

Clarence and Stella  walked into the conference room together, and when the people in the room saw her behind him, everyone in the room gasped in shock.

Everyone was aware that Joseph  had been Clarence’s lone servant for all these years. Now that a woman was unexpectedly showing up by his side, everyone began to speculate about the nature of their relationship.

Although Stella  had worked as an assistant before, she had never been present at such a formal event. The meeting room at Conrad Group  was enormous.

Conrad Group was, after all, North City's top leading group. Stella  could feel the tension in the room the moment she walked in.

Entering behind Joseph  and Clarence, Stella felt the pressure of everyone's stares and instinctively stiffened her shoulders.

Upon eventually taking their seats, all eyes were on Stella.

"President Conrad , is she..." As vice president of  Conrad Group,Jude  would unavoidably be attending the meeting as well. He was taken aback to see Stella  at that very moment as well.

In an attempt to relax herself, Stella  nervously fiddled with the corner of her blouse. Gradually her gaze lifted, and amid the others' interested looks she recognized a soft, comfortable face.

Jude  was there. He  smiled warmly at her  and nodded as their eyes locked. Just then, Stella’s trepidation vanished from his smile, and she returned his bashful grin.

Stella came to understand that Jude  was a really nice and lovely person. Clarence  saw them even though it was a tiny and inconsequential movement. His eyes glowed with cold, and he squinted while giving his response. "Care worker."


When they heard his response, everyone was astounded. What is a care worker, in his opinion? His answer had bewildered even Stella.

"President Conrad, who did you say she was?"

Clarence had black eyes like the darkness. He gave the questioner a little raise of the eyebrow and responded. "My grandfather has hired a care worker to take care of my daily needs."

Stella’s face gradually became paler as she listened to such horrible and cruel comments, and she bowed her head to look at Clarence.

‘My role here is to support him. I've been his caregiver since when?’ She was still dazed when Clarence  gave her a cold-blooded command.


Stella  remained fixed in her place. She only responded to Joseph’s  command after he shoved her out of the meeting room, at which point she hurried out to get coffee.

The meeting was in session when she returned with the coffee. Putting the coffee in front of Clarence, she did so.

Clarence took a sip and scowled. "Too hot ! One more!"

His protests soon became a common noise in the meeting room, with everyone constantly asking poor Stella to replace the coffee.

"It's tasteless!" "

Too hot!"

"Too cold!"

Stella made numerous trips back and forth for the sake of a cup of coffee. Clarence  used the conference room as a platform to demonstrate to the others how he was mistreating her.

Her cheeks flushed with shame at all the looks she got from the others, from sneering to sympathy. She was about to lose her temper when she remembered the Radomil Family's situation. With a thump, she stepped outside to make another cup after taking a long breath and controlling her rage.

Everyone in the room was startled as the coffee cup slammed into the table.

“Is it everything you have? And you believe you could provide me with that level of efficiency as a caregiver?"

With a pallid expression, Stella  took her place.

Jude, who was seated close to them, scowled and uttered, " Clarence , come on. That's enough."

Oh? Does Jude represent her here? She doesn't seem to be as straightforward as I had assumed!

Clarence’s lip-smile became icily. “Do you feel sorry for my caregiver? Would I mind giving her to you?"

Stella’s fingers trembled as she bit her lip. ‘He's really too cruel! I now see why he consented to me remain. He just wanted to make fun of me! I think he views me as a woman who will stop at nothing to marry a wealthy man. He detests me so much because of this!’

“Clarence , what's wrong with you? Ultimately, she remains yours.”

Joseph stepped in cold before Jude could reveal their relationship.

“Vice President Conrad, don't you feel that you've interjected excessively? All that President Conrad is doing is teaching her how to brew coffee."

Stella  jumped at the chance to speak before Jude could, even though it appeared like he wanted to stand up more for her.

"I'll make another cup of coffee for Young Master Conrad." She took the cup and walked out of the meeting room after that.

Two cups, three cups, one cup... Throughout the entire meeting, Stella  had been rushing from the meeting room to the break area.

Clarence didn't seem to be happy with any of her coffee cups during the meeting, but she didn't voice any complaints. Even after the meeting was over, she was still brewing coffee.

Jude, who had been watching from the back of the room, felt sorry for her. Observing that everyone had left the room, he moved to stand by Clarence's side and leaned in to whisper."Mr. Conrad , let's put this behind us now. I believe we've made her learn a lesson."

Clarence scoffed. "This kind of woman won't give up if she doesn't receive treatment like this."

He was curious to know how much longer she could take it.

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