

Hanzo's POV

‘Mate is still nervous, Reika says she afraid still,’ Valko watches me untangle Tori’s fiery red hair. ‘I can’t make her tell me,’ I growl at Valko not wanting to overstep with my already nervous mate.

“Shit I’m sorry, I wasn’t growling at you. Valko won’t shut up, he’s worried about you,” I apologize when I notice Tori trembling. I gently touch her shoulder causing her to flinch, my heart sink as I apologize again, “I’m so sorry.”

“It’s not just you, I’m sorry I scare so easily. I’m not afraid of you, before I had no idea why, now I think it’s because you’re my mate. Reika keeps telling me you would never hurt me and that you and Valko will do anything to protect us.” Tori looks back at me over her shoulder, I nod while brushing my thumb across her jaw.

“Reika is right, Valko and I will protect you no matter what. You don’t have to apologize for being scared it’s clear you’ve been through quite a bit. Please know you can tell me anything and it won’t change how I feel about you,” I softly speak before starting to brush more of her hair out.

“I don’t even know where to begin, I don’t want you to see me the way my mother did,” Tori admits while sitting straight so I can continue untangling her hair.

“Nothing will change the way I see you, when I look at you, I see a beautiful young woman who wants to feel loved and like she belongs, which I will to give you those things. You will always belong with me and you will always be loved as long as I’m alive,” Valko’s voice bleeds into mine, her cheeks turn bright red. I smile seeing her blue eyes glow a little from Reika peering at me through her eyes.

“My mother told me I had to stay hidden and never let anyone find me because they would think I’m a monster. She said if I ever got caught, I would get killed or become subject to experiments,” Tori confesses with sadness in her voice, I finish brushing her hair.

“Tori, I’m sorry you had to live that way. Nothing you could do would make me think you’re a monster. I have no idea why your mother thought those things, but I will keep you safe from that fate no matter what happens,” I softly speak.

“Let’s rinse out your hair really quick, then we can get ready for bed. If you want, I can help you braid your hair since I don’t have a blow dryer,” I suggest after a few moments.

“Can you braid my hair? I like how it looks in the morning?” She questions, I smile and nod my head.

“Absolutely, I imagine it looks quite beautiful,” I nod while standing up. I walk with her to the shower and start the hot water so she can completely rinse out her hair.

“Thank you,” her voice is soft as I stand facing the opposite side of the shower to give her privacy and make sure she feels comfortable.

“You’re welcome,” I step out of the shower and pull a towel around my waist then get into the cupboard to grab her a bigger softer towel.

“I can sleep downstairs if you want your bed to yourself.” Tori offers while wrapping her towel tightly around her thin body.

‘We need to fatten her up, she’s too skinny like she doesn’t eat,’ Valko comments as I open the door and lead our way to my bedroom. ‘We will, she’ll be well cared for with us, you know this.’

“Sit on the bench and I’ll braid your hair while you dry off,” I suggest walking over to my dresser and pull out a pair of flannel pajama pants for myself, a pair of boxers, and a black tank top for Tori.

“These are for you once I finish your hair or you can change first,” I hold up the clothes before placing them beside her on the bench. I move to my closet to quickly dress into my pajama pants.

“I will wait till after you finish my hair, how do you know how to braid hair?” Tori questions, I can’t help chucking as I pull the flannel pajama pants on then exit the closet.

“I used to help my little sister with her hair,” I admit while before brushing my fingers through my hair to get it out of my face.

“You have a sister?” Tori watches me grab a brush and a couple hair ties before sitting on the edge of the bed behind her.

“Yes Hana, she visits on occasion, you’ll meet her eventually.” I begin to brush her hand dividing it into three sections.

“What about your biological father?” She asks making me pause and close my eyes. I shake my head not wanting to think about the man who abandoned my mother.

“I don’t know anything about him, I know I figured out Greyson wasn’t my dad because his scent is different than mine. And my mother doesn’t ever mention my father,” I explain the best I can, trying to stay calm and not get upset over talking about my father.

“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to upset you,” she apologized while looking back at me with an adorable worried expression. “It’s ok, you’re just asking questions, I’m glad you want to know about me,” I brush my hand across her cheek she blushes and smiles.

“Reika says I should get to know you and trust you, she wants to stay here,” Tori admits with bright red cheeks before facing forward hiding her face.

“Hey it’s ok to want to stay here, I’m glad I found you. I would hate for that pack to have caught up with you alone in the sheriff’s station,” I begin weaving her hair into a braid as she shivers at the thought of being caught.

“They would have torn that place apart.” She scoots closer either for my warmth or the comfort of feeling secure.

“They would have, but you don’t have to worry about that pack again.” I press my forehead to the back of her head and take in her flowery scent that reminds me of the ocean breeze.

“All done,” I announce once I have the braid finished and tied off and let the braid rest over her shoulder so she can see.

“Thank you,” She speaks, turning and holding her towel in place.

“You’re welcome why don’t you get dressed while I go make sure the house is locked up,” I suggest while standing making her blush as her eyes wander over my tattooed chest.

“Yeah I should get dressed,” she agrees with a nod and grabs the clothes I placed next to her. “I will, be quick.” Tori looks down at her feet with flushed cheeks as she looks slightly uneasy.

‘She feels safer with us,’ Valko proudly announces making me chuckle slightly. “I will be, you don’t have to be embarrassed for wanting me near,” I walk towards the stairs and leave her alone to get dressed.

I quickly walk around the house making sure all the windows are shut and the doors are all locked. I make a quick call to Jackson and leave him a message asking why she and him share a similar base scent knowing he has to be related to her somehow. When I return to my room if find Tori dressed in my boxers and tank top sitting cross legged on my bed.

“Do you need anything before going to sleep?” I ask, turning the light off, before sliding into bed next to her. I pull the blankets down letting Tori slip under the covers beside me.

‘I like mate sleeping in our bed,’ Valko yawns when Tori surprises me by curling up to my side and drapes her arm across my chest. ‘Me too,’ I reply with a deep content breath, I can’t help smiling as I enjoy the warmth of her touch and the tingles that come with it.

‘It’s Reika, she and Tori are arguing about being so close,’ Valko answers my surprised feelings. ‘Try to get her to stop pushing Tori so hard,’ I yawn before cautiously draping my arm over Tori’s back.

“You ok?” I look down at Tori to make sure I don’t need to move to the couch or floor. “Yeah, Reika is just being an ass. If you don’t want to sleep in here it’s ok,” she whispers as I smile seeing her flushed cheeks in the dark. “I’m ok, as long as you are,” I reassure her and gently rub her back hoping to soothe her.

“Good night, Tori, sleep well. Nothing will bother you here,” I whisper while kissing her forehead and securely hold her against me, she shudders in my grip. “Good night, thank you.” Tori yawns then Reika takes over and grips me tighter while taking a deep relaxed breath.

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