
The Hybrids legacy
The Hybrids legacy
Author: Sonita

Episode 1


I'm considered a demon when people find out that I am the son of the feared and despised Dracula. My dad, when he was alive caused a lot of havoc, I wouldn't want to hide the fact that he made a lot of people hate and repel him until he died, my mom, Linda, was a lowly waitress, she's human but it didn't stop people talking back at her, they also despise her for falling in love with the devil himself and bearing him a son, That didn't matter to mom, as long as she had the man that she loved and her son, my anticipated arrival begot an unfriendly change, the gods didn't just bless me that which I should yield, they blessed me with the power of the two's, the power of not only a vampire but that of a werewolf.

Before Dad passed away, I was asked to go and live with my godfather and his children, Margaret and Morgan Vincent.

"Bro! Welcome!!"...

Morgan helped me with the luggage immediately after I came down from the cab, and I took it from home.

We were almost getting in when my eyes wandered off and it falls on Margaret, she wasn't the Little girl I met the last time I came with my parents, she's become more of a lady and also has developed boobs.....

"Derek, welcome son" .

My godfather, Charles, stopped me at the door and brought me inside.

He asked Morgan to carry my luggage to the visitor's bedroom, I was seated there when I recalled the time my parents had come to visit before they both passed away.

"Thanks for having me, sir,". I said after keeping quiet for a while.

"Nah! It's nothing" he said, he took me over to the couch to sit.

Margaret walks in. She finds me sitting next to her dad.

"Oh? Welcome D." She said, she has never stopped shortening my name.

"Thanks. M". I shortened hers as well.

She nodded and walked away, heading to the kitchen.

Morgan came down afterwards and informed me that my bedroom had been set, Charles allowed me to go ahead and get settled in. I did just that and went away with him.

Eager Morgan volunteered to help me in arranging my clothes, he has always been this nice since we were kids, I never knew after so many years, he'd still be the same.

As much as I desire assistance, I feel handicapped when someone helps me in doing my job. How long does it take to bring out some clothes and hang them inside of the wardrobe...

I politely declined, and he went away but invited me downstairs afterwards...

I finished arranging my things and after came down, I could hear Morgan's voice, it seemed he was arguing nothing serious because Margaret wouldn't stop giggling...

"Derek, come in son"...

Charles's head turned, unaware he'd see me standing behind them.

I came in and sat on one of the couches, pretty next to Margaret.

"Bro!". Morgan served me a bottle of beer. He turned over to his sister and handed her an ice-cold cola.

"Don't I deserve to drink beer?" She said, pushing the cola away from reaching her.

"Hey, don't be stubborn, dad and I both know you don't have the stomach from drinking alcohol". He giggled, and turned, seeking approval from his dad

"Exactly, pumpkin, please don't make this difficult".

Said Charles to his angry-faced daughter.

Margaret reluctantly collected the cola from her brother's hand and angrily left the sitting room.

Morgan giggled and fell back on the couch, he saw the serious expression on my countenance and told me not to heed my concerns about his sister and that she was only being immature.

Immature over a drink? It seems more than they both could see.

After some time, Charles and I were excused to talk.

"Son, it's been a while since we had a serious conversation?".

He said to him.

I exhaled and inhaled deeply, then said.

"Yes sir, but what do you want to know, aside from the fact, I Lost my parents?"

I smiled, sadly.

"I know but tell me..... What about your powers, have you been able to control your vampire and werewolf powers?". He pulled forward like he was about to leave the couch...

I glared around before responding to his question.

"Nope, I find it hard to sleep at night" I opened up to him.

"Are you still having the same nightmare?". He got serious, his hands rubbing against the other.

I nodded my Head, "Yeah! It has even gotten serious ". I deciphered and drank the beer in my hand.

"I see" he fell deep in thought, and thereafter, he looked back up to me and said, " I can help you control your powers".

"Help?" I said.

"Yeah! Although, you'll have to get enrolled in the academy". He came over to my couch and sat next to me.

Going to school? The last school didn't end up well, I got pushed away from society, and called a freak, the devil's son, Am I ready to go through that all over again?..

"Fine! I will".

I accepted to attend the academy after giving it much thought, if Charles was sure that he was going to help me get rid of the nightmares I had and control my powers, getting enrolled in an academy wouldn't be a bad idea.

Charles left the sitting room with a grin on his face, he was pleased to know that I was willing to attend his academy.

The same evening, Morgan came to my bedroom.

He met me getting ready for bed.

"Bro, don't tell me you want to head to bed, it's only seven In the evening" he checked his wristwatch.

"Obviously! I'm exhausted" I said and rolled my eyes..

"Exhausted? Please" he goes and opened my wardrobe..

"What are you doing.... Stop" I said, I tried to forbid him from taking another cloth out when he turned back to me and responded to me, " Stop what? Bro, tonight we are going to a party," he took out my T-shirt, trousers and a leather jacket.

"Party? Who's?" I raised a question.

"You'll know... Eventually, when we get there" he pulled me up from the bed, and pushed me toward the bathroom door, " go freshen up, change and I'll wait outside by the car for you". He said and then left with excitement.

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