

For a brief while, time appeared to stop. She  fell onto the laps of his. She was terrified to death. How was he going about it?

The room gradually filled with the musky smell of a guy ready to mate. The unfamiliar aroma continuously assailed her  senses.

She was momentarily stunned before readjusting to reality. She tried to put some distance between them, resting her hand against his chest. "Let, let me go!"

He gave her a hard slap on the wrist and spoke in a cold voice. “Did your former spouse not show you how to take out a belt? Or are you just acting stupid so I can have to teach you?"


"Well, if that's the case, as you wish." He  took hold of her wrist, directing her motions to apply pressure to the latch on his belt. It snapped back with a loud click.

For a few moments, she  felt as though her brain had frozen. His  penetrating look caused her eyes to grow noticeably bigger and wider.

The dull sound of the belt hitting the floor snapped her  back to reality. But for a while, nothing seemed to make sense in her thinking.

His actions caused her body to lag too.

"Do you know how to do it now?"He  questioned in a raspy tone.

She sat on his knee and stared in stunned disbelief. She stared at him, who was only inches away. His features were flawless. He had a tall nose and dark, deep eyes. His mouth was a clean, straight line.

Clarence was undoubtedly fortunate in terms of appearance. His facial features alone would stir up a commotion among females in B City. But even though he looked amazing, she  would never forget how he made her feel inferior.

She instinctively turned her head away, sensing that he was getting closer.

Clarence’s eyes gleamed with fierceness. As he talked menacingly, his long, thin fingers gripped her chin. "Why are you facing away? Really, are you attempting to engage in games with me? Are you really so foolish as to believe that a remarried woman like you would pique my interest?"

"It's not that!" She  wanted to get free of his embarrassing presence.

She gnawed at her lower lip. "If you're not interested in a remarried woman like me, let me go now."

‘How come I should do that? Does that influence whether or not I find you attractive?’ Her eyes grew wide at his reply. "You..."

With a short chuckle, he placed his chilly lips into her shaking ones. After a few seconds, her  mind finally processed what was happening. She pushed fiercely against his chest.

At first, he just intended to humiliate her and test her  kissing prowess. She was surprisingly novice at kissing, which surprised him. She was powerless to resist, not even knowing how to keep her breathing steady. She was a pushover in front of him.

Oh no! If she genuinely planned to seduce him, shouldn't she give out all her techniques to elicit some response from him?

He quickly and forcibly shoved her  out of his arms after a little period of time. He sneered, their lips no longer linked. "Are you really that stupid?"

He had given her  such a passionate kiss that she was left stunned. Aside from the man the month before, she hadn't had such a commanding kiss before or ever since.

Clarence  was a very passionate kisser. He appeared to have changed into a leopard. He did not allow his victim to escape his grasp before launching his attack.

Her  breath came out of her mouth too quickly. She felt as though she would never be able to escape him, no matter how strongly she objected. She  had been very resistant to his kisses at first, but they had made her melt physically and lose her identity.

Her tongue was still full of his perfume, her thoughts had traveled somewhere, and her foggy stare remained fixated on him, with no emotion in her eyes. Despite her best efforts, she was unable to utter a syllable.

He squinted his eyes and peered into her eyes, which were only inches away from his.

Her  eyes were filled with perpetual boredom. She was always indifferent and aloof, therefore he didn't normally have any superfluous feelings toward her. But right now, her gaze was hazy, which would unexpectedly draw him in.

He was suddenly struck with an idea. What might have caused a woman such as her to undergo a divorce so recently? Could it be... He continued to look at her doubtfully while bringing her nearer him.

He spoke in a tone that was nearly a whisper. "You've never kissed someone before? You have no idea how to alter the way you breathe."

Upon hearing the word "kiss," she gradually regained consciousness, and the endearing expression in her eyes vanished. He leaned in for another kiss at that same time.

He lacked experience in his field. All he knew was that he wanted to keep admiring the expression on her face. Therefore, he reacted instinctively and mashed his lips against hers once again. While that was happening, she  completely lost concept of time passing. It was only after a considerable amount of time that she abruptly regained consciousness and screamed.

She shoved him away furiously. At last, she managed to push him away from her, but it sent her crashing to the ground.

His hold was looser than it had been; he had been thoroughly enjoying the sensual experience. With a dumbfounded expression on her face, she  remained seated on the floor. She tried not to tremble and pursed her swollen lips. "What are you doing to me?"

He was also little stunned after being shoved aside. But after a while his expression returned to its regular hardness. "I'm just doing what my husband expects of me. What, Mrs. Conrad, are you telling me that you can't handle it?"

A sarcastic smirk flickered across his lips. Clearly, he was making a joke out of her.

"You mentioned earlier that you're not interested in me. Why did you kiss me in the hell?" She  shot back, yelling. She had always believed that a passionate kiss could only be shared by a true, loving pair. His eyes were filled with hate and loathing as he looked down at her. How could he make himself give her a kiss if that was the case?

"Did I not just remind you, Mrs. Conrad? Wanting to embarrass you and being interested in you are two whole different things."

At that, she  went completely still. It surprised her that he was so vile. This unsettling sensation made her get up and walk away.

"Mrs. Conrad, you haven't even taken off my clothes yet."

Instead of responding, She lowered her head.

"Or are you hinting at me that you would no longer be my wife very soon?"

Is he trying to harm me? Her face turned deathly pale and her knuckles turned bone white from clenching her fists so tightly. She waited a bit, then gradually released her grip. All she could do was push through it for a little while longer. It was merely a matter of taking off his clothing, after all.

She was in front of him once more. He  saw the familiar indifference shining in her eyes. They were once again as frigid as before. For him, that was incredibly disappointing. If she wasn't even aware of the art of seducing men, how could she ever see herself living with the Conrad family?

She leaned over to assist him in undressing. She was only able to express her concerns because she was unable to locate a position that would allow her to accomplish that. "Can you help me a little..."

He kept answering, his voice emotionless. "Mrs. Conrad, are you unaware of my disability? Do you think I should have unrestricted mobility?"

"I really don't know how I can remove your clothes if you don't help me with this," was all she  could say in response.

"I see. That implies that you are as expected fairly useless."

Her face took a sharp turn. She was limited to just shutting up and trying again. In the blink of an eye, two minutes had gone by, and she was still unable to undress him. Now what should she do? At that moment, she was so nervous that she was about to cry.

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