
Chapter 59


The sound of crunching breaks through my peaceful sleep. I reach out and look for Bear Bear but instead I find a hard body laying next to me. My eyes fly open when my hands run along the hard surface. As my hazy vision comes into focus I see Ward sleeping soundly next to me. At some point during the night he has lost his t-shirt and is now only sleeping in a pair of gray sweatpants. The sweatpants hang low on his hips and my eyes travel down his muscular chest to the V that disappears beneath the waistband of his sweats.

More crunching pulls my attention away from Ward's magnificent body. Sitting up in the bed I see Kayla sitting crisscrossed on the edge of the bed with a bowl of dry cereal in her lap and a smirk on her face.

"Good morning," she says smugly.

"Kayla," I hiss at her. "What the fuck are you doing in here?"

"Just enjoying the show," she laughs.

Ward's eyes slowly flutter open and he almost falls off the bed when he sees that Kayla is sitting on the
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goodnovel comment avatar
Kayla is freaking hilarious ......

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