
Why is this happening to me?

Molly sprung awake screaming like she was having a nightmare. She was in an office and when she stood up to look around at where she was, one of her co-workers burst in, with other looking on in the background wondering what was going on with her.

"Miss Anderson are you alright?" she asked as Molly just stood there breathing heavily, trying to catch her breath. "Miss Anderson?"

"Where am I?" Molly asked.

"You're at work."


"At Millings Properties," she answered.

"Who am I?"


"What's my name who am I?" Molly asked.

"You're Miss Anderson."


"Yes Molly Anderson," she said.

"Oh my gosh." She held her head like she was about to pass out. "Oh my gosh . . . I died again."


"I died again . . . The thing that got me before . . . It got me again," Molly said.

"I'm sorry Miss Anderson but I have no idea what you're talking about."

"I have to go. Can I borrow your car?"

"I don't have a car," she said. "But you do."

"I have a car?"

"Yes you do. The black Volvo parked out front."

"O.k. o.k.," Molly said and grabbed her hand bag and ran for the door.

"Miss Anderson what's going on? Are you o.k.?"

"I have to go."

"Should I cancel all your meetings?" she asked as she ran out of her office and across the floor to the entrance. "Miss Anderson? Miss Anderson!" Molly ran out and outside sprinted to her car, got in and drove off like a maniac.

"Goodness what was that about?" another co-worker walked up to her and asked.

"I have no idea."

In the car Molly drove on. Breathing in and out heavily trying to bring some calm to her heart that was beating so loud she could hear it in her ears.

"Oh my gosh oh my gosh what is happening to me? What is going on with me?" Molly asked herself and broke down into tears. She looked down at her hands on the steering wheel and they were shaking. The last thing she remembered was the Chasen pulling her up into a tree, smacking its hand onto her face and literally sucking the life out of her. She felt her life leave her body and then in the blink of an eye it wasn't just the following day but she was in another Molly's body, Molly Anderson, a 28 year old office manager at a real estate company.

Molly drove on and reached her destination, the police station, and with her heels off she then got out of the car and ran inside.

She looked around for Det. Brighton and seeing him seated back at his desk she ran across the busy floor to him. He was sitting back in his chair looking to have everything on his mind.

"Det. Brighton," Molly ran up to his desk and said, slightly breathless and with her heart continuing to race.

"Yes," he looked up at her and answered, coming to.

"I need to talk to you."

"Are you alright?"

"No I'm not," Molly answered and burst into tears.

"Whoa whoa hey it's o.k., whatever it is you're going through you can talk to me alright, you're safe here," he said standing up and she hugged him. "It's o.k. you're safe here, no one's going to hurt you."

"Is there somewhere where we can go and talk?" she faced him and asked. "Please."

"Uh sure, let me just grab my coat and we can leave."


"Don't worry, whatever it is you're going through I'm going to help you o.k.," Det. Brighton said wearing his coat.


"Come on let's go."

He walked with her across the floor and out of the police station and in his car drove them to the nearest eating place where they sat down at one of the tables by the window.

"Can we have two coffees please?" Det. Brighton asked the waitress.

"Coming right up," she responded and went to put in the order.

"What's going on?" he asked her. "What's your name?"

"Molly . . . Anderson."

"O.k. Molly what's going on?"

"You don't recognize me because this is not the me you know but you know me," she said.


"It's going to sound completely crazy but you know me."

"O.k. I know and where do I know you from?" Det. Brighton asked.

"Yesterday I came to see you at the police station. Only I wasn't Molly Anderson . . . I was Molly Shane."


"Yesterday a woman named Molly Shane came to see you and told some stuff you thought was crazy and later on that day she died," Molly said.

"How do you know that?"

"Because that was me. I'm the one who came to see you yesterday. I'm Molly Shane only I'm not Molly Shane anymore I'm Molly Anderson."

"What?" he went; what on earth was she talking about? "Molly Shane is dead. She was killed last night."

"Yes that was me. I was sitting in the garden getting some fresh air when the thing I told you about before came and attacked me. It pulled me into the tree and it killed me. It held he tightly with one hand and then put its other hand on my face and it began to suck my soul from inside me. I could feel my life drain and when I couldn't feel it anymore . . . I was gone. Again, I was gone again but then like before I didn't stay dead, I came back. Here I am I'm back but not as who I was but as someone else." She broke down. "What is happening to me? Why is this happening to me?"

"It's o.k. Molly just breathe. Deep breaths with me, let's go." She breathed in and out deeply with him once, twice and a third time and she calmed a little down, just as the waitress brought them their cups of coffee.

"Here you go," she said.

"Thank you so much."

"You're welcome," she said and walked away as Det. Brighton then grabbed a tissue out of the tissue box and handed it to her.

"Thank you." Molly grabbed it and began to pat her tears away with it. "You have to help me. Please help me. I know I sound absolutely crazy but I'm not. Something is going on with me and it is freaking me out. Something is out there and it keeps killing me and instead of staying dead I keep coming back, why do I keep coming back? What's wrong with me?"

"Alright calm down, calm down. Have some coffee."

"O.k.," Molly said and grabbed the milk jug to pour some into her coffee but poured it messily from shaking too much.

"It's alright, I got it, I got it." He grabbed the milk jug from her hand and poured the milk for her. "How many sugars?"

"Just one."

"O.k.," he said and poured two sugars into her coffee and stirred it for her. "There you go."

"Thank you."

"No problem."

She wanted to lift the cup to drink from it but she was still shaking and so she just left the cup on the table and lowered her mouth to it instead, with Det. Brighton just sitting there and watching her; she looked like she was going through a good lot.

"O.k. so let me see if I get this straight. You're the woman who came to see me yesterday about being Molly Gray and being killed in your home?" Det. Brighton asked.

"Yes," she responded.

"Molly Shane?"


"So you as Molly Shane came to tell me about being Molly Gray and being killed in your home two nights ago?" he asked.


"And today you are?"

"I'm Molly Anderson," she answered.

"Telling me that you were both Molly Shane and Molly Gray but you were killed?"


"Is there any other person you were before?" Det. Brighton asked.

"No, my whole life I was Molly Gray and it was perfect. I was a successful lawyer and I was engaged to the love of my life Richard but then on the night of the party I went home and everything changed. Something was there and it attacked me and it killed me." Tears ran down her face and she wiped them away. "I went back to my house and it was a crime scene. You were there and Richard was there too. I even went to him. I placed my hand on his shoulder and when he looked at me . . . He didn't recognize me. He looked right into my eyes and he didn't know me. It was like he was looking at a complete stranger but I wasn't, it was me the love of his life that had just been murdered. I wanted to tell him that it was me, I wanted to tell him to stop crying because I wasn't dead but was right there but he where was I even going to begin? He just lost the woman he loved, where was I going to begin to tell him that I was that woman? He would not only think of me crazy but cruel. To walk away was the only way to spare his heart from breaking some more and so that was what I did. And literally nothing has cut me more than walking away from the man I wanted nothing more than to spend the rest of my life with. Seeing him so sad and alone, is the hardest thing I have ever had to endure. Please, I have no idea what is going on with but I need you to help me. I am scared and I am freaking out I don't know what to do. Please you have to hurt me."

"Who are you?"

"I don't know," Molly said and broke down even more as Det. Brighton just sat there looking at her; what on earth was she going on about? It was the craziest thing he had ever heard. A person who kept being killed and for some strange reason kept coming back, he had no idea what to make of it and so he just sat there and watched her cry. How was he going to help her with a case that didn't make any sense at all.

A half an hour later, Det. Brighton was opening the door to his single bedroom apartment and stood aside for Molly to walk in.

"Here we are," he said and closed the door behind her as she just stood there looking around. "Right so you are going to stay here. I have to go back to work but when I get back we're going to talk some more and we're going to see if we can find a way to deal with what's going on alright?"

"O.k.," she said. "But I don't want to be alone."

"I know you don't but I'm only going to be away from a few hours. I'll be back before you know it. Just make sure to keep the door locked and open it for no one else but me and you're going to be o.k." She nodded her head wiping her tears away. "Yeah so I know the place is a little messy but make yourself at home. There's a working coffee machine if you want some coffee, there are some snacks up there and there's a comfy bed in there if you want to lie down for a bit. Mi casa su casa."

"Thank you."

"Alright I have to go I'll see you later alright?"


"Hey? We're going to get through this," Det. Brighton said and she moved in to hug him.

"Thank you."

"It's no trouble at all," he said and hugged her back; his arms around her making her feel the safest she had ever felt since the whole thing began. There was just something about him, she didn't know what it was but whatever it was, it assured her that in his arms was right where she was supposed to be.

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