

Tori's POV

“Here,” Hanzo pulls me through the door to a very large deck. He turns me to show me the house is on the lake. Looking out on the deck I see a large pergola covering what appears to be a bed that rests against the house sitting across from a wraparound couch with a fire pit in the middle.

“This is amazing, what else is here?” I ask, looking down at my hand in Hanzo’s. It takes a lot for me not to pull away as my hand sweats from anxiety building deep in my stomach. “I’ve got some ducks and geese for eggs and meat,” Hanzo answers and points towards the side of the house.

“It’s amazing,” I walk to the edge of the deck to see it is built over the water. ‘We should go swim,’ Reika suggests as I nod, looking out at the inviting lake. ‘It does look nice,’ I agree with my wolf then look up at Hanzo wondering if he would swim with me or watch.

“I like it, it’s simple and there is also a garden,” he smiles and watches me as I let go of his hand and take off the tank top and boxers. “It’s beautiful,” I smile before jumping into the lake wearing my underwear and bra.

“Come on, it’s nice and cool,” Reika waves Hanzo in as the cold water feels really good. Before I have to say anything more he walks over to the couch and folds up a cushion pulling out two towels. Placing the towels on the edge of the deck, Hanzo strips to his boxers then joins me in the water. I blush as I swim towards him feeling naturally drawn to him.

‘Swim away, make him chase you,’ Reika playfully speaks, I internally roll my eyes and giggle knowing she wants to test him. “I’m happy you like it here,” he admits and slowly fallows me as I swim back towards deeper water.

“It’s different.” I begin to float as he comes closer. “Different isn’t always bad,” he reassures watching me as he moves closer and stands in the water that is kissing the tops of his shoulders.

“No, not always,” I agree, swimming around him then dunking my head before getting to close. Hanzo turns and pulls me back against his chest causing me to curl up around his arms and bite my bottom lip, not expecting him to grab me.

“What is this not ok?” He questions in my ear with his arms around my torso. I close my eyes and let the tingles wash over me as I enjoy being held. I am conflicted. I enjoy the tingles that his touch brings, they ease my mind, but I’m still unsure if I can trust him, some part of me knows something isn’t right.

‘Don’t you dare try to escape him,’ Reika growls at me when I move to push away. ‘I’m not Reika, I don’t want to leave him, I think.’ I reassure my wolf I have no intention of running from Hanzo.

“It is,” I answer when my entire body shudders feeling his body so close. Hearing his playful growl, I look up to see him smiling as his grip around me tightens. I turn in his arms and hesitantly wrap my arms around his shoulders.

After a moment I pull away from him and swim back towards the deck, my temperature rises feeling his gaze on me. Part of me can’t help but pull away from him after losing everything, I wonder what staying in one place could mean.

‘Don’t pull away, we’re safe with him,’ Reika whimpers, my stomach churns at the idea of leaving. ‘Reika, what if they keep hunting us, what if they hurt him?’ I ask, afraid to be with someone after always being told to stay away from everyone.

“You ok?” Hanzo questions as he watches me grab a towel and wrap it around myself not sure how I feel. “I don’t know,” I confess, looking down at him still in the water. I want to stay in his arms it feels right, but my urge to flee is still very strong.

“Do you need anything?” He asks with a concerned expression. I shake my head and watch him. “Is there anything I can do to help you?” Hanzo continues, getting out of the water, I can’t help smiling at how kind and concerned he is.

“Everything feels wrong, it doesn’t feel like I can…” I start crying at the overwhelming feeling of everything catching up to me. “Hey it’s ok, I’m right here you don’t have to deal with this alone,” he quickly wraps his arms around me. I resist pulling away when the tingles of his touch soothe my stress.

“I have a feeling a hot bath will do you some good, this is the first time in a while you’ve been able to stop running isn’t it?” Hanzo asks when I curl up tight in his arms. “Yeah,” I whisper after a deep breath and wiping my face, he carries me upstairs and to the bathroom.

“Why are you so kind to me?” I ask after Hanzo sits me down on the bathroom counter and starts drawing a bath. ‘Stop questioning this, he is our mate. He is meant to be nice to us,’ Reika snarls at my back and forth of emotions towards our mate.

“Besides the obvious. You’re different, I could see you were in trouble when I first saw you and I couldn’t ignore it, I’m sorry you lost your mother. Do you know why you were hiding?” Hanzo questions watching me shrug then shake my head.

“Thank you. I’m not completely sure I know my mother was keeping me a secret from everyone and that I’d be killed if anyone found me,” I explain the best I can, looking down having no idea what was wrong, I’m just a werewolf.

“And she never told you why or what made you different?” He sighs, watching me as hold the towel around me. “No, she didn’t I’m just a wolf,” I answer, Hanzo smiles and shakes his head.

“She’s not wrong, you are different. Black isn’t a common color for werewolves, nor are red eyes. Werewolves are usually grey or brown in varying shades, they also maintain their natural eye color,” Hanzo admits, my brow furrows as I’ve never seen what I look like as a wolf, aside from my fur. I bite back the urge to ask him why his wolf is solid white, noticing he is clearly different.

‘Reika what are we?’ I ask my wolf, not exactly sure hot to feel about not knowing what I am. ‘A wolf, I’m here Tori. Nothing changes,’ she reassures as I look up at the ceiling then nod.

“I don’t know what I am,” I confess, my stomach sinks and I shrug looking to Hanzo who looks sad. “I can help you if you want, do you need anything else?” He questions, getting up he starts to leave once the bath is drawn.

“I’m not sure if I want to know, and no I don’t think so,” I answer from my place standing beside the tub and looking at the water. “Then rest, if you need anything just call out.” He walks to the door and I nod.

After closing the bathroom door behind him, I pull the towel away and strip off the rest of the way then get into the bath. The hot water feels amazing as I sink into the tub as my muscles relax.

I look closely at my thigh to see no mark left form being impaled by the sharpened stick from the trap. ‘Are you ok?’ Reika questions after a moment of getting lost in my thoughts. ‘I’m not sure, I don’t know what to think about anything,’ I look around the foreign space finding it weird to be in a closed off room.

‘We’re ok here, you’re safe with Hanzo and Valko. They will help us understand everything we find out, and most importantly they will help us figure things out,’ Reika does her best to comfort me and I nod. ‘I hope so, I’m just so afraid to stop running, it’s all we’ve been doing and all we’ve been taught,’ I take a deep breath and fight the tears building in my eyes.

‘It’s ok to cry just as it’s ok to be afraid of change. The only thing I know is everything in me screams to trust our mate and his wolf,’ Reika reassures and I nod, letting a few tears roll down my cheek. ‘So much has changed, I don’t even know how to handle it. I feel it too, I want to trust him, I really do,’ I agree with my wolf and try taking in the changes I’ve had to endure.

‘We will get through this together Tori, I’ll always be with you and on your side,’ I grab a sponge and begin to wash my arms. I just nod and continue to wash myself then rest into the bath until the water becomes cold. Once finished, hang my underwear and bra to dry. I go into Hanzo’s room with a towel then get dressed into pajama pants and a tank top he has left resting on the bed.

Wandering outside the back door I find Hanzo feeding ducks and geese that are beautiful and vary in size. “Thank you,” I speak getting his attention, he looks up and smiles seeing me.

“You’re welcome, how was your bath?” Hanzo asks, tossing some feed out for the birds. “It was nice, still processing a lot, but the bath helped,” I reassure, walking closer to him as he waves me over.

“Here, hold your hands down here. I’m glad the bath helped,” he instructs, placing corn and seeds in my hands making the geese eat from my hands, I laugh and smile.

“They’re so cool,” I watch them nibble at my hands till the grains are all gone. “They are a lot of fun and easy to care for,” Hanzo says proudly, leading our way back onto the deck. “I can imagine,” I look out at the ducks and geese who make noise and go about their business.

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