
Chapter 5 How Much Will You Give?

"Have you discussed this with Young Master Qin?" the lawyer asked, his voice laced with doubt.

"Do you really think I can talk to that man about this? That’s why I need your help."

"Young Madam Qin, this is too risky. If the Young Master finds out what you’re asking for, it could end very badly."

"He won't find out as long as you keep your mouth shut. I’ll pay you more than my husband does." Senna tried to convince him with an offer hard to refuse, especially for someone who loved money.

"How much are you willing to pay me?" The lawyer’s eyes sparkled with interest.

A smirk played on Senna’s lips. The information she had received about this lawyer was accurate. Now she understood the root of the problem—the lawyer's greed. "I’ll pay you three times what Young Master Qin does."

"Can you really afford to pay me that much? The Young Master already pays me almost five figures."

"Are you underestimating me? I'm still the daughter of the Zhang family. I can pay you, as long as you’re on my side."

The lawyer hesitated, weighing the pros and cons. Senna noticed his apprehension. "What’s making you hesitate? Are you that afraid of my husband? I already said I’d take full responsibility. Don’t you take me seriously?"

"Can you guarantee it?"

"Yes," Senna stated with conviction. "I don’t have much time, so make your decision now!"


"Evander Qin, don’t tell me you fully trust that woman? Do you really think she’s on the same page as us?" Belinda stared at her silent lover.

"Don’t worry about that. I don’t trust her either. But I can’t reject this agreement. We just have to use it to our advantage. Only then can our child officially carry the Qin name."

"Then I’ll stay at your place during my pregnancy and afterward."

"I’ll arrange for a side room."

"No. I want to stay in the main mansion."

"What? I can’t agree to that. If the Qin family finds out—"

"Honey, you can handle them for me. Isn’t it better if I stay close to you, especially since you said our child will be the Young Master of the Qin family? I can also keep an eye on that woman."

"I’ll bring you in, but not right now. My position in the company is still unstable."

"So, you want to stay alone with that woman longer? She might manipulate you further. What if she sends someone to kill me so our baby isn’t born? I know she can't be happy about our child."

"She won’t kill you or our baby. It’s part of the official agreement."

"I’m still worried. Don’t you want to protect me and our baby?" Belinda’s eyes showed worry and sadness. Evander finally relented.

"Alright, you can stay at the house. Pack up, and I’ll bring you tomorrow."

"I want to come home with you today."

"Why the rush? What about your belongings? Don’t you need time to pack? I can help you move tomorrow."

"Today or tomorrow, it’s the same. I don’t have much stuff. You can have your people pack for me. Darling, I don’t want to spend a cold night without you. Don’t you love me as much as before? Are you ashamed to bring me home and only want this child?"

"It’s not like that. Alright, we’ll go to the main mansion after work. I’ll have the butler prepare a room for you."

"Why all the hassle? I can sleep in the main room with you."

"That’s not possible. If someone reports it to the Qin elders, I’ll be in trouble."

"So, only she deserves to sleep in the main room?"

"Just five years. Please be patient until then. I’ll divorce her, and we can be together. Besides, I’ll come to your room every night. Don’t argue anymore; I have work to do. Can you go back to your room now?"

Belinda pouted but didn’t say anything more. No matter how much Evander loved her, he wouldn’t let her interfere with his work. She left the executive’s office, her steps heavy.

Evander sighed. Dealing with a sensitive lover like Belinda was challenging. Her demands gave him a headache. He also wondered what Senna would do when she found out he was bringing his lover home. Hopefully, there wouldn’t be a fight between the two women.


After meeting with the lawyer, Senna was in a good mood. However, she didn’t feel like going to the company; her father handled everything anyway. She headed to her private studio. Since returning to the past, she had pursued her passion, even if it meant clashing with the Zhang family. To get this opportunity, Senna had threatened with her own life.

Senna sat and began sketching on the canvas. She drew what was in her mind: a little boy. A child who haunted her every night. Her breath hitched as she gazed at the sketch. This boy, who resembled her, would never be in her life again.

Time flew by unnoticed. Her phone rang, displaying President Yan’s name. "Hello," Seinna answered.

"Senna, are you at the studio now? I’ll pick you up."

"Didn’t I tell you to just send me the address? I have my car; no need to pick me up."

"I’ll have someone bring your car home. I’m already at the door."

"Then come in. I need to tidy up."

The tall, handsome man entered the room. He approached Senna from behind and hugged her. Seinna was used to this but still felt uncomfortable. "President Yan, I’m dirty right now. Let me change first."

Senna pried his hands off her. Instead, he turned her around to face him, his eyes flashing with anger. "Senna, what’s wrong with you? You keep rejecting me!"

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