

He withdrew from her when he felt a quick, intense ache in his bottom lip. "It seems that Mrs. Conrad not only likes to bark, but bite as well."

He extended his arm to dab at the blood on his lips. He was an extremely attractive man who liked to frown, which accentuated his rough features. When he did grin, it accentuated his remarkable features even more. But the grin that lit up his face was as terrifying as a lion realizing what it was hunting.

His lips stained with blood made him appear even more gorgeous than he already was. At last, she managed to shove him away with enough leverage, and she hurried to the corner.

“ Clarence, tell me what you want. Have you forgotten our agreement already? What were you doing right now if you stated you didn't want me to touch you?"

He remained silent and gave her a cold look.

She bit her lip, pulled down her shirt, and gave him a resolute look.

He wanted to take her more and more the more stubborn she acted. She was expecting a bastard and had recently tied the knot for the second time. How could he feel sorry for someone like her? He asked to halt the abortion and take her home after learning that she was in danger of dying.

“Clarence , you have got to be kidding me!” He pondered in his head.

Clarence growled the instant he saw her gaze. "Even if I wanted to have some fun, I only touch women who are clean enough." He turned his wheelchair around and departed the room after saying that.

Stella, who had been tense the entire time, at last relaxed as silence once more filled the room. She grabbed her knees as she slid down the wall to the floor. Subsequently, her tears began.

Clarence, still outside, heard her sobbing and stopped in the middle of rolling to hear her out, a sour smirk spreading over his lips.

Her attitude toward him remained the same even after two days. And he remained heartless, ruthless, and emotionless.

Clarence hadn't asked her to leave the house, despite their altercation the other night. Because she still had to go to the workplace and help him, she was still really nervous. Plus, he was continuously making things worse for her.

Stella was forced to attempt to solve every issue she was facing. She wasn't the brightest, but she was persistent and patient.

He would always come up with some way to make fun of her, but she always bit her tongue and handled it.

Greg summoned her to the library that morning. It was all she could do to remain motionless as she stood in front of him. "How is it working as Clarence's assistant?"

She pondered for a long time before answering. "It's alright."

With furrowed brows, Greg narrowed his dark eyes and peered at her. "What is meant by 'alright'? Have you yet to gain his trust?"

She was unaware of Greg’s meaning. "What do you mean?"

"Did you believe that anyone could serve as his helper? I've known your folks for a very long time, Jenna. You must understand what I mean, as I know you're a brilliant girl."

Her pulse quickened. She wasn't entirely certain. "Mr. Conrad, do you mean..."

“Clarence has numerous psychological problems as a result of his disability. He is hence frequently viewed as being cruel. He is unaware of the bounds and restrictions. The Conrad Group is a sizable business. In his hands, it cannot collapse. Making sure he doesn't do something foolish is what you should do. You're a woman, though, so I don't expect you to know a lot about it which implies that you must submit a report to me each day."

Though she wasn't the brightest, Stella wasn't as stupid as Greg appeared to believe. She answered without giving it any thought because she wasn't sure what he was trying to say.

"So you want me to shadow him?"

"Bullshit!" Greg was instantly infuriated by her remarks. He flung her the ashtray he had taken from his table because he was so furious.

She watched the ashtray fly at her, her eyes opening wide with shock. But someone dashed into the room and dragged her aside before the ashtray could strike her.

Whoa! She had just been standing when the ashtray smashed into fragments and smacked the wall. The volume was so high that her heart began to race.

She looked with shock at Greg. He lacks awareness of his boundaries and limits?

When Greg said that, he must have been referring about himself. "Grandpa, she's just talking mindlessly. She must have misinterpreted your intentions."

It was only then that Stella realized it was Jude who had brought her to safety.

"Grandpa, Stella, and I are concerned about Clarence’s health because running a business like this on our own has always been so taxing. You pretty much know him from the past few weeks of hanging out with him. He usually takes things too far when he does them. Papa is not asking you to follow Clarence about while he explains all of this to you. We should work to assist him since the Conrad Group will eventually belong to him."

She remained silent, biting her tongue.

Greg gave a huff and shot back. "And I assumed the Radomil had intelligent children; I never would have imagined that you would come up with such a ridiculous idea. What would happen to our family name if others found out? I was blind to let you marry into our family, they would slanderously allege.”

"Grandpa, please don't be mad, I will talk to her about it." Jude dragged her out of the room as he was speaking.

Still in disbelief over what had happened, she lost her bearings and staggered behind Jude without uttering a word.

Jude eventually stopped walking and turned to look at her when they came across a quiet area. "It's obvious that you're afraid. Are you in pain?"

Jude stepped in her direction and reached out to seize her shoulders.

She recoiled and took a step back. She shifted, and he felt more than a little odd as his hands seemed to fall out of nowhere.

She, in the meantime, bowed her head and said, "Sorry..."

With a small smile, he put his hands down by his sides. "Never fear. Please don't let what transpired get to you down. All Grandpa wants is for Clarence to be alright. They seem to be at odds with one another. Grandpa needs you to inform him about a lot of topics that he is unable to ask him directly. Are you following what I'm saying, please?”

She reluctantly gave a nod. "Perhaps you're not understanding me at the moment. You appear a little perplexed. Return to your room and take a nap. You'll realize after giving it some thought that Grandpa's primary concern is Clarence."

"Okay, I'll go to bed then," she turned to walk away.

She strolled for some while. She could feel the chills

running down her spine knowing that Jude was still staring at her. She eventually lost the feeling when she rounded the corner.

When eye was by herself, she paused and looked at the ground, reflecting. She had no idea that the Conrad family relationships were so intricate. She wasn't a moron. What Greg was telling her made sense to her.

Although they said they just wanted to look after Clarence, their true intentions were to watch over him. What about Clarence , too? He gave off the impression that he was a gentleman to everyone with his warm, welcoming smile.

But she quickly realized that Jude and Greg were lying to her and putting up a united front.

She felt chilly all of a sudden. One cannot assess someone based only on their initial impressions. similar to Shawn. He'd always assured her that his libido wasn't very powerful. Then, one day, he ejected the other woman from the house and brought her home. He had been hiding it for two years. The world's most terrifying thing was a human heart.

Her hatred of Clarence subsided all of a sudden. Because he was repulsed by his own family, just like her.

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