

Jenna’s POV

I looked from my father to the man looking so clueless in front of me and I wondered what could be the connection between my father and Roberto.

My father is a disciplinarian that doesn’t like someone like Roberto, who goes around thinking that the world is easy but I wondered how Roberto was able to convince him in just a day. How did they even meet?

“What did you mean, Dad? How did you come to find him?” I asked and I bit my lips seeing that I was asking the wrong question.

How can I ask my Dad how he found him? The question alone was enough to tell him that something was wrong and my father was someone that could easily read between the lines.

“What did you mean about how I came to find him? This gentleman here came to me last night at the party after you ran home and he told me a rather interesting thing!” my father flared and I knew that he must be angry since I didn’t tell him anything about having a mate before I rushed out of the party.

But how did Roberto come to know that he was my father? I was very sure that I was the one that stalked him in my previous life, finally bullying him to accept me to be his mate. I couldn’t think of the perfect explanation for that.

Does he know that I was my father’s child before approaching me? Or could I be wrong?

“Yes, I approached Alpha..” Roberto was saying but his voice irritates me that I had to cut him off before I spurt something I was going to regret. I wouldn’t want a situation whereby I have to get caught by them that I had lived a life before.

“What are you saying? Why did you need to approach father? I thought we were cleared on the matter yesterday. I am not your mate! Did you need me to spell it out!” I screamed and my father glared at me hearing what I just said but I didn’t care. I wanted the man out of my sight and that as soon as possible.

I wouldn’t want to commit murder that fast.

“Don’t be rude to my guest, Jenna and about what you just said we are going to come back to that but for now I am going to invite this man to a game of chess, and he has quite a blessed hands,” my father said and I watched him invite Roberto to the inner living room living me speechless.

Roberto didn’t like chess a bit so what’s with him playing a game of chess with my father?

“So that’s your mate?” I heard Julianna ‘s voice behind me and I hissed in frustration wondering what the girl was trying to play.

“No, he is not, he is just some acquaintance of my father,” I say walking away from her but her voice halted my steps.

“Really? Does that mean I can go after him, I don’t care,” I say winking at her and I watched her face fall hearing what I just said.

I walked towards the inner living room trying to spy on Roberto so that he wouldn’t do anything out of the ordinary but I was surprised to see the ambiance in the room.

I watched as Roberto was having a chat with my dad and I scoffed at the situation because I remember in my past like that the two can’t even stand each other in my previous life. But what? They are chatting?

That seems more like a joke to me, I mumbled and I started looking out the window, not bothering them again. I couldn’t change the fact that my Dad likes him in this life but I can change the fact that they wouldn’t be in-laws.

“Is there something fun out there?” I heard a voice asking behind me and I jerked away in fright because I was completely lost in thought I turned to see Roberto smiling down at me but I wasn’t interested in his smile as I stood up and glared fiercely at him.

“Are you done? I asked, looking at him and I noticed that he was lost by my question but I didn’t care about what he was thinking, I walked out of the living room walking outside and he followed behind me cluelessly.

“Since you are done, Alpha Roberto I think this is where we could be saying our goodbyes,” I said nonchalantly dismissing the man and he looked at me like I just said something so unreal.

“What! You are asking me to leave?” he asked and I wondered if I wasn’t speaking the language that he heard. “Yes, I am asking you to leave did you think that’s too much of a request?” I asked and he shook his head looking at me.

“But don’t you think that would be rude, I haven’t even met your mother yet,” he says and I hissed hearing his words.

The Roberto I knew wasn’t a polite folk and doesn’t care about anybody but seeing him acting this clueless now kind of hurts me. So this man could be this gentle?

“You don’t need to send greetings to anyone I am going to make sure that they get your message so go,” I say and he nods his head leaving but he turns around immediately to look at me.

“Did you think I am leaving now?” Roberto asked and I rolled my eyes wondering what else the man was he was doing.

Does he want to sleep here? Then I better give him my bed since he doesn’t want to go away again, I thought and I snarled at his silly questions.

“Oh, are you not leaving or did you need me to get a convo for you to convene you to your house,” I muttered.

“Why do I feel like you hate me, when this is the second time we are meeting?” I heard him ask and I smirked seeing that he was getting a grasp of the situation.

I walked closer to him even though I hated being in the same space with him as I whispered the words to him.

“Then you should go home and think hard about it, think about how someone that you have never met hates you, you never know you might come across a scenario which I highly doubt is going to happen,” I said and I stepped away from him.

I noticed that my step sister and my stepmom were peeking from the window but I didn’t care since I wasn’t doing anything bad. I was just trying to chase a fly that wasn’t going away.

“I will go and think about it but I am coming back,” He mumbled like he just heard a rather crazy discovery but I didn’t care about what he meant because I was going to crush him till he couldn’t get up.

I watched his car leave the compound and I walked into the room to meet my steps and my stepmother looking at me weirdly but I didn’t see my father in sight so I knew they were done pretending.

“What was that for? Are you trying to act cute to your mate so that he can desire you more?” I heard my stepmother ask me and I scoffed seeing how she sees it.

“No, you are wrong, I don’t want him to appear in front of me again but if you want him for Julianna you can get swift to action now before he slips away,” I say walking out of the living room leaving them amused by the way I talked.

I got back into my room and I felt like there was something I was forgetting and I decided to check the calendar and I saw rather exciting events. I was supposed to go for my internship interview tomorrow with my friend, Mary.

How could I forget that? In my previous life, I had to cancel the interview because I had to stalk Roberto but in this life it’s not happening. I am taking charge of my life.

I picked up my phone and didn’t know that I had a feeling that Mary’s number wasn’t going to go through. I cut my ties with her in my past life because I thought she was meddling in my affairs and she didn’t want goodness for me but seeing everything so crystal clear now I knew I was a fool she was trying to say from being hurt and with that I was grateful to her.

I dialed her number and it was only picked up after the second ring, I couldn’t muster the courage to speak up but she also didn’t say anything which raised an eyebrow.

“Are you seriously in for a breathing competition? Then don’t blame me for being merciless!” Mary says from the other side of the phone and my smile lights up in my face hearing her voice.

“If you don’t want the competition, why didn’t you talk first?” I questioned and we both joked about it, after we discussed our internship, we both planned to meet at the front of Hidalgo Corporation the next morning but I don’t know why I felt like I might actually be running into what I wanted to avoid.

But I could only hope that my first day of internship would be trouble-free…but is this going to be true?

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