

Alessia Romero


Marco turned twenty-five.

On the evening of his birthday, the two of us were at his house. Marco suggested a simple setting in his house's backyard. It warmed my heart to see that he wanted to enjoy his birthday with me alone.

My dedication to making the relationship work was apparent, given my ability to throw an incredible party. So, I agreed to his proposal of a simple dinner together.

He owned a luxurious beach house, one of a kind in the area. Marco was a rich kid, raised by wealthy parents and now running a business. He took over as the president of one of his father's businesses.

I would lie if I said I knew what kind of business his father owned. I had been careful not to appear snoopy, so I never asked.

The backyard looked gladden in the eyes, complementing the golden dress he sent me. The radiant lights and the candles on the table gave me a certain warmth that made me relax. I admired the commitment he exerted to make the dinner memorable, given that it would mark my first night with a man.

Despite the beautifully arranged dinner, Marco looked unsettled.

He sat before me, clad in a simple flowery sleeveless shirt paired with khaki trousers. The locks of his brown hair could have been perfect if he wasn't running his fingers through it often. I noted he had drained the second glass of wine, despite us seated for less than thirty minutes.

I took a sip of the red wine, wiped my mouth with the table napkin, and broke the silence. I knew it was our first night together and perhaps he felt anxious, but I wanted to reassure him of my readiness.

"The food is so delicious." His chef had prepared some savory gnocchi for the main dish and gelato for dessert.

"Your favorite." He smiled, but it didn't reach his eyes. "Do you want more?" He asked, and I shook my head. Clearly, my plate had plenty.

It could have been the dress I didn't wear that made him look all bothered. But in a case like that, he could have been angry and not uncomfortable.

"Is that my birthday present?" He asked and good gracious, I had been expecting to hear him jolt a conversation

He was referring to the white shopping bag I had. It was not his gift but the golden dress he sent me.

I needed to explain why I carried the dress instead of wearing it. It could have been the issue weighing on him; I yearned for my Marco to come back.

"No, I-" I paused when his phone rang. We stared silently, thinking he would turn it off, but he pushed his seat behind.

"Excuse me." He got up and left.

When he disappeared, I picked up my handbag and fished for a black box that had his birthday gift. I purchased a watch for his birthday. He was rich, and rich people loved watches.

I sat it on his side of the table, then drew my hand away as quickly as I heard some footsteps approaching. I fixed myself and sat up straight, a smile settling on my lips.

Lifting my gaze to the hallway that led to the backyard, Marco showed up with two men, or rather, giant men. He had the look of a person trying to stop a time ticking on a bomb. He was confused and terrified.

My heart picked its pace. I got up with a concern taking over my entire self.

"Marco?" I called when he got in front of me. The echoes of his breath fell on my face.

"You need to leave." He grabbed my handbag from the table and handed it to me. "Go, I will explain this later."

"Wait," I grabbed his hand and pulled him back, "What is it?"

"Hey," He stepped in and cupped my face. "Trust me, okay?" A feathery kiss met my forehead. "Please go now!" He urged.

His hands slipped off me as he stepped away. I made a step to follow him, but the two men stepped in. Each grabbed me by my upper arm. They aggressively dragged towards the back gate.

"Wait," I shrugged them off. "Come on!" I raised my voice when I noticed we were heading to the seaside. "What are you doing? Hey!"

"It's for your own good, madam. Let's go."

"No!" I fought deliberately to break free, but their grips tightened, rendering me more pain in my skin. The sensation of the ground beneath my feet vanished. They hauled me up, and I suspended my feet as the men carried me. "Hey! Let me go!" I yelled, my voice echoing in the darkness as we left the house.

Fear crept down my spine the more we entered the ominous darkness. The lights from Marco's house faintly illuminate the surroundings, casting long shadows.

My heart froze at the overlapping gunfire sounds from Marco's house. I tilted my head, peering over the shoulder to witness what was happening. Nothing that made sense that I could see.

Worst-case scenarios sabotaged my mind, like getting killed and dumped in the sea.

The gunfire continued, and the men began dragging me away until we came to a sudden halt. I gasped when the men dropped me and I landed on the sand beach flat on my ass.

They swiftly pulled out their guns and aimed at a man standing in front of us. I could barely see his face, but he stood six feet above the ground, looking relaxed while smoking. Something about him screamed danger. I shuffled back, not trusting any of them.

When I realized I was far away I could run, I risked it and got up. It's then I missed the days when Carina urged me to do morning runs because I could not take a step.

A gunfire echoed from behind, and I froze in my tracks. A thud emerged and silence settled.

Run, Alessia.

Where had my strength gone? The sound of approaching footsteps met my ears, and every fiber in me tensed. As the person drew closer to me, I shut my eyes and held my breath.

Who dies on the beach? Images of my lifeless body flashed through my mind. He could throw me into the sea and the relentless sea creatures consume me to the last piece.

He halted behind me, the scent of his cigarettes drifting through my nose. I stood still, expecting a gunshot. "We meet again." His deep voice rang above me and I flinched. "Now, be a good girl and lead the way."

I couldn't muster the strength to move, let alone be a good girl. He gave me all the time to take a step, but I remained frozen.

Who was he?

Where did we meet before?

Why did his voice sound so familiar?

Why did I recognize his scent?

"Very well." He took a step closer and my breath hitched when he pressed his body against mine from behind. He leaned in close to my neck, his breath falling on my skin, sending shivers down my spine. "You didn't wear the dress. That bruised my pride."

His words lingered in the atmosphere before he slammed a cloth to my nose. I fought against his firm hand, but my body surrendered. Darkness settled in my eyes, I blinked shut, and the world slipped away.

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