

    Through my office window I can see headlights and hear tires gliding on the smooth pavement. Returned from my errand already? It has been two months since Irene and I found myself growing bored. My work was cumbersome and I needed the distraction. 

    I make my way to the foyer to greet my new pet. Paolo opens the front door as Anthony carries her in. I take care to look her over. She is all limbs. Skinnier than my usual preference and slight in stature. She looks so young and attractive I have to admit. However, her youth puts her at a disadvantage and I wonder if my game will take its usual course, or if it will end quicker than I'd hoped. My mind was thinking it was the latter. "Chloroform?" I ask.

   Pablo nods. "Im sorry sir, shes the only woman we could find. She was wandering the road in the middle of the night, yeah? What is a teenager doin' alone like that? She can't be older than fifteen. She's practically askin' to be taken. Didn't look like she had anywhere else to go boss. She came from the direction of that shelter. Theys gonna think she's a runaway and she won't be missed." Pablo gloats as he enters the palatial space. I dismiss his usual jargon. "The usual place?" Anthony asks. I nod my confirmation and I escort them to the long black and white marble hallway. At the end I find the latch, so well hidden that no one would find it. I pull it up and tell them to put her inside. 

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