
Chapter 151~ Your son

“W-What?” Jake couldn’t believe his ears.

His eyes grew into the size of dinner plates and his jaw dropped to the floor. For a minute, he couldn’t move, simply staring at Charlotte, trying to process what she had said.

Charlotte's words repeatedly echoed in his ears like a broken record, causing his heart to pound like a galloping horse.

“What did you say?” He asked after finding his voice.

“I said you have a son, Jake. Our son,” Charlotte answered.

A lot of thoughts reeled in Jake’s mind. ‘I have a son? Does that mean Charlotte was pregnant when she left?’

Jake gulped, his throat suddenly feeling parched and he wished he had taken that coffee.

“Why did you leave if you were pregnant with my child?” He questioned, feeling a stab of betrayal. How could she still leave despite knowing she was carrying his child?

Was her job more important than letting him know that he was going to be a father?

Charlotte sighed heavily. She remarked, “I never knew. It was only when I got to Japan t

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Comments (3)
goodnovel comment avatar
I hope that kid isn't Jake's. Even if it is, he doesn't have to be with Charlotte. She made her decision to leave him 4 years ago. He has moved on with Quinn. Don't be guilt tripped by her.
goodnovel comment avatar
Myzz Joey
Too bad Quinn
goodnovel comment avatar
Sakshi Chaudhary
feeling bad for Quinn

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