

Aaron grabbed her shoulders and snapped. "I am asking you something, who called you that, Bella?"

Bella's eyes widened in fear. "I…I don't know. I just heard the two women talking…"

"Name! Give me their names.”

The look in his eyes promised punishment which made Her heart drop. Though those women were bashing her but Bella felt bad because she didn't want anyone to get punished because of her. "Answer me!"

She jumped at his tone and the name she heard slipped out of her mouth. "Betty…Betty!!"

"And?" Aaron asked the name of the other woman. "I don't know the other woman's name."

Aaron nodded. "Have you confronted them, when they were talking this junk about you, have you confronted them or not?" He asked, jerking her shoulders a little and pulling her closer to him because she was lost in their coming punishments from him.

His eyes burned in rage when Bella shook her head conveying she didn't do anything. "So you have the guts to slap me, Your Boss and husband! You have the guts to scold me and question me but you don't have the guts to confront people who bitch behind your back. Then you only know how to cry! What did I tell you about your tears, Bella?" He demanded raising his voice which turned more husky and lethal.

She swallowed the thick lump in her throat and blinked a few times. Her mind was numb. "Tell me!"

"Do not shed tears for unworthy people…" she stammered slowly.

"Were those women worthy?" He stared into her brown eyes angrily. She shook her head slowly.


Aaron nodded. "Exactly, they are not worthy yet you are crying for them. Aaron Salvatore Knight's wife is crying because of some unimportant and useless people. They should be punished for their crime, right?" He once again pulled her closer, their breaths mingled, "They deserve to be fired and I will personally make sure that they won't ever get a job in this country."

Bella's mouth hung open. "No! Please You can't play with someone's life like this. Please don't. It's not right."

Aaron tilted his head and stared at her contemplating something. "I don't care about right and wrong, I have no compunction, Bella but still if you want me to spare them, then go and confront them. Tell them their places here, show them you won't tolerate any disrespect from anyone. Go and act like my wife!"

"I…but how can I.."

"Why, you can scold but you can't scold them. If you don't punish them then I will and you have already seen what kind of punishments I serve, Mrs Knight!"

Bella gulped to wet her dried throat. She was doomed with his demand. "Will you go or I call that Betty here?"

Bella didn't want anyone to lose their job. She knew the pain of lacking money. She blinked a few times before nodding.

"I will go."

He left her shoulders and stepped back. "Go and show them who you are, Mrs Bella Knight."

Bella took a deep breath to gather her courage before leaving for the finance department once again. People once again started talking upon her arrival there. This time Bella forced herself not to pay heed to them. Aaron's words still rang in her ears, a confident energy boosted in her body. Bella went to the manager, he was on a phone call when she entered the room. He stood up, the receiver still in his hands.

"Good morning, Mrs Knight, is there something wrong again?"

"Yes, I want you to take me to Betty. She works in your department, right?"

"I will call her here if you want, Mrs Knight."

Bella shook her head. She knew Aaron wouldn't be satisfied if she would scold her in the Manager's office. She felt bad for doing it but she had no other choice. "No, take me to her desk."

The manager nodded and took her to Betty's cubicle. She was working on her computer but stopped seeing the Manager and Bella there. A frown appeared between her brows as she stood up and looked at them questioningly. Other staff members shifted their attention to them, some whispering among themselves while some silently waited for the drama to unfold.

"Mr Cameron?" Betty started but Bella raised her hand to stop her. "Good Morning, Betty." Bella greeted her.

Betty slanted her eyes to the manager who looked as uncomfortable as Betty. Aaron has chastised him over the phone for not being able to handle his section of the office. He apologised for it many times but Aaron was not known to forgive people. He gave him a warning that if something like that happened again He would fire him.

"Good Morning, Mrs Knight." Betty greeted back nervously.

"Call me what you called me behind my back, Betty." Bella snapped at her.

Betty's eyes widened in horror. And a pin-drop silence swapped over the place. Betty paled as she shifted from one leg to another fearfully. "I…I didn't mean…"

“I will ask once again, Betty. Don't force me to use other ways. Say it. Say every word you called me a few minutes ago.” Bella snapped with anger.

Betty jumped at her harsh and loud tone.

“I…you are a gold digger…whore….i didn't mean anything….” she shuttered badly on the verge of crying.

Bella chuckled without any humour. For a second, she was grateful that Aaron made her do this.

"You didn't mean to call me a gold-digging whore behind my back. According to you, I have no idea about finances and I only got the job because I spread my legs for my husband."

"Betty!" The manager growled at her but Bella stopped him from interfering as she raised a finger at him to not talk. Betty's face was screaming anxiety and fear at the same time. "I didn't mean it, Mrs Knight. I apologise.."

"An apology means nothing if it doesn't come from the heart, Betty!" She schooled her and shifted her attention to the other girl who was present with Betty a few hours ago. The girl was looking down at her desk. Bella tapped on it a few times, asking her to look up.

The girl stood up with an ashen face. "I…didn't say anything, Mrs Knight."

"But you agreed with her, Miss?"

"Linda white."

"...Linda, it means you think the same way about me." Bella looked at the other people present there. "How many of you feel the same way about me?" She asked them all before turning to Betty and Linda again. "I am an MBA in finance. Before working here I was the PA of Mrs Olivia Knight. I also worked as a waitress to feed my family. You can't imagine how I struggled in life. Yes, I married Aaron because we love each other. My husband transferred the money to me, it's none of your or anyone else's business. It is our personal matter. Period.” She casted unblinking look at everyone there, all of them lowered their eyes.

“You are lucky it's me who is here to confront you, Betty. You can't imagine what my husband would have done if He had come here instead of me."

"I apologise again, Mrs Knight….please forgive me." Betty littered with a heavy throat. She started shaking in fear hearing their boss’s name. Everyone knew about his punishments.

Bella looked at Linda and she also apologised. "I am married to Aaron but I still work for him as his PA. I am still doing my job and I expect you to do the same."

Aaron chuckled seeing Bella berating the girls, He sighed and shook his head in disappointment. It was not the way to punish people, his way is more intense and brutal but again she was Bella Ferrari. His wife couldn't even scold people who bashed her, she is married to The Velenoso for crying out loud.

But then she doesn't even know him well.

"She will learn," Aaron turned her head to his mother who came to the finance department to watch how Bella would confront her bashers.

"She has to. She is Velenoso's wife after all," Aaron said, crossing his hands to his chest.

"She can't afford to be this naive in our world, Mother."

Olivia nodded, her eyes fixed on Bella. "We are going to Sicily tomorrow to celebrate your Birthday and for your Omerta as the Capo di Capi of Cosa Nostra."

Aaron stiffened for a moment hearing about his birthday but then He calmed himself. "It was her dream, she died for it but I will be living it, Mother."

Olivia took a deep breath, ignoring her son's comment about Her.

"Papa also arranged for your honeymoon in Italy after your oath ceremony."


"Yes. I know you will be the best capo Cosa Nostra ever gets, but I want you to be the best husband too, Aaron," she pointed at Bella who was talking to the manager, "That girl deserves nothing less than that."

Aaron’s eyes turned to the image of Bella who was still teaching them a good lesson.

Best husband!

A smirk crossed his face. Indeed He would be the best husband for his wife no matter until when?

But the question is, what is the ‘best husband’ in his eyes and in his wife’s eyes?

Comments (8)
goodnovel comment avatar
Rocky Moore
Lol Bella scolding her employees is to funny but at lease she tried since she doesn’t know her husband is a mafia king lol I can only imagine when she finds out
goodnovel comment avatar
divarita blitz
hmm very good question indeed. make sure aim that question towards your wife cause only she can say and teach you the answer.
goodnovel comment avatar
Bella is definitely learning its going to be awhile but she will get her power.

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