
Chapter 3

For the past several months, rogues have been attacking packs but never taking over the lands. It looked like they were in pursuit of something or someone. No one knew anything. The Werewolf Counsel had summoned all Alphas to come together to try and stop the attacks. There were already so many casualties and fallen packs. And if no one stood against those rogues, the werewolf's existence would be under threat.

Felix was in his study managing paperwork for his pack's affairs. He was the Alpha of the White Claw Pack and he was responsible for everything that concerned his pack. And now his main aim was to protect all his pack members from the feral rogues. The rogues have attacked many surrounding packs but he managed to save many of them and claim their lands to expand his pack. If the Alphas were not dead, he offered them to remain in their position but he had the ultimate control.

Last night an incident happened by the park borders. A human girl was about to be attacked by a rouge. He was surprised that she even got that far because the pack was a distance from the road and out of sight unless a person felt like taking a really long hike in the forest which was unlikely.

For centuries, the werewolves have been living in the shadows and undetected. Some werewolves lived in plain sight among the humans, so long they did not disclose their identity. If a werewolf wanted to disclose their identity to a human, they had to seek permission from the committee. But the exceptional cases were if it was about mates. Each werewolf is born with a mate. Their other half was chosen by the Moon Goddess, the creator of all werewolves. When he or she comes of age and shifts for the first time, they are likely to sense their mate.

A soul-binding bond between 2 individuals. There thing is even though it is fate, a person can choose to accept or reject it. But it's not an easy thing for both parties and it sometimes leads to insanity for both parties because denying what is meant to be has consequences.

Felix had everything. He was an excellent Alpha and he made a name for himself. He had his pack's love and respect and the admiration of many. But that was nothing compared to the joy of having a mate. When he first turned, he anticipated finding his mate. He was so sure that it would not take long but it did. He had to watch his best friend Jake and Beta find a mate and then everyone else. He never lost hope and he searched different packs and even tried the human territory but to no avail. He had a lot of questions but no one was going to give him the answer he needed. All his achievements and victories did not mean a thing without his mate. but he has to keep going strong because he had a duty to protect and lead his people.

While doing paperwork, he awaited the results of the girl who was rescued. He had not yet seen her but he made sure she was in good hands. As soon as she recovered, he was going to call his old friend Alexa, a witch so that she could erase her memory of werewolves. He couldn't take the risk of letting her go with what she had seen. For now, she had to stay in the pack clinic until the deed was done.

Felix heard a knock on the door and then it swung open. Jake entered and went towards him. He raised his head from the paperwork and gave Jake his attention. " Are you still in your study? Won't you go see our patient?" he asked curiously. Felix sighed and laud back on his chair. " I have been busy and I have not had a chance to get out of here. Besides, there is no need for me to grace the presence of a human trespasser. I have you for that." He smirked at Jake.

" What would you do without me?!" Jake exclaimed sarcastically and took a seat. " So, how's the situation? Is she alright?"

" You mean is Mercedes alright. And yes, she is fine, just has a little bruising here and there," he replied. Felix's eyebrow rose in question. " Her name is Mercedes? As in a Mercedes-Benz car?"

Jake gave him an incredulous expression. " No, not a Mercedes Benz car but a name. Haven't you heard of the name before?" He shook his head. " No, I haven't. But it is a nice name."

" By the way, Crystal had a chat with her and asked her some questions about herself but she did not divulge much. And she said nothing about Werewolves to Crystal," Jake informed. She is different. If it was someone else, they would have already opened their mouth and ranted about what they saw. But then again, humans find it hard to believe supernatural or paranormal activities without proof. Everything needed proof, even your own identity. But still, the risk was too great. The last thing they needed was nosy humans out to prove a theory of supernatural existence.

" She might still he in shook and taking it all in. For all she knows, she could have just been hallucinating everything. And if she is a smart one, she didn't risk being dragged to the looney bin." Jake chuckled at what Felix said.

" But there is something strange about this," Jake stated in thought. Felix looked at him in confusion. " What do you mean by that?"

" I mean that girl Mercedes shouldn't have made it that far while being chased by a werewolf," he paused and looked at Felix whose wheels were already turning. " Do you-" Felix cut him off. " No, I didn't think so. Did you not say that she was completely human, with no trace of supernaturalism."

" Before you dismiss the thought, Felix. Take into consideration that there are late bloomers. Maybe she is something but she isn't aware of it. But what I'm sure of is that no normal human can outrun a werewolf with such speed."

" I think we should let it be. We have too much on our plate already to be concerned about her. As long as she does not create any problem while she is here, she can be whatever it is that she is. Although I still think she is just a human." Jake nodded his head and surrendered. There was no use to prolong the conversation if Felix was shutting it down. Maybe he was right. He should not be putting too much thought into her. In a few days, she would be gone. But there was something about her he could not put a finger on. The rouge that was after she let her run from him. He did want to harm her or else he would have on the second he got the chance. But he did not and he even risked crossing the White Claw pack borders. He wanted something with her. Even though he has no clue what it was, his gut told him it was important.

One thing about Jake is that he is an analytic man who thought about everything to a T. And if something didn't add up he strived to connect the pieces of the puzzle. He was pulled out of his mystery-solving thoughts.

" By the way, why is Crystal still working. I thought I told her to focus on herself other than others because she is expecting." Jake smiled at the mention of his mate and the pup they are awaiting. Crystal Perez is his mate. He found her in the neighboring packs that they rescued. She is an omega. The lowest rank in the werewolf hierarchy. Ahe was not in the best of conditions. her whole life she had been no more than a mere slave for all the pack members and she was even sexually abused by most of the males including the Alpha of the pack.

That caused her to have internal damage and be unable to conceive. All that did not make Jake love her any less than she deserved. In fact, he loved her more, for all those times she felt unloved. When they decided to start a family, they faced difficulties. Jake made sure to assure Crystal that he would continue to love her as he did even if they never got to have their own child.

But then a miracle happened. The Moon Goddess blessed them with the pup they have been longing for and they couldn't be happier.

Jake wished that fortune could smile upon his dear friend Felix. He knew he felt obligated to share in their joy but it broke him. Everyone was happy but him. He had to watch and celebrate other people's happiness but received non of his own.

" You know Crystal. She loves her work bloody too much and I could get her to sit in. She says she won't be able to cope without anything to do and it will take her thoughts where she doesn't want them to go if she does not keep her busy. So I told her she could continue to work so long she doesn't overwork herself. And when she starts to swell she will retire for the remainder of her pregnancy."

Felix noticed the spark that shine brightly in his orbs when he spoke of his mate. Envy and pain coursed through his veins but he mastered the art of masking his emotions. He knew that pitied him but as long as he didn't look pitiful they would not openly express it.

" And you? Are you ready to be a father?"

" Who is ever ready for anything in life much less fatherhood? I have been longing for this for a while so I would like to believe that I am ready for what is to come with fatherhood." Jake expressed his joy and Felix faded into his words, lost in thoughts. He kept asking himself if he had done anything to anger the Moon Goddess for her to forsake him. It was killing him and it would only be a matter of time before he snaps and loses his head. His sanity was hanging on by the thread.

" Well, take it from me. You will become a great father to your child and Crystal is the luckiest to have you by her side. Take care of her," he said to Jake with all sincerity.

" Your day shall come too. Do not lose faith in the Moon Goddess. She does not forsake anyone. You will find your mate and you will have everything you want in her," Jake declared. Felix laughed humourlessly. " From your lips to the Goddes's ears my friend."

Comments (5)
goodnovel comment avatar
Jackie Markins
enjoying quite a bit
goodnovel comment avatar
Debra Filmore
So sad for Felix. His mate is probably right under his nose and he isn't even aware..... Hope he doesn't lose out by moping around.
goodnovel comment avatar
Roxanna Stogner
good story so far needs proof-reading, lots of typos but I'm working through it

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