
The Cruel Alpha

A pack of wolves waited at the Blue Castle’s gates. Aikiz almost fainted at the sight. They are here for her! They will take her!

Harvey took her hand and got her into the house. He looked calm, yet serious, "Do you have a gun, Aikiz?”

Aikiz nodded as she gasped, “Yes… Should I… Should I commit suicide?”

“No!" Harvey was shocked by her response, "I gave you that gun to protect yourself! The day I die, you may start considering suiciding.”

“They are… There are almost twenty male wolves! At least four of them are Alphas!”

“Close the door behind me.”

“Alpha Harvey!”

“Aikiz. Submit.” Although his calm voice sent a chill through her body, she didn’t help protesting. “I beg you, don’t risk your life for me!”

Harvey smiled in a way that melted her frightened heart. He patted her shoulder, “Trust your master, child.”

Aikiz watched her protector from the window. He didn’t call any of his pack members. He didn’t mutter a word. He stepped calmly toward the angry wolves that never dared to pass the gates of the Blue Castle.

One of the Brown alphas screamed, “That girl belongs to the Brown Pack, Alpha Harvey!”

“We demand her!” another added.

“She almost killed our Heir Alpha!” 

Harvey growled, the dominance of his voice silenced all the wolves including the Brown Alphas, “Shut the f*ck up! The woman who enters the Blue Castle gates belongs to me. Tell every wolf in the city, Aikiz della Luna is the protégée of Harvey Blue, the son of old Lycans.”

The Brown Pack didn’t like the answer. A mad brown wolf attacked foolishly. He was Alpha Gin, the cousin of Ruth. Harvey shifted into a huge blue wolf and tore the attacker apart as if he was paper.

Aikiz, who was watching from the hallway window, let out a scream of horror at the sight of the massacre. She lost another childhood friend on the same dark night!

Harvey growled again, sending shivers into the brown wolves' bodies as they retreated. Alpha Harvey looked as graceful as a goddess. He was huge, with rare navy fur, and sparkling blue eyes. And like the natural king he is, he scared them to death then reassured them, “I will not print the Luna. Yet I will not allow any wolf to print her, unless he is the one she chooses. He, who dares to ignore this order, will meet a horrible death. Take the body of your friend. He is still alive. But I can’t tell how long till he stops.”

Instinctively, the wolves bowed to the Royal Blue Alpha and executed his order. 

Aikiz opened her mouth in disbelief as she watched Harvey marching back to the castle. He dealt with twenty angry brown wolves on his own! She hurried to meet him at the door and hugged him crying like a child. But to her surprise, he pushed her away firmly. Aikiz was as shocked as broken-hearted.

“Why?” She whispered. 

Harvey sighed and with a cruel accent he answered, “You know the reason, Aikiz. I protected you because I am an honourable man. I won’t allow anyone to hurt a woman who begged me to shield her. Yet, I did not forget the terrible things you did. Nor did I forgive you for stealing my mother’s ring.”

“Sir! You knew me since I was crawling! How can you doubt me and believe her?!”

“Because Juliette never lies. But you may.” His harsh words silenced her. There was only the sound of rain and thunder left. Then the sound of his steps getting further.

Aikiz fell to her knees. As he reached the end of the lobby, Harvey turned to see her on the floor. The silver moonlight coming from the huge window covered her like rain. She was still wet, but she was not shaking, not anymore. She raised her head to the light and closed her eyes, bathing in the silver. Her wet ebony hair, her sun-kissed skin, her rosy lips; All bathed in the moonlight. 

She is the Luna. He had been sure of it since the day he met her. She was four when his father brought her to the castle, and she had amnesia. She was a white page, ready to be programmed. His father wanted to raise her to be his daughter-in-law. But Harvey found that grooming a child was a disgusting deed. So, after his parents' tragic death, he gave Aikiz up to the master of the Brown Pack to raise her among his children. The eleven-year-old Aikiz took his decision with delight. Because she loved playing with Ruth and Gin and because Harvey gave her permission to visit him whenever she wanted. 

However, one year ago, the disappearance of his mother’s ring made a perfect excuse to cast Aikiz away. Aikiz cried her heart out trying to convince him of her innocence or to make him forgive her. She didn’t steal the ring, but his courtesan, Omega Juliette, accused her.

And Harvey believed Juliette and insulted Aikiz publicly for a crime she didn’t commit.

And now, her adoptive pack has turned its back on her…

Back then, Aikiz was cheerful and innocent. But here she is now, broken and betrayed.

What if he did what his father ordered him to do? What if he groomed her? She would now be naked in his bed like a doll: So docile, so submissive, so happy, and ready to mate. 

But it was wrong. 

This shaking, broken, mature Aikiz is much healthier than the puppet-like Aikiz, his father wanted him to create. This Aikiz is brave, strong and righteous. 

Harvey was proud of her as much as he was afraid of the desire growing inside of him. Now that her smell becomes stronger and her pheromones are activated, he wants to print her and claim her flesh and blood. He wants to impregnate her. He wants it so bad that he is sure he can shield her from the world, but not from himself.

He always knew it. And for that he found the ring’s affair a good opportunity to push her away from him. To make her hate him. Because how on earth can she protect herself from a monster she is so in love with?

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