

He  wanted to scream at her because she was so fired up that her eyes were red from unshed tears and her forehead was covered in sweat.

He scowled and refrained from speaking. How did he end up? The dishonest woman in front of him, who wed into the Conrad family after taking the place of her sister, ought to be thrown out. Why did he still allow her to stay?

After gathering himself swiftly, he took her by the wrist and pushed her out of the way. Unexpectedly, her thin shoulders crashed against the sturdy wall.

With her head up, she met his icy gaze. "Get the hell out!"

She looked at him in confusion, rubbing her sore shoulders.

"If you don't know what to do, what good is it to stay here? Before I lose my temper, get the heck out!"

"You!" She  felt he was going too far, so she balled her fists. But after giving it some thought, she saw that she had nothing for the better part of the day.

She clutched herself as she left the restroom, her fury having subsided.

"Joseph !" His cold, indifferent voice roared through the door. Joseph , who was still hiding outside listening in, immediately tightened up.

"Get in here!"

Joseph hurriedly entered the restroom. "Mr. Conrad, how did you know I was outside?"

He didn't think Clarence  would be aware of his continued existence. As Joseph  entered the room, he noticed her glaring at him, which made him feel uncomfortable. Had he not shown there as soon as Clarence  called, then it would imply that he had been outside listening in on them?

Clarence gave him a chilly glance, and Joseph  quickly stopped talking.

She  proceeded to lie down on her bed by herself after using the restroom, pulling out her phone to explore. She noticed her ex-husband openly showing his love for Jenna on social media.

His arms wrapped around Jenna, their bodies entwined in tenderness. The caption was 'Love you forever, my one and only.'

When she witnessed that, her heart began to ache. He never once had sex with her during their two years of marriage, claiming he was too busy at work.

She didn't think too much into it as they were already married and had to live together, anyway. In the span of two years, a lot happened. She wasn't happy when her ex-husband Shawn  won five million dollars from the lottery since he abruptly demanded a divorce, citing her failure to carry out her spousal responsibilities and consummate their marriage. She didn't know what a wife's duties were.

She got up every day when it was still dark outside to make him breakfast. She paid the household bills in addition to doing all the chores. She changed from a young woman to a wife wearing simple clothing. For whom was all that done by her?

There was a day when a hugely pregnant woman came to look for Shawn  when he wasn't home.

“Stella, Shawn’s child, is inside me. Go the hell away if you know what's best for you. That will prevent me from taking any action."

At that point, Stella was taken aback and unsure of how to respond because she didn't think it was real.

"Not possible. Shawn  hasn't engaged in any sexual activity in a few years. Are you attempting to trick me?"

“So you've never felt his touch before? I told him not to touch you after the two of you got married two years ago. You're not pregnant at all because of this. I want to be by his side because I've had enough and I need to be. Leave him alone, please!"

Stella gasped. She was aware that she and Shawn  had never engaged in sexual activity. When the woman saw she wasn't buying it, she pulled out her phone and showed her the footage of her with Shawn.

In the video were the woman and Shawn and there wasn't any need to clarify what was in the tape. Just before the video cut off, Stella  retreated and made the woman leave. The woman met her goals, smiled contentedly, and turned to walk away.

Shawn won the lotto and divorced her a few days later. When Stella  thought back on their exchange, she became queasy. Her want to throw up was overwhelming as her stomach churned.

She covered her mouth, turning to hurry to the bathroom because she could take it no more, only to find Clarence  inside. All she could do was bolt from the room for the second-floor restroom. She returned to her room after puking up some bile.

Clarence  crawled beneath her blanket because she was still taking a bath and hadn't left the bathroom. Maybe all the vomiting had worn her out, and the moment her head touched the cozy blanket, she dozed off.

He saw the mound of blankets in the corner, covering only her head and a few strands of her hair, when she had completed taking a shower and had gone out of the room.

He gave her a quick glance before turning away. "Towel."

While talking to Clarence, Joseph provided a towel so that  he could dry his hair. "You may leave."

Stella must have become too hot under the covers as Clarence  fixed his gaze on her. Abruptly, she lifted the cover to show off her slender, pale legs.

She had very pale complexion and slender legs. Her bare flesh was striking to look at. The unexpected movement drew Joseph's attention to her, but before he could meet her eyes, Clarence's voice, barely audible above a whisper, roared through the room. "What are you waiting for?"

Joseph turned his head back and raised his hand to scratch his head, trying not to show his wrath at him.

Why had Mr. Conrad grown so aloof and indifferent?Joseph  was curious, but he didn't dare consider it too much, so he hurried out of the room.

Clarence examined her body once more after Joseph left. Poor woman. She continued to project innocence and a lack of knowledge. Even in her slumber, she exuded such a captivating aura.

Kennedy snorted and carried on with his hair drying. *****

When she  did eventually wake up the following morning after a good night's sleep,  Clarence had already left.

She sat up and grasped her head. Was she actually asleep for so long that she was unaware that he had dressed and left?

Everything around her  turned black as she tried to get up to get ready for the day. She collapsed again in terror, closing her eyes and paying attention to her breathing till her vision returned.

After a full night's sleep, for some reason, her cold had gotten worse. After sitting in her makeshift bed for a bit, she  tried to get back on her feet. After making sure she was upright, she showered, went downstairs, and encountered Mr. Greg.


"Mr. Greg ..." Despite her best efforts, she  couldn't help but feel uneasy when she saw him. The elderly man's gaze, she always thought, was piercing down to the core of her being. The thought of her real identity being discovered frightened her.

"Why didn't you go to the office with Clarence  these couple of days?"

Despite the simplicity of the query, she  sensed a tinge of resentment in his tone. She whispered softly and glanced up at him with a humble expression. "I'm sorry, Mr. Greg, I'm not feeling well these couple of days, that's why..."

"Not feeling well?"  Mr. Greg narrowed his fiery gaze. "I'll get the doctor to come over to give you a checkup."

Her face instantly transformed. An examination by a physician? Wouldn't her pregnancy become apparent right away? No, not at all!

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