
59. Amy?

Esme's POV

"Gather everyone" I told Mark as soon as I rounded up my discussion with Mr. Kane

While he worked on getting the team together for a brief meeting as I requested, I made sure to go through my jottings while in the meeting that was just concluded.

Together we drove towards the meeting venue and on our arrival, the team members settled around the table.

I stood in the middle of the room, my face stern and void of any friendly demeanour.

Everyone seemed to notice my mood since it was clearly unusual and were curious to know what might be up with it.

Silence hung in the room as the members exchanged glances, waiting for me to start speaking.

I took a moment to gather my thoughts as I prepared to address the team.

"I'm convinced you are all aware of what day today is and how important it is to the team" I started off.

From the tone of my voice, one can tell how serious whatever I have come to address is.

"As team leader and representative to the Morak corporation at large, I am
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