


Rubbing the gel in small circles until it foams, he works his way back up my stomach, then over my breasts, filling his hands with each globe.

My pussy clenches at his touch and I feel like I'll go crazy if he stops.

As pleasure coils through me, my thoughts slip from my mind, rendering me useless to resisting him.

And he knows it.

I can tell from the flicker of triumph pressed into his smile that he knows what he's doing to me.

Alessio drops the shower gel and washes away the foam from my body, touching me everywhere. Breathing is all I can do to keep myself from withering away.

A deep rumble rattles in his chest like a beast and he lowers to nuzzle his face between my cleavage.

Like a savage he sucks my nipple, sending pleasure sizzling through my body. Every nerve quivers with forbidden heat, warning me that I can't fight this. I've already entered his lair and the only thing I can do now is play his game.

Alessio continues sucking my breast andshit,it feels so good.

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