"Hey, baby girl! Don't forget, tonight is the night we celebrate at 'Sin City'. Can't wait!" She texted me. 

"I didn't forget the birthday girl. But you know that is not really my thing" I texted back. 

"Come on Laura, I promise it is going to be filled with fun! Plus, I've heard the performers are to die for. Trust me, you need this. You haven't been going out since you left college" she texted me back. 

"OK, fine. But if I don't like it there, will I be permitted to leave?" I asked.

"Yeah, sure. But I know you're going to love. Kisses, don't forget 8.00pm today I'm going to come pick you up she text back.

I can't argue with her, besides you can never win an argument with Kora. And I think I really need the break, even if it means stepping out of my comfort zone.

The day dragged on, with me running errands, making copies, and organising files. I am the human machine in the company, the one who keeps things running smoothly without any recognition.

As the clock struck five, I packed up my things immediately, and headed out. When I got home, I took my bath and made my dinner. Before heading out to Kora's house.

"Well I got us entry passes to one the most luxurious and exclusive clubs in the city" she said, as she rubbed her hands excitedly.

"A club?" I asked, in shock.

"Sin City is definitely worth it babe, all I've heard about the place is good reviews. Have you seen their male and female strippers online? It's trending and I managed to get exclusive passes's my birthday you can't turn me down,  Remember you agreed to celebrate" she trailed excitedly.

"You could even Finally meet a man to pop your cherry you can never tell" She said teasingly.

"I am not giving myself to a total stranger" I said immediately, and she chuckled.

"Kora I don't feel comfortable in such places" I said, as I fixed my glasses properly.

"Oh c'mon you're going to have a good time I promise you" she said, as she gave me those puppy eyes that no one could resist.

"Fine, I won't stay for long though" I said, and she became so excited to the point I almost changed my mind.

Kora couldn't stop talking about the male strippers at the exclusive club.

"Sin City" even the name sounds so mysterious and scary.

We arrived at the club quite late,  the loud sound of the sensual music and the disco lights made me feel out of place for a second.

I noticed couples making out and grinding against themselves. The place wasn't jam-packed considering the fact that it was an exclusive club. I nearly asked Kora how she got the ticket because I had seen some famous faces.

The waiters and waitresses were naked with just a piece covering their fronts. They had masks on their faces and I could not hide my shock.

On stage was a naked female stripper dancing sensually on the pole as yelled in excitement

"Welcome to Sin City," Kora said, as she laughed. I was glued to the sight in front of me. 

"I'll go get us drinks," she said, and left.

After the female stripper, the lights on stage turned red and the lights switched off as a sensual music began.

The ladies scream at the top of their lungs and the whole place turns upside down after his presence. He has a mask on his face and as he rips off his shirt sensually water showers on him from the roof as he begins to arouse every female in the room with his steps.

For some reason, I didn't understand why I was drawn to him. It felt like I had seen him somewhere, but I could not pin where and who. 

Maybe in my dreams.

After the dance I didn't know why, but my feets went in the direction of the back stage,  trying to see if I could get a glimpse of him.

He walked into one of the dressing rooms, it seems like he figured out that he was being followed. I hid behind one of the dressing table, and covered my nose. He came out and entered another changing room.

I took slow steps and walked into the changing room. He must have felt my presence when he turned, but this time without his mask.

I stumbled and almost fell from who I was seeing in front of me.

It was none other than my Boss, the CEO of Premium Trust 


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