

“Please Aaron," she sniffed in his arms, his spicy cologne was intoxicating her mind. She liked it there like this, staying in the protection of his arms and knowing that nobody in the world could dare to look at her in the wrong way, she felt delighted and safe in his arms.

Aaron understood that she was being emotional while showing her gratitude but his control was threatening to slip slowly with her soft innocent touches just like last night. He promised her that He would respect her boundaries. But his inner beast had this desire to quench its thirst somehow, it wanted to taint this beauty which was too pure, too innocent for him. But Aaron knew his strict boundaries, He was the man of Control. His words are more important than anything in this world.

Aaron patted her back lightly. Bella broke their hug and looked at him with her innocent tear-filled eyes. "He won't hurt me again, Right?" She asked with so much hope and trust that Aaron felt odd in his heart.

He cupped her fac
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goodnovel comment avatar
Someone is getting dieted for talking smack about the bosses wife. My girl here is going to have to start using her married name to her advantage or people are going to walk all over her.
goodnovel comment avatar
no matter how many chapter you updates we are not enough of this beautiful story we really greedy for more more chapter
goodnovel comment avatar
Syamala Bhanu
want more updates...plsss

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