

Sebastian slowly opened his eyes. There was no need to struggle because he was strongly tied to an armchair. He groaned in pain as his head was hurting so badly

After what seemed like a few minutes, Sebastian was able to see properly again, although his head was still hurting.

He groaned again and struggled to free himself but it was all in vain.

"Fuck!" He grunted.

The only person on his mind was Nathan. He was worried something bad might have happened to him. Since the room was dark, Sebastian had no idea where he was or who the hell would have kidnapped him.

His back pocket was empty, so it meant that his phone must have been taken by the people who had kidnapped him. He could have handled them if he was prepared.

The first culprit that came to his mind was Leo.

Nathan might not come back after all. Sebastian thought that if they were planning to use him to bring Nathan back and endanger his life, then he would not allow them.

There was a sound on the door knob. The door slowly opened and Sebastian was certain someone just walked in. Since it was so dark, he couldn't see who just walked in.

He suddenly heard the footsteps of more people and realized two more people had just walked in. All he had to do was patiently wait till the light would be turned on.

"Turn it on."

Sebastian heard a familiar voice say. It was that of a woman, and he wasn't expecting that.

The light was turned on and since his eyes had been used to the darkness overnight, he had to flutter his brow multiple times to get used to the light.

Sebastian finally opened his eyes properly only to see Kiara standing right in front of him. It was only then that he was able to understand what was going on. He had thought it would be Leo, but he also wasn't too surprised that it was Kiara

He didn't say a word while she walked closer to him and held his chin.

"You're hurt." She said, staring down at his leg.

The bullet had been pulled out already while he was unconscious. Sebastian remained quiet. He decided that he wasn't going to say a word to her or answer any of her questions.

"So once again, you let Levi out of your sight? Can't you do that one job properly?" Kiara questioned in annoyance. He grunted staring deep into her eyes.

Her annoyance only grew worse when Sebastian wouldn't answer any of her questions.

"Fine then. Your choice, but don't say I didn't warn you." She said,

Sebastian still planned on keeping quiet and answering her. Kiara was going to give it another trial before she would bring in the surprise.

"Tell me how to get Levi here for good, and I'll let you walk out of here unharmed. Are there any secrets of his that I should know? Does he like her?"

Sebastian knew Kiara was talking about Talia and for Nathan's sake, he wasn't going to answer that question. For so many years, he had never seen Nathan smile because of a girl and he had never had his mind occupied with a girl. Nathan was changing and although he was becoming weak and soft because of Talia, it was still better than the lonely and miserable person he was after losing Ava.

"Alright, you made your choice," Kiara said.

She gave one of the men in the room a signal and he immediately began to walk out of the room. A few minutes later, he was back, but he wasn't alone.

Before he stepped in, Sebastian could hear the tiny whimpers of a lady. As he walked in grabbing her roughly by the arm, Sebastian tried to release himself from the strong rope that had been used on him.

"Rose!" He called frantically, the veins around his forehead were so visible and his eyes were red with so much anger. How dare they!! And how the hell did they even know about Rose?

"It's me you want. She has nothing to do with this. You want me and not her so fucking leave her out of this."

Kiara chuckled. "Are you ready to talk now?"

"Let her go!" Sebastian yelled.

"There's no point yelling, Sebastian. You'll be so shocked at how much I know about you." Kiara said. She walked closer to scared Rose and smiled widely. "I'm Sorry it had to be you sweetheart, but you're a big leverage to me right now."

"Please, please don't hurt me!!* Rose cried out. She averted her gaze to Sebastian, "Please, don't let them hurt me. Please.!"

"Oh, darling," Kiara called out as she brushed an errant strand of her hair behind her ear. "I'm not gonna hurt you, but that depends on him. The moment he decides to tell me exactly what I want to hear."

Rose continued staring at Sebastian as he didn't give a reply. The one thing Sebastian knew he would hate himself for the rest of his life was if he betrayed Nathan, and also if he lost Rose.

Sebastian shut his eyes, his mind contemplating a decision fast.

"You heard her Sebastian, don't let them hurt me. Now, it's left for you to choose, and I know you don't want innocent blood spilled all because of you?"

There was still no reply from him. This got Kiara angry as his stubbornness was more than she had even imagined.

"I'll count to three, and if I don't get a reply, I'll make you watch as I pull a bullet right into her forehead."

Kiara's words made Rose shiver in fright. She tried to release herself from the grip of the man holding her, but it was impossible. His grip on her was too strong.

"1" Kiara counted, but Sebastian still didn't open his eyes.

This was his fucking childhood friend and his first love, so how could he not care about her? Kiara thought.

"Sebastian, please! Please save me!" Tears rolled down her eyes as she cried out.

"2." Kiara counted again, hoping that deep down she wouldn't have to hurt Rose. Unfortunately, if Sebastian gives her no choice, then she would hurt the lady and find more precious things from his past to use and make him talk.

Rose's whimpering sound became louder but Sebastian still didn't open his eyes. His hands were already clutched and it seemed like he didn't care at all.

"3." Kiara finally counted. "I'm sorry Sebastian." She said while Rose immediately shut her eyes ready for the trigger to be pulled. Kiara collected the gun from the second man and cocked it.

"WAIT!!" Sebastian finally called out loud.

Kiara smiled and turned around to face him. She watched as he finally opened his eyes to stare at her with so much anger.

"You finally decided." She said,

"I need your word that you'll let her go far away from here if I tell you whatever you want. If you ever try to use her against me, I swear…"

"You have my word, Sebastian. She's free to go. You know my word to be my bond and I definitely won't go against it."

Sebastian averted his gaze to Rose who was still staring at him in confusion. She had no idea who he was or the kind of job he was doing and he didn't want her to find out entirely.


Sebastian wanted to talk to Rose as this might be the last time he would ever appear to her, but he chose not to and so he refrained himself.

"Get her out of here safely.'

Kiara gave one of her boys the signal and he began to take her out of the room while she continued staring at Sebastian till she was out and the door was shut.

As soon as the door was closed, Kiara walked closer to Sebastian. "You're made the right decision, Sebastian. You should know better than to have a weakness that you kept a secret for so many years."

Sebastian ignored her words, 'What is it you want to know?"

"What is Levi planning? I know he has something up his sleeve. I can feel it." Kiara said. Nathan wouldn't just walk out to Talia, not at all. Not after what happened to Ava.

"He knows you'll try all your possible best to bring him back, and that's why he's planning on failing when the time comes," Sebastian said.

"Failing on what?"

Sebastian was quiet for a few seconds. This secret was fucking huge and Nathan would be fucking so disappointed in him.

"We had a deal Sebastian." Kiara reminded impatiently.

"To get the goods back. He wants to make everyone, especially his family think of him as weak and incompetent. He wants Leo to take over." Sebastian finally said those words that would make him hate himself for the rest of his life.

Comments (1)
goodnovel comment avatar
Tressa Fay Watson
Another repeat this makes the 3rd chapter repeated

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