
Episode 4


Once again I was tossed out of Magret's bedroom like a stranger, since she wasnt going to talk , I went straight to my bedroom

Even came and I came down for dinner, Charles and his children were already eating when I walked in.

"Good evening son, please come sir"?.

Charles invited me, he pointed me to the chair that was next to his daughter. I grinned and walked over , I closely glimpsed on Margaret glance, she scurry looked at me , until Morgan spotted the same and asked her.

"Sis, what happened, why are you staring at derek in such a way?". He questioned, Margaret perked up scared and she lied, " look at who? No I'm not" she turned her face over to her dad and requested to take her dish to her bedroom.

There's something strange about Margaret, but what?..

Charles excused his daughter, she leaves with her dinner but forgot to take her glass of orange juice with her .

Morgan wanted to go up to her bedroom to give the glass to her, I was curious to have a serious work with Margaret, I decided to take the glass by myself .

"Hold on Morgan ". I said to him the moment he left his chair, he turns back and replied, " what's up? "

The glass was holding in his reach, I got up from my chair and took it from him .

"I'll go and give Magret her glass, don't worry yourself". I spoke..

Morgan had no objections as he allowed me take the glass up to his sister's bedroom, Charles also didn't say anything to me .

I was standing in front of Magrets bedroom door as I knocked..

"Hey! Can I come in?". I asked, I waited for a response but after some minutes I decided to walk in, only to find out that Margaret room was empty and her window was wide open ..

Where could she have gone too.

I came down with the drink, I was lucky I didn't find Charles at the table, Morgan was there and the moment she saw me coming down hysterically, he immediately knew something must've happened..

"Bro! Margaret isn't in her room is she?".

He asked me. I nodded my head at him. He grunt's tiredly and stood up to leave..

"Hey! Where are you going too,". I stopped him from taking another step.

As he turned back and replied..

"To search for my sister, after all?". He frowned and walked away..

Morgan got his car keys as we left to look for Magret, we drove by an ice cream parlor, I thought she might've gone in there to clear her head, nonetheless, Morgan was so sure that his sister wasn't going to be there but at the playground.

We got there, Morgan asked me to go on ahead while he packed the car properly, I nodded and went in search of a grown ass lady, the playground was quiet and there wasn't any soul there, why should they be, when it's eight in the evening.

I kept on looking out for Magret until I found her sitting on the rest, she rested her back against a huge tree and hide from anyone seeing her..

"Young Lady, you're in deep trouble?". I got to where she was seated and dragged her up..

She was angrily and so she pushed my hand away and said..

"What stupid trouble? Why are you even here Derek,?". She was so furious I had come to find her, Morgan overhead and he latched out on his sister..

"Don't be fucking ungrateful, have you gone mad,?" He yelled her and pulled her over to his counternace..

"Mad? Mad is when Lucas is still troubling me". She angrily took away the hand of her brother and looked back at me, " Derek, Lucas wasn't trying to force himself on me, he wae blackmailing me".her eyes were locked with mine when she told me..

Morgan got vexed.

"I'm sorry, what?. Why is he blackmailing you?". He asked his sister.

"I don't know..." She hesitant to speak again, seeing that, Morgan realized that she wasn't telling the truth.

"You know! Tell me? What is Lucas blackmailing you about?". He pulled her away from me again and shook the truth out from her lips, as she said, " he's got a sex tap of us having sex".

"Why should you have sex and video yourself?"..

Morgan blamed his sister..

Margaret slowly pulled away from him, she was sad and also shamed of herself, I promised myself not to entertain whatever that doesn't concern me, but how could I when she's my godfather's daughter, Charles has also put Margaret in my care, he's going to get hurt if the tape leaks..

"I'll help you get the tap!".

I said as Margaret and his brother both turned and looked at my face. .

"You'll help me?". She pulled onward and held my hand.

"Bro,! Are you sure?" Morgan said, he was doubtful I could or perhaps was he afraid on what I'll do to Lucas in case anything bad happens to him?..

"Yes, I will help you?". I said as I turned to Morgan, " and I'm sure about this, don't stress". I giggled..

"Shall we go home!" I asked them..

Magret nodded her head.

"Yeah!" She jumped up excitedly and picked up her iPhone 14 pro Max on the ground.

Morgan drove back to the house, Margaret went to her bedroom, Morgan did same and just as I turned to leave, I looked out rgr window to thr living room and outside they were two men, I'm sure victor must've send them to spy on me and come to think about it, why's he adamant about taking over the leadership mantel from my late dad, Duncan Dracula.

I clearly remember when dad ost away, he had asked me to think thoroughly before deciding to take over his pack, I am his only heir however before deciding to take charge over the entire Dracula dynasty, I'll have to learn how to control my powers and train, I aldo need help in understanding the nightmares I have every night, it's beginning to get exhausting and I can't take any more of the uncertainty of what is about to happen..

Dad was a good leader, however he was feared by so many, and loved by a few, regardless, he wasn't a bad human being but it's quite unfortunate that humans being had him tagged to be the devil and I, born of the devil's seed..

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