



"I...I .."

"I am so sorry sir ..." I apologise, as I panicked while I tried to clean the desk.

He stood up, and I realised that even his white dress shirt now had patches of the brown coffee on it. I shut my eyes, and opened them one after the other to check the expression on his face, but he didn't have any expression on his face.

"You seem to be a very clumsy woman Ms.Laura'' he said, and my hands become sweaty instantly, I can't believe I'm going to lose my job just like that.


"Get Out" he yelled, and I stared at him with a confused expression on my face.

"You heard me the first time Ms. Laura, get the fuck out of my office" he cursed, and I rushed out as fast as my legs could carry me. 

The rest of the day went on without any drama, it felt like the incident in his office was all in my head. I was expecting to see a sack letter, well he wouldn’t want to do that because I have his little secret with me, I thought, giving myself a little hope.

I was on my way out of the company, and I stood waiting for a taxi to come pick me up, only for an expensive flashy car to stop right in front of me. I raised my eyebrows curiously, as I tried to take a sneaky peep to see who it was, but unfortunately for me, the glasses of the car were tinted black. I moved away from the car, thinking I was blocking him/her  from seeing whoever they came to pick. But it was obvious I was mistaken because once the car door swung open, only for a man dressed in a black suit to walk up to me.

"Good evening Ms. Laura, Mr Finch instructed me to pick you up" he said, and I stared at the huge guy in front of me.

How will I even say no if I still loved my life? His body guard looked like a more handsome version of hulk.

Mr Finch said he would text me the address where I'm supposed to meet with him, and now he sends a body guard instead. I held my bag close to my body before getting into the car. The ride to wherever he was taking me to was a quiet one. Immediately we got to the mansion, my jaws literally dropped at how good the place looked. The tall mansion that stood in the middle, showed it was owned by an influential and wealthy man. The fountain and pool gave the place an exquisite look.

"Welcome to the Finch mansion ma'am" the guy said, and I gave a nod.

Workers walked around in white and black uniforms. An older lady who seemed to be in her early fifties, came out to welcome me as she took me inside. I was told to sit that the Boss would be joining me shortly.

The different meals on the table made me wonder if it was prepared for a king. If I thought the outside looked good, it is nothing compared to the beauty of the inside.

"I can see you looking at things, even if it gets you into trouble most of the time" says the voice I could remember even in my sleep.

This man definitely has a thing for looking good, I don't think he has a day when he doesn't look good. He is wearing a black polo shirt that outlines his abs, for a moment I thought I could count the packs on his chest. I looked away, I wasn't comfortable with the way he makes me feel even without trying.

The maid pulled the chair out for him to sit, and I felt awkward at the way he was treated with royalty. They wore gloves and caps while serving us.

"You're not eating," he said, when he noticed I hadn't touched anything.

What's with this man and being controlling? He made my entire day at the office awkward, and now he is continuing from where he stopped in the morning.

"I ...I'm not hungry" I responded immediately.

"I see you like it here then" he said, like it was nothing serious.

"What ?" I asked in shock.

"It's obvious you have decided to spend the night here" he said, with a smirk on his face. 

"When did I ever say I want to spend the night with you?" I spat angrily, and he smirked. 

"There are two types of spending the night Ms. Laura." He pointed out calmly.

"The one where I have you wrapped under my legs around my waist as I pound into you recklessly, or the one where we sleep in separate rooms, but I get to get what I want in the wee hours of the morning..." he trailed off, and my heart stopped beating for a second.

I drank from the glass of water on the table. "What you are saying is way out of line Mr Finch, you are being so unprofessional. I came here for us to discuss the deal so I can leave" I said, immediately with my heart pounding crazily against my chest.

"You ain't eating your food" he said calmly.

The fact that he was so calm, and I was burning in anger is pissing me off every minute.

"What have I not been eating my food got to do with this? Sir??" I asked immediately.

"Not eating means you're not ready for the conversation" he said, and I knew the man is ready to frustrate me.

I took a deep breath in and out and decided to dig in. The more I listened to him speak, the more infuriating it was becoming so I went ahead and started eating.

After dinner he walked me towards the bar in his sitting room, where he threw a file on the table in front of me. I stared at it with my eyebrows raised.

"Check it out" he said, and I took a deep breath in and out to calm my nerves before going through the files.

"Wait, What...."I trailed in shock.

"Yes, I'm willing to pay you that amount of money, a promotion at the office as an official employee you don't have to be the office assistant anymore"

"You get to go on business trips with me" Mr Finch said, as he moved his hands to my laps, making me drag my skirt down a bit.

"A car and an apartment is part of that position, courtesy of Premium trust" he said calmly.

"Isn't it a bit too much" I asked, the whole thing felt too good to be true it almost scared me.

"Why? Isn’t that what you wanted?" he asked.

"You're willing to do all this just to shut me up? Why then do you strip, when you know it can destroy the reputation of your company?" I asked, and his intimidating eyes burned into me, making me shut up almost instantly.

"Why does it bother you so much that I strip? Have given you what you want, so why are you questioning me?" he asked, as he made his way over to me.

" doesn't bother me" I stuttered, as he walked in between my legs.

"Mr" I trailed, as tension filled the air. 

"Why does it bother you so much Ms. Laura?" He asked again.

"I saw the way you looked at me that night in the dark, like you wanted to be fucked so hard" he said, and I gasped.

"I guess I should take my leave" I said, and stood up immediately as I picked up my purse from the table. I heard him chuckle softly.

"Ms. Laura" he called, as I hurried towards the door. 

I stopped in my tracks, as he walked over to me and handed me the documents.

"Make sure you sign them" he said, and I walked away after grabbing the files.

His driver drove me back to my shabby apartment. I went into the bathroom to shower, as I stripped from my clothes, the memories of Mr Finch filled my mind.

His voice, the way he stares at me. Unconsciously my legs rubbed against each other from the tension that filled my body.

"What are you doing Laura?" I scolded myself, as I shut my eyes tight. I opened my eyes, and they came in contact with the sight of my boobs in the mirror. They looked hard and pointed like someone had done some naughty things to me. 

As I lay in my bed that night, I made a mental note to avoid Mr Finch no matter what it takes to do so.

The man isn't healthy for people like me who had their lives all planned out. This was supposed to be a business deal, the best thing I can do for myself is make sure it remains what it is supposed to be from the beginning. 

"A business deal"

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