
Why would you say that?

The next day, Lily reluctantly went to school. As she walked through the hallway, she couldn't help but notice the whispers and mocking from her fellow students. They called her names and labeled her a slut. It had been three days since the pictures were posted on the school page, yet the gossip and ridicule persisted. It seemed like everyone was talking about it.

When Lily entered her classroom, she saw Jess and her group of followers standing up, ready to confront

her. Jess folded her arms and looked at Lily with disdain. "Why are you here?" she sneered.

Lily looked away, trying to ignore her, but Jess pushed her backward. "Where do you think you're going?" Jess raised her voice.

"You're shameless for coming back to school. Can't you just leave?" Jess shouted.

Lily's eyes widened in surprise. She looked at Jess, taken aback by her hostility. Why was Jess so interested in her life? It seemed like Jess had nothing better to do than to torment her. Just then, Fae stepped in.

"Should y
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