
Chapter 29: You want me to do what.

Grace has pretty much recovered from the beating and coma. It had taken a couple of months of intense rehabilitation, but she was now able to walk and run a substantial distance. This had meant that Grace had restarted her Gang Training. Grace loved the fact that she was now being trained in the use of Guns and Swords. What she did not like was the Dance lessons had also restarted.

To be fair, Lucas had softened towards her since the beating. Well, he stopped calling her an uncoordinated Troll, anyway! However, it was with some apprehension that Lucas told her the news. 

“The Winter Ball is coming up!” Lucas said casually.

“Yes, I know. Erin has been teaching me the rules of the Ball and who is attending, It is 3 months away right?” Grace said.

“So, has Erin told you what you need to do?” Lucas said, hoping that Erin had broken the news to her.

“Well, the American Syndicate is hosting it this year, so I have to be by my Grandpa’s side, greet guests, network and trying not to cause any offence!” Grace said dutifully. 

“Grace it is your coming out Ball!” Lucas said. 

“My what now? I am pretty sure that didn’t come out the way it meant to!” Grace said confused.

Lucas rolled his eyes and sighed “When a Daughter of a Gang leader comes of age, she is presented at the Winter Ball. There, she is expected to do one dance to show her abilities as a graceful lady, capable of being at a Leader’s side! It is also an opportunity for Leaders to well, see if the Lady is suitable for marriage into their Gang!”

“What? Please tell me you do not expect me to take part in this ritual that is akin to a cattle market?” Grace said in a panicked voice.

Dancing in front of strangers, she would rather do open heart surgery with a spoon.

“Look, if you had grown up in a Gang family, this would have been done at 18. It is important that you are announced properly!” Lucas said.

“To find a husband I suppose?” Grace snapped and Tobias growled thinking there was danger around. He was always at his Mistress side, only Kitty, Hank, Grandpa and Mrs Farthing could sometimes touch him.

“God no! Xan would literally kill anyone who looked like that at you! Surely, you have heard that he is extremely possessive and protective. In fact, most Chairman are, to be honest. Plus they would have to go through your Grandpa, trust me not many men would think about doing that. Just breath!” Lucas told her as he could see she was starting to breathe weirdly. 

Grace was starting to have a panic attack.

“Look, we tried the Samba and other Latin dances. However, they are clearly not you for whatever reason. That does not mean all dancing is not for you! Come tell me a bit about your interests, I know you said you didn’t do any sports at school!” Lucas said.

“That was not strictly true!” Grace said with a sigh rubbing her forehead.

Lucas eyes narrowed “Explain, please!”

“Well, I did do a lot of gymnastics in school and Uni!” Grace said. She had started it to avoid going home and she did not need expensive equipment to start with. Her small body had been perfect for it and she had always enjoyed doing it.

“Show me!” Lucas ordered.

“Show you?” Grace said confused.

“Yes, show me some floor tumbling or whatever you want!" Lucas said with a wave of his hand.

“OK” Grace said as she quickly warmed up her muscles. “I have not done this in a while!” She said.

“Just get on with it!" Lucas said impatiently.

Grace took a deep breath and ran a couple of steps before doing a front walkover, followed by a front handspring, a backflip, scissor split jump, ariel cartwheel and finished off with somersault. Grace was secretly pleased with her muscle memory. Grace turned around and smiled at Lucas.

"Well, what do you think?” Grace asked.

Lucas looked stunned and did not talk for a whole minute.

“You can do that, but somehow the basic steps of the Samba escape you?” He said in disbelief!

Grace sighed and said, “I don’t have to do it to music, I just do it to the beat in my head!”

Lucas stroked his chin and said, “So in theory, if we can find a song that matches the beat in your head and find you a suitable partner who can do Acro dance, we could pull this off!"

“Acro Dance?” Grace said.

“A dance form that has gymnastics to music. It can be very impressive if choreographed properly!” Lucas explained.

“Sounds good! You got anyone in mind for the partner?” Grace said.

“Yes in fact I do, my second in command nephew - Jacob. A clever chap that does gymnastics on the side of his studies!” Lucas said.

“Won’t practice take him away from his studies?” Grace said with a raised eyebrow.

“Not if you tutor him - he is studying medicine. Plus he does as he is told as I am paying his university fees!” Lucas said.

“What about Xan? Won’t he get Jealous?” Grace said.

“Probably, but Jacob would more likely be interested in Xan than you!” Lucas said with a shrug.

“Ah, I see! Well, it sounds like we have a plan!” Grace said happily.

“Yeap, now we just have to pull this off in three months! In the meantime, let’s work on your flexibility and core strength” Lucas ordered. Grace groaned, she thought she escaped.


“How was your day my Phoenix?” Xan said over Skype.

“Painful! Lucas really worked me today!” Grace groaned as she laid on her bed. Tobias was laid next to her with his large head on her chest. Kitty had constantly tried to get him down, but he always crept back up or simply refused.

“Is he hurting you? Do you want me to have a word?” Xan said suddenly seriously. 

“No Xan! Talk about being overprotective!” Grace said with a laugh.

Xan ran his hand through his thick glossy black hair, something he did when he was stressed or frustrated.

“Nín hái hǎo ma, nín bùbì měi wǎn dōu gěi wǒ dǎ diànhuà. Wǒ zhīdào nǐ hěn máng ma” Grace said

 (Are you Ok? You do not have to ring me every night, I know you are busy). 

She knew that Xan Loved it when she spoke in his native language.

“Yes of course! You have very little faith in me sometimes!” Xan suddenly snapped. 

Grace was taken Back and Tobias growled at Xan’s tone. “That dam dog! It was the worst present I ever brought you!” Xan snapped again.

“Xan what is wrong?” Grace said.

“It is you and your lack of faith in me that I find offensive!” Xan said.

“If it came across like that, I am sorry. I have complete faith in you!” Grace said confused.

“I want a break Grace!” Xan suddenly said. 

“What? Why? You can’t be serious!!” Grace said.

“I am sorry Grace, I need some space to think. I contact you in a few days!” Xan said and before Grace replied he hung up.

Grace was left staring at a blank screen wondering what the fuck just happened!

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