
The Luna's Law
The Luna's Law
Author: Malgorzata Uchto

Chapter 1


I was fidgeting in the backseat, clutching my documents. Outside the window, the trees merged into a beautiful landscape of colors, from dark greens to browns, oranges, and reds. Autumn has come. I loved this time of year the most.

Not only did nature spoil us with colors, but the air smelled different. Evening walks seemed more romantic. Morning runs gave me energy, and pumpkin dishes were one of my favorites. Not to mention autumn evenings with wine and reading by the warm fireplace.

I sighed as I considered my romance novel collection, which decorated the living room bookcase. I also remembered the smell of a caramel candy apple latte on the table and the tender stroking of my partner sitting with me on the couch.

"We are approaching the gate. Prepare for inspection."My driver said over his shoulder as he turned onto a wide gravel road in the middle of a multicolored forest.

My heart leaped into my throat, and my grip on the documents tightened. There was no turning back. I abandoned romantic thoughts about evenings by the fireplace, books, and coffee in favor of pragmatic thoughts about the future holding in my hands.

"Thank you, Arthur, for coming with me. I am extremely grateful for your help." I thanked him, noticing a massive white gate with brick posts in the distance.

"You have a lot of courage. You are doing it for a good cause." Arthur smiled in the rearview mirror, and I smiled at him.

I was grateful for his help getting to the palace. The King's schedule is tight, and his visits are booked at least a year in advance, but only thanks to Arthur was I able to secure a meeting with him within a month. I will thank him for that regardless of the King's decision in my case.

"I hope he has a similar opinion," I commented when we stopped before a closed gate where two guards dressed in red and black uniforms were already waiting for us.

Arthur lowered the window and handed over his ID, "My friend, Mrs. Hopkins, has an appointment with the King at 2 p.m. We're listed in the diary." He informed them, and I held my breath, staring at these large men who could serve as battering rams.

"You know the procedure, Arthur. Mrs. Hopkins needs to identify herself and put on an armband." One of the guards reminded Arthur, and he looked at me apologetically in the mirror.

I put the documents aside, and, trying to control my shaking from stress, I exited the car to undergo the procedure. Arthur explained it to me very thoroughly, at least three times.

"My name is Poppy Hopkins. I'm Luna from the Larch Grove Pack." I introduced myself confidently, even though I was shaking inside.

"I need to discuss important matters with His Majesty regarding my pack and its welfare," I explained, holding out my left wrist with the mark of my pack.

The guards exchanged strange glances but did not comment on my words. If they had access to any reports from the packs, they would know that my data is accurate, or at least half of it.

"Please do not remove this bracelet during your entire stay. Tampering with, damaging, or destroying this bracelet will result in a heavy penalty." The guard explained as he placed a silver bracelet around my wrist, weakening my bond with my wolf.

"Please go to the car, Mrs. Hopkins. Mr. Bernard is waiting for you at the entrance, and he will take you to His Highness." The second guard nodded at Arthur and walked around the car before heading to his booth.

I quickly returned to the car and sighed deeply, placing the documents on my lap. The gate opened, and Arthur slowly entered the manor grounds, making my heart beat faster.

"There's no turning back now," I muttered, but Arthur heard anyway.

"I believe that the King will agree with you. King Alexander may be harsh and brutal, but he is fair. Tell the facts, even the most painful or embarrassing ones. He does not like sweet stories. If there is injustice somewhere, it must be brought to his attention. He will decide whether the case requires his participation or not." Arthur stopped the car for a moment and turned towards me.

"For everything that happened to you, I would tear his head off, but it won't change anything," Arthur growled, furious. "But only you can punish him and all of them. You don't do it for yourself. You do it for the people, for Justice. You are stronger than you think." He encouraged me and gave me a kind smile.

"For Justice." I nodded.

Arthur moved on, passing the last trees of the adjoining forest and onto the road leading to a large palace surrounded by beautiful gardens. I couldn't take my eyes off the layers of colors of flowers intertwining with rock gardens and labyrinths of bushes.

I stuck my nose to the window, admiring this incredible landscape. I've never been in the King's territory. I only saw photos, but never in my wildest dreams did I think I could come here one day.

"Please wait here, Luna Hopkins; His Majesty will receive you shortly." Mr. Bernad, who turned out to be one of the King's assistants, pointed to an antique-looking sofa in the waiting room.

"Thank you." I sat up quickly, straightening in my seat.

Mr. Bernard opened the huge double wooden doors and walked inside, leaving me alone, surrounded by antique furniture, expensive flower arrangements, and royal family portraits. Arthur had to stay downstairs because, despite his membership in the royal palace, he could not accompany me to the audience with the King.

My legs started to jump nervously and to calm down, I got up, left a set of documents on the uncomfortable sofa, and walked for a while. I first approached the arrangement of long white roses on the central table, but my nerves were still bothering me, so I approached the red carnations under the portraits of the royal family and touched them.

I loved the color red, so I liked these flowers the most despite the not-very-attractive scent of carnations. I smiled when I saw their intense red and looked at the composition of my chosen outfit. The red dress, a black jacket, and high heels matched the flowers perfectly. I chose this set, especially for today's visit. After all, these are the colors of the Lycan royal crest.

I glanced up to admire the portraits and swallowed when I saw calm gray eyes peering at me from beneath a mop of light brown hair. I left the flowers for a moment and looked at the portrait of King Alexander, whose piercing eyes could make me shiver even from a painting.

I must admit that he was remarkably handsome for a man of seventy, although his face in the picture suggested more that of a man barely above the threshold of adulthood. But that's the way it is with us shapeshifters.

We age much slower than people, have more incredible energy and strength, and can live up to several hundred years. But that's only among werewolves. Lykans have their own rules. They have been considered a superior species for centuries. Their longevity can reach thousands of years, and the strength of one is equal to that of four giant werewolves. King Alexander's family is the most famous of them all.

For over two thousand years, his family has passed the throne on our continent to the oldest of its children. King Alexander is the third king, after his father and grandfather, who constantly rules us firmly and does not hesitate to punish those who do not follow their guidelines. Today, I hope to get the same help in my case.

"Ah, I wish they could have painted my beard. It makes me look sexier."

My body froze, and a cold chill suddenly washed over me. My legs trembled as I felt breathing on the top of my head. Although weakened by the bracelet, my wolf bowed in the King's presence. I stood frozen, unable to turn around or respond to the comment.

"Please don't stress, Luna Poppy. I don't bite. At least not today." The King joked, but I couldn't laugh.

"Honey, please stop scaring that poor girl. I asked you to keep your jokes to yourself." A woman's equally authoritative voice spoke from the distance.

I heard footsteps, and out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a beautiful woman with reddish hair walking towards me in a pastel yellow dress. Her smile was wide and kind, although her pitch-black eyes reminded me of death.

"Hello, Luna Hopkins. Welcome to the office. May I offer you some tea?" Queen Anastasia appeared before me and pointed at the study's door.

"I. I." I deeply breathed, "Your Majesty, thank you for having me." I bowed, my heart pounding against my ribs with a pain far more extraordinary than fear.

"When will this end? Lex, please do something about it because if this continues, most of our guests will have a heart attack before they can formally say our name." The Queen scolded the King, and I stared at the situation as if transfixed.

"What's wrong with that, Sweetness? That's all we have for fun in all this stiff and boring diplomacy." King Alexander got angry like a little child. "A curtsy here, a growl there, and only distance and a cold approach. No one has ever died from a joke. And they would talk better about us if they knew they could smile in our presence. God damn it." I widened my eyes at his words and turned around, not believing the argument I had just witnessed.

"We'll talk about it later. Now, please calm down; we have a guest." The Queen reminded him and looked my way, giving me an apologetic yet charming smile.

"All right." He hummed and walked into the office, as scared as a five-year-old child.

Not knowing what to do, I glanced at the Queen, who rolled her eyes and pointed to the open door.

"Come inside. I have to agree with my husband on one thing. We don't bite." She smiled, grabbed my arm, and led me into the office.

"My documents," I remembered, broke free from the Queen's arm and quickly moved towards the couch. I grabbed the pile of documents, took a deep breath, and headed inside again, ready to face the royals.

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