
Chapter 4

"We should really stop at the bakery first, you are starving," Saf said as my stomach growled.

"You are right besides, Mom and Dad are already there. Knowing them, this particular assignment has them worried."

As I arrived I went in through the backdoor. The radio as always was blasting the music. Eye of the tiger. Dad's favorite.

I grabbed the chocolate croissant from the tray when I realized most of the trays here were full. And that is odd, with our sales dad normally runs up and down exchanging trays.

"I hear something," Saf said.

I moved further in, the office door was slightly ajar. Jace was in there with Dad.

"Have you heard from her?" Jack asked.

"I'm sure she's alright Jack."

"I should have gone with her."

"Jack the order was clear, she had to go alone." Dad insisted.

"Screw that." Jack cursed.

"It's getting harder for you to control it, isn't it?" Dad said as he put his hand on his shoulder. Jack just looked at his feet clenching his fists.

"You know it's impossible my boy."

"No, it's not, It is possible you just don't want the truth to come out." Jack said. What truth, I thought my family didn't have any secrets, besides Sofia's tattoo.

"Do you want to destroy our family, have you ever taken into consideration the pain it could cause her?" Dad asked him, frustration in his voice. Jack was breathing heavily, he put his face in the palms of his hands the president brushing his fingers through his hair.

"I love her dad, I have loved her for years now." What, who?

"Kaya, you know that weird feeling I was telling you about?" Saf whispers carefully in my mind.

""I love Kaya, Dad," Jack said and my hand went immediately over my mouth.

"She is your sister, Jack, Kaya grew up thinking you are her brother." Dad said angrily now.

"Well I'm not her brother, she is not my sister and I don't want to pretend anymore. Thanks to my werewolf brain I remember the day you and mom brought her home from the woods as a baby, I was two but I remember it clear as day."I stumbled back knocking over various trays. Dad and Jack came running out of the office.

"Kaya!" Jack said with a level of urgency in his voice but I only looked at Dad.

"Is it true... What I... What I just heard, is it true?"

"Kaya, sweetheart." Dad tried to approach me but I put my hand up to stop him.

"Is it true?" I asked as the tears filled my eyes until I couldn't see clearly. They just kept standing in front of me, paralyzed, both trying to say something but staying silent at the same time. Suddenly I felt very hot in my skin, I needed to get out of there and I needed to do it now. I didn't care that they were calling my name I just ran. I ran until I got to the jeep.

"Kaya, calm down. Where are you going?" Asked Saf. Where was I going? Going home if I can even call it that anymore just wasn't an option.

"I don't know Saf."

"Yes, you do, the same place we always go when we are upset." The lake.

Of course, Saf knows me better than I know myself. But I wasn't gonna go there with the jeep, transforming into my wolf will help me blow off some steam.

"Just remember to get some spare clothes this time." Saf tried to lighten the mood.

I ditched the jeep and took the backpack from the back.

"Saf time to shine." I say.

"Can't you just say "Safire it's time to transform into a wolf?" You make me feel like I'm in Winx club." I know she hated that, yet I still did it every time.

As Kaya gave Safire control over her body the transformation began. The backpack fell from Kaya's shoulder as her hands relaxed, and her face dropped. Kaya's eyes closed and Safire's opened. Her eyes shined in a beautiful red color, the color of the Alpha. Something Kaya was unaware of. In her human form, whenever her eyes did glow they did so in yellow. The color of omega, someone who she was supposed to be. But then again she was supposed to belong to a simple family, something she did not. The sound of bones cracking vibrated through the air making birds fly away from the trees nearby. As Safire completed the transformation she howled into the air before grabbing the backpack and started to run. The lake was Kaya's and Safire's special place, the place that always brought them confort. To see Safire run through the wood is magnificent, the color of her fur was a mix of ash gray, silver and white.And oh boy was she big and strong,even thow she moved fast her eyes could perceive everything that surrounds her.Oh yes, her piercing red eyes.The secret they keep, even from Kaya herself.Red was the color of Alphas,but so far in history there has never,ever been a female Alpha.Even so much so that Alpha's first child has always been a male, no exceptions.The power of Alpha goes from father to son, the moon Goddess herself made it that way.

As Safire ran the yellow pendant hit her chest again and again, it was the only thing Kaya never had to take off during her transformation. The necklace was a gift from Kaya's first and to this day, only love. Cole Hodgins. Kaya met Cole during her volunteer days at the hospital his father worked in. Though it wasn't love at first sight, no. First, they shared a friendship, they learned to trust each other and by the time they realized their feelings for one another Cole was instructed to go into the human world. To be chosen as the right person to administer one of Alpha's most important companies was surely an honor. The last time they saw each other, instead of sharing their first kiss as Kaya had hope, Cole gave her the necklace making her promise to never take it off. And she never did. She came close to doing it, several times when Safire would get into her head saying that in this day in age, he could at least send a text. But than Kaya would convince herself that he must be very busy, after all his performance as CEO has an effect not only on the Alpha but the entire pack as well.It was around that same time she stumbled upon the bounty hunter job, as it turned out it was exactly what she needed to occupy her thoughts. Fate needed her on that path, she needed to get to Atlas and the truth she was currently running from.

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