

Jenna's POV

My palms felt sweaty with the new information that I was fed with and I decided to be on my knees for the man to let me go. I couldn't rigidly accept the man showing up in front of me when I knew what kind of being he was.

I however stared at him with indignation in my face. I wanted to speak, not to plea even though that should be the only thing on my mind right now but it wasn't. I opened my mouth but Ginger spoke before me. “Please, let us live,” she smashed her head against the ground in fear. I glanced at her and then the man my eyes devoid of fear.

I stared at him like I was challenging him, he saw the gaze on my face and he averted his face and decided to face Ginger instead.

“Really? I should spare you? A few seconds ago, you were so energetic, what caused the change of demeanor?” he asked, winking at me and I shivered at his actions.

He then directly stared at me. His eyes was devoid of emotions and he had a cold and icy stare but none of them got to me as much as it should. Of course I was afraid but not in a hurry to beg or plea.

“What? I wasn't trying to kill myself I am just playing some pranks with my sister and nothing more,” Ginger spoke but I already have enough of her so I decided to drag her away from the evil eyes of the man but only if I knew that I was going to be stopped.

“Where are you going, Miss…” I didn't get that part very well,” he said, trying to get my name as he walked closer to me and I stared directly into his eyes.

“I am not going anywhere, I am just here,” I wasn't revealing my name to anyone.

“You are really hiding your name, interesting it makes me want you even more,” he said and I smiled.

I thought I only needed to take care of Lily and Williams in this life but it looked as if I had more things to do. I glanced at him, expecting him to say his worst

“But what can you do? You can't get out of my grip again? What belongs to me stays mine no matter what,” he told me and I smiled at his silly remark.

“We shall see about that,” I muttered under my breath not audible for him to hear. .

Even though I do not remember this event playing out in my past life I should still be able to handle it well. I knew I had to take drastic action if I wanted to get out of the man's hold and that's when my mate's bond with Williams came in handy.

“I..think there is,” I was about to say but my words were suspended.

I heard his phone beep and he got away from me and I breathed out in relief and I watched him pick up his phone. “Ok, I will be there,” he said, hanging up his phone and he looked at me with a smile that creeped me out but I decided to stay calm.

“Looks like this is going to be my goodbye,” he says, winking at me and before I could understand what was going on the man leapt from the rooftop and didn't land for a long while. I was surprised, it seemed as if he was flying not jumping.

I and Ginger watched as the man left the roof and we both slumped down in awe at the sight but none of us said anything for the longest time as we just gazed into space.

“Where did you meet a monster like that?” Ginger asked with a hint of fear still displayed within her voice. I groaned at her but didnt really say much of anything.

I wondered how the man was able to find me on the rooftop today or was it just a coincidence? I hoped that it was just a coincidence because if it wasn't then running away from him was not going to be easy.

“Did you want to jump again or we should go back home?” I asked glaring at her and she hissed walking away in anger and I followed her as I looked behind me in fear to be sure the man was not following us.

I got back home and I sternly warned Ginger not to tell anyone about what happened that day and she promised not to do that but I could tell that she was also frozen with fear which I was sure that she wouldn't dare tell me.

I rushed into my room and I started ransacking my cabinet looking for a particular magazine where he was interviewed once and I was lucky after I found it in one of my drawers and I quickly decided to read it.

“Even though I wasn't interested about him in my past life, it's time to get to know him in my present life seeing how we are both entangled,” I mumbled as I scaled through the magazine trying to look for the page but a knock on my door interrupted my actions and I was called out by the maid that said someone was looking for me.

“Who could be looking for me at this critical time?” I mumbled and I rushed out but I was surprised to find out the person sitting on the couch in the living room waiting for me.

I stared at the familiar face with disgust. I wasn't necessarily interested in going through this again. “What are you doing here?” I asked

“I am here to court you,” he said and my eyes widen hearing what he just said.

I chuckled when he spoke and I walked to him still giggling sporadically. I stopped when I saw he saw his face. “Oh, you are serious?” I raised my eyes. “I am sorry, I just found that very funny,” I chuckled.

“You are my mate and it's only right we…” he was saying and I scoffed hearing his words.

“Hmhm,” I grunted. “I will stop you right there,” I said with a gesture. “Someone out you up to this?” I demanded. “Who is it?”

“I did,” my father said from behind me, with an eye raised towards my direction.

I glanced at the man in scrutiny, he didnt like Darren in my past life, so why did he like him now? Did something change. I felt a little fear sip in my body as I was coming to a conclusion that some things had changed from the past.

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