

Stella spent the entire night by herself in the deserted room. Clarence  appeared to have agreed to her idea, which called for them to live apart from one other yet act as husband and wife on paper.

After getting ready, Stella  went downstairs to discover a number of maids hard at work. A broom abruptly materialized beneath her feet as she prepared to ask them where the kitchen was.

Stella lost her footing, stumbled, and toppled forward violently. "Ah!" She was going to fall, but someone grabbed her just in time with strong hands.

Stella , still reeling from her fall, glanced up to see a pair of soft eyes. "Are you alright, my dear sister-in-law?"


"My name is Jude Conrad, Clarence’s  brother.” He uttered in a quiet voice.

Stella  heard a chilly voice say  before she could respond , "It seems like I've arrived at the wrong time.”

"This voice." When Stella  turned to face the source of the voice, she saw Joseph  moving Clarence while he was seated in a wheelchair with a small blanket draped over his legs.

He appeared to be a proud monarch despite being in a wheelchair. His stare fell like a blade over Stella’s face, his eyes icy.

When she met his cold gaze, Stella shuddered.

She wasn't aware she was still in Jude Conrad's arms until that moment. She moved away from him swiftly, taking two steps back, and lowered her head guiltily.

"Clarence, it's rare to see you home." Jude grinned at his sibling.

Clarence , on the other hand, regarded him differently; he simply nodded without showing any emotion."

"Alright then, I'll be on my way for now." Jude then turned to face Stella and said something softly. "Sister-in-law, I have to go to work now, so I'll be leaving now."

At that, Stella  gave a blank nod of her head and watched Jude walk away. She heard Clarence  making fun of her as she turned her back on to face him.

“Are all women who have divorced this hopeless? Is it not the case that you are eager to entice men?”

After hearing these derogatory remarks, Stella  regained consciousness. "What did you say?"

Clarence had black circles under his eyes and black eyes themselves. She  sensed that he was against her.

She nibbled on her lower lip. "I'm not as nasty as you think."

"Really?" Clarence  enquired, his lips curled into a sardonic smirk. Ultimately, women who were unable to retain their partners were the lowest of the lowest.

"How can you say a woman who got remarried right after her divorce isn't nasty?"

Stella felt a surge of wrath and balled her hands into fists. Did he honestly believe this was what she wanted? She had been compelled to wed him by her step mother.

“You'd better stick to your word and keep your distance from the Conrad. I'll punish you if I discover that you are acting dishonestly on behalf of the Conrad  family or harbor any ill will toward my family."

Clarence turned and yelled out to the man behind him before Stella  could reply. "Joseph.”

Joseph moved forward, moving  Clarence  with a wheel.

A maid approached her after they had left and gave her a curtsy. "Ms. Jenna, the old master wants to see you."

"Old master?" Clarence’s grandfather?‘ Stella  stood there, her palms starting to perspire.

Before she went, her stepmother informed her that the reason the Conrad  family married Stella off instead of Jenna was because none of them had ever seen Jenna  or her before.

"Will I be exposed now that I'm going to meet the Old Master?" Stella  hesitantly trailed behind the maid, contemplating all of that.

"Please, Ms. Jenna ,” The maid said, "The old master is waiting for you.”

After expressing her gratitude to the maid, Stella  carefully made her way into the study. The study looked exactly like she had imagined it would, complete with bookshelves and classical furnishings.

The room appeared melancholy because of the various pens, ink wells, and paintings that were arranged on the shelves.

Stella glanced about her only briefly before turning her attention back to the person in the room. "H-Hello, Old Master."

Her eyes locked with the Old Master of the Conrad family's perceptive stare. He silently and blatantly gave her the cold shoulder.

Recalling that her intended identity was Jenna, Stella lowered her eyes in a panic, fearing Old Master Conrad would see the guilty conscience in them.

Though she had momentarily won Clarence over, what would happen if Old Master Conrad discovered she wasn't Jenna?

"Jenna ."

"Huh?" In response to the old master's stare,Stella  instinctively raised her head, then swiftly lowered it.

Mr. Greg  had a stern tone of voice and pointed eyes. "Clarence’s health issues date back to his early years. You owe it to him to take good care of him going forward since you are now married. I don't need me to educate you how to be a wife, do I?”

"I understand."

"From tomorrow onward, you'll work with Clarence  as his assistant."

Stella  looked up, startled by what she heard the elderly man say.


"A decision has been made. You'll accompany Clarence  to work tomorrow and be by his side." He gave her  no opportunity to say no at all.

With a wave of his hand, Old master Conrad  had made up his mind and told her to go.

Even though Stella  was hesitant, she made the decision to resign from her previous position and carry out Old master Conrad's instructions in order to prevent needless arguments or reveal her true identity.

Old Master Conrad gave Clarence  the command to bring Stella  to the office with him.

"I know the reason you're not willing to hire an assistant, but since Jenna  is already your wife, let her be by your side to take care of you."

Stella was astonished to learn that Old Master Conrad's tone of speech to Clarence  was the same as his conversation with her.

What is happening?

Given that they are related, she expected them to be close. Stella  was lost in concentration when she felt someone giving her a sharp gaze, and she instantly recognized who it was.

Clarence gave her a mocking glance and replied, "Yeah."

A little taken aback, Stella  was certain he would say no.

"Well, go ahead." A small smile spread across Greg’s  face.

Joseph nodded and Clarence  sat in his wheelchair, expressionless. "Old Master Conrad, we'll head to the company first."

All Stella  could do was go with Clarence .

Clarence scoffed while they were in the garden.

"You've built up such a strong rapport with Old Master Conrad  so fast! Is it not your intention to watch me closely?"

She scowled, seeming shocked. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Humph!" Clarence  scoffed. “It's best if you don't get what I'm saying. If not…”

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